I am only fifteen. I suffer from bi-polar depression and severe
anxiety. I dropped out of high school and am currently homeschooled. I have
self harmed for almost four years now… yeah I started at twelve. It’s not
something I’m proud of. Nobody who self harms is proud of it. I have even
attempted on my own life numerous times. It is hard to get by every day. Within
the past six months I have been raped three times. This isn’t easy to write. But
I just want to let anyone boy or girl. Man or women that it gets better
eventually. It will take time. It will take weeks, months, even years, but it
does get better… I refuse to give you
some half a*s bullshit about how you’ll get over it. The sad truth is you won’t…
this will stick with you for as long as you live. But it’s your choice own how
you deal with it. You could let it run your life and constantly be looking over
your shoulder or you could let it push you and drive you to make sure it never
happens again. No I’m not saying to never let anyone in again. But be careful
of who you let in. be cautious be aware. But let me tell you this suicide is
NOT the answer. Killing yourself will not do anyone good. It will make things
worse. Maybe not for you considering you’ll be dead. But for your parents, friends,
loved ones. Even if you don’t know it there are people that care for your well
being. If for nothing else stay alive for them.