Love of the Unsound Mind
A Book by Gina Skipworth
A story of a young woman struggling with bipolar disorder, as she learns to cope with it and find herself. Meeting a man along the way.
© 2015 Gina Skipworth
Author's Note
If you saw the other version of this, I decided to rewrite it and take out all of my real-life experiences. It is a very touchy, personal subject for me and I wasn't ready to write about it.
(Some parts may not be appropriate for younger readers)
If you feel like you're suffering from bipolar, or any other mental illness, please do the right thing and get help. It can quickly get out of hand, and people, or yourself can get seriously hurt. Mental illnesses are not a joke, nor do they mean that there is something wrong with you, and they can be managed and treated.
I'm an open ear for anyone who feels they need to talk. Xox.
Gina SkipworthHuntsville , AL
I'm sixteen years old, I have a 6 month old daughter and I'm happily married. Currently studying to become a nurse, and writing on the side. I love to meet new people, I'm very open, opinionated, and .. more..