Chapter 3 - Sarcasm is my best language.

Chapter 3 - Sarcasm is my best language.

A Chapter by Angel With a Shotgun


Me: I can't believe you ditched me and hitched a ride with someone else!

Sybelle: You should also learn to drive by yourself, Myc-

Me: For your information, I do know how, and thanks to you, I was stuck in a truck with two psychopaths!

Sybelle: It's not my fault, then-

Atari: And then he played a song for me! Myc, did you know he played Vegas Skies for me?

Me: Oh really? Oh my god, how wonderful.

Atari: Yeah, cause everything you do is so much better.

Me: I didn't even say anything!

Atari: Sarcasm is my best language.

Sybelle: Maybe it's yours and Myc's, cause she sure knows how to handle a not so big deal.

Autumn: Guys, can you taste this donut for me if it still tastes fine from last month?

Celestianne : Ugh. I don't even know why I'm friends with you all.

Confused? Let's rewind back to this morning.

So when I hurry to my truck, I was expecting to see Sybelle, as usual, leaning by my Chevy. I thought I had gone blind or something, or she had turned invisble, but she had sent me a text, saying, "Got a ride with neighbor. See you at school!" with a f*****g smiley face at the end.

So I had no choice, but I was pissed as hell too.

I slipped into the driver's seat and revved the engine, when a voice behind me said, "Good Morning."

Screaming, I turned around quickly and threw a punch.

"Ow," Parker scratched his jaw where I hit him.

I held a hand to my chest, trying to get my heart back to normal. "You scared the s**t out of me, dickhead! What the hell are you doing here?"

"Uh, camping. What does it look like?"

I slapped the back of his head. "Geez, someone's violent today," he muttered. "You left me here yesterday, then I brought this home, gone back this morning, sneaked the keys into your room before you noticed, and fell asleep in the backseat while I waited for you to come down cause you were taking forever."

"You sneaked into my bedroom?!" I shrieked and punched him in the gut this time.

He groaned. "Yes," he squeaked. "I wasn't supposed to mention that part, but window was open."

"I feel very self-conscious right now."

He smirked. "Actually, I think I may have seen you in-"

"Try finishing that sentence and this," I said, pointing to my fist, "Goes to your balls."

He laughed and raised his arms in surrender, then Shark came in the passenger's seat.

"You know I could just drive," Shark told me, not noticing yet Parker was there, and I planned on keeping it that way until he had to open his big fat mouth.

"Hey, Lincoln."

Shark turned and said, "Hey, man." Then looked back again with wide eyes this time, then back at me, then back at him. "Uh. Friends now, or did I interrupt something?"

"No!" I answered quickly, my cheeks tomato red. "Nothing, he's just a d****e bag again, that's all. Anyway." Eager to change the subject, I said, "I'd rather me driving. You failed the test three times."

"At least I don't drive asleep."

I headed for the road towards East Cott's. "Touche."

"So," Parker suddenly cut in. "You guys are getting along now, huh?"

"None of your s**t, Parker," I snapped.

"Okay, chill. I was just asking. By the way, your clothes are still in my house, so drop by anytime you feel like it."

I shut my eyes and grit my teeth. He just had to say that while Shark was here.

"What were you doing inside his house?" Shark demanded, facing me. I kept my eyes on the road.

"Actually, my intention was to talk to Drew-"

Parker cut in again. "Oh no, don't listen to her, she came by to see me once I was back yesterday."

"Bullshit," I said but Shark turned around to Parker this time.

"Hey, hey," he said, his tone threatening. "If I know correctly, Myc despises you. So if you think I don't know what you've been doing to her the past years, I do-"

"But did you stop me, like any big brother should do to protect her little sister?"

And that was when all hell broke loose.

Shark grabbed Parker's collars, his hands trembling. "Maybe if you haven't been messing with her life in the first place, then she wouldn't cry herself to sleep every night she comes home after you bully her and after your pranks."

"Guys, stop," I said, trying to be firm, but kept my eyes on the road too in case. You know.

"Did you do anything to stop me, then?" His mouth quirked up in a smirk.

Shark advanced towards the backseat. "Okay, that is it-"

I hit the brakes before Shark threw a punch, and released them from each other, which was like, carrying two stones pillars since both were fit and eight-packed. Wait scratch that pretend I didn't know how many Parker's abs were.

"Stop it, okay?" I shouted and they put a distance between them for my sake after a moment. "A fight isn't gonna change anything, and you two are insufferable a******s!"

"Thanks so much, Healy, we just made up yesterday and she's calling me an a*****e again," Shark muttered, glaring at Parker.

"Always my pleasure, Lincoln." Parker smirked again.

"Oh my god, can you guys just shut the f**k up and let me drive in silence unless one of you would want to get us all killed."


And then we reached East Cott a couple of minutes later, and Shark jumped out of the truck, forced a smile to me, then headed off to his friends while I turned back to the road to school.

"Pinocchio?" Parker's mouth was suddenly so close to my ear.

"What?" I snapped through gritted teeth.

"You're driving too fast."

I exhaled deeply and slowed down a bit. "You shouldn't have said those to Shark, he was right. He also had threatened to cut your balls long long ago."

"Thanks then for keeping my balls safe."

I tightened my grip on the steering wheel. "You're such an ego-maniac, two-faced, arrogant and insufferable - you know what? Forget it. Just, stay away from me, okay? I'd rather stand the thought of being your victim than the thought of us being civil."

He stayed quiet until we reached school, and that was when I stormed to Sybelle while Atari was busy gushing about how her date went and s**t.

I didn't even notice the newbie who stood quietly beside Sybelle until Celestianne made that comment, and we all laughed (including the new girl), doing a one-eighty with our attitudes since we were all bipolar.

And then Belle raised an eyebrow at me and crossed her arms.

"Myc says sorry for taking out her frustration at you," I mumbled.

Belle shook her head. "In first person."

"Why would I? You ditched me in the first place-"

Autumn rolled her eyes. "You're such a prideful person."

I glared at her. "I know, no need to remind me every day."

C and Atari then gestured to the new girl with black hair and normal clothes. "So guys," Atari started. "To interrupt the whole chaos, this is Violet Harries, Vi for short, and she just transferred here."

I opened my mouth to say a sarcastic comment when C shot me a look. "She's been Belle's neighbor for who knows how long, but they only started talking today, and she's the girl who got Belle the ride," Celest finished, putting her hands on the newbie's shoulders.

She seemed nice enough, with the books clutched in her hands and the smile. But something in her eyes just wasn't right.

I didn't realize I was unconcsiously looking at her from head to toe. I'm sorry but I've grown so used to this habit that it's in my system now and I seem unaware if I was doing it or not, even with the rolling eyes thing.

Everyone waited for me to say something.

Finally, I turned to Belle and said, "It's both our faults, but I'm," I swallowed, like it was painful to say it. Sybelle smirked, and so did the others, waiting. "S-sorryfortakingoutmyangeronyou, there. Finished. Happy?"

They laughed and Belle hugged me, giggling.

"I got that on tape," Autumn announced, placing her phone back on her pocket, taking me off guard, and I stared at her, wide-eyed.

"You did not."

She smiled evilly, wiggling her eyebrows.

"I did."

She started running away from me, laughing this time, and I rolled my eyes. I'm gonna chase her later. When she's least expecting it.

"Okay, so I'm Atari, she's Celestianne, and you've met Belle," Atari was introducing us to Vi. "And her, the nice one, is Myc."

When I flashed her the middle finger, she said again, shrugging, "Sarcasm is my best language."

I rolled my eyes and saw a hand extended out for me. "Vi, but you already know that. It's nice to meet you."

Her voice was high, but not the squeaky high, just high enough for a girl, and high compared to my average voice. I stared at it for a moment before Belle nudged me. Vi looked worried.

"Myc Russell," I said, crossing my arms. She dropped her hand slowly, confused.

"She thinks shaking hands with new people is irrelevant," Belle said, rolling her eyes.

"Oh, okay. Nice to meet you again." She smiled sweetly.

I don't know, but I don't trust the chick.


Classes. That's the most boring word I've ever heard.

History was just starting, the only class where none of the other members of Crypto had, and the only class where I'm close to dropping to a B except PhysEd.

What was the point of talking about dead people, anyway? Move on, guys.

Everyone left me to my own space, because that's normal and the usual thing that happens every day. I sit by the window all the time, and the chair next to me wass never occupied. It's either because they were intimidated of me, or because when they try to sit and make a conversation, I shoo them away.

Okay, maybe both.

But today, I was writing random lyrics of my entire The Cab playlist, which was a lot, in my notebook while we waited for the sleeping pill to come. Some students were chatting and laughing, and copying homeworks, while I sat here and. Well.

And then the seat shuffled next to me, and it was the first time I ever heard that noise close to me in weeks, but I didn't show my expression which wasn't very hard to do.

"Place your a*s somewhere else, that seat's taken," I said without much of an emotion in my tone.

"By who?" A deep voice asked. Guy. Pfft. "As far as I know, you don't sit with anyone in this class," he stated a matter-of-factly.

"Take a hint. That's obviously why I wanted you to leave, stupid."

He laughed. And I sneaked a glance at him.

Trip Brooks. Football player, jock, man-w***e.

"It's a free country."

"Suit yourself."

I hummed Intoxicated, suddenly in a better mood, while I nodded my head.

"Um. I'm Trip," he said awkwardly, and held out a hand. I stared at it.

"And I'm a girl who thinks shaking hands with new people is irrelevant," I said, looking at him as I remembered Belle's words. It's true, though.

He raised an eyebrow. "Have a thing against shaking hands?"

"What if I do? What're you gonna do about it?"

He shrugged and grinned, leaning back and giving up with his hand as he put both behind his head. He opened his mouth to say something, but I cut him off.

"Don't say I'm 'feisty' and you like it. It pisses me off."

"Everything pisses you off," he said, chuckling.

"I know. The point."

"Now I see why people don't like to sit beside you," he said.

I fake gasped. "Oh, I'm so insulted."

"You should be," he smirked.

"Look," I sighed impatiently. He wasn't taking the hint. New strategy, be straightforward. "I'm not in the mood to chat, okay? And go away, I don't like you. That's what I've been trying to say."

He shrugged, leaning forward. Ugh. "I need your help."

"Depends on how hard the subject is, and how long I'm gonna work on it."

"I'm not asking for help on homework, nerd."

Well. That's a first.

A guy calling me a nerd. Usually it's always Autumn or Atari who calls me that, or even Parker and Belle. But still. Are we close that you can have the right to call me that?

If you don't get it, sometimes people who aren't scared of me comes to me to ask 'help' for homework, when I do them at home, and they pay me the next morning. I earn a lot of s**t from those.

I glared at him. "Hey, I earn money when people ask me they need my help. So if it's not gonna be homework, what is it and what's it for me?"

He smirked. A cocky smirk. "Two words-"

"Arrogant a*****e. Yes, that's what you are," I cut in, nodding.

He narrowed his eyes and ignored my statement, then he said, "Celestianne Veniece."

I raised an eyebrow and shook my head. "Oh hell no. You ain't gonna get in her pants, buddy. No way in hell, while I still exist."

His expression turned offended, but I felt like punching the guts out of him. How could he, when I was one of Celestianne's best friends?

"Is that what people really think of me?" He asked in disbelief, like he wasn't really a man-w***e.


"No, it's what I think. People think you're a sex god, a heartbreaker, a player, and they still want you. I, think that you're an arrogant a*****e, a man-w***e, and a person who couldn't care less about breaking hearts and crying girls when you get what you want. You break dance, Trip Brooks, but you never should break hearts."

That was one hell of a speech. I applauded myself in my head.

His face was in shock. "I don't even mean to get in her pants, I really do like her, since before."

He sounded sincere and true, but I wasn't going to be fooled easily. "Nope," I said, shaking my head. "You just want to get in her pants."

"I was asking for your help so I can be friends with her, then ask her out."

Trip Brooks doesn't just do that. "I don't believe you."

He rolled his eyes. "What do I have to do to convince you that my feelings for Celly are true?"

"You guys are so close," I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes. "Prove it to me."

He raised a quizzical eyebrow. "Prove? How the hell do I prove it?"

I shrugged, and showed him my index finger, indicating a certain number. "One," I said slowly. "Why come to me now? Why not before if you liked her then? Why not even try to converse with her or something? My bet is that you've got a different intention on that dirty mind of yours, Trip Brooks."

He raised his arms in disbelief and frustration, then ran a hand through his hair. "Okay. Fine. I'll prove it. You'll see that I really like her. But just so you know," he said dangerously, glaring at me, "I didn't ask her out before because I was aware she was a boyfriend. You'll see, Myc Russell."

I nodded. "Yeah, sure. We'll see, Trip Brooks."


SInce it was a Wednesday, I had PhysEd before lunch, and Coach O'Connor made us run laps for the whole hour without stopping.

Yeaaaaaah, let's just say that nobody followed that rule, except for Rania, Biel, and I, until Rania collapsed.

Rania Ferren and Biel Lynson were like the two additional members of Crypto, and we were just as close to them like the others.

"Oh my god, I'm dying," Rania dramatically stated while lying on her back on the track. Biel and I had the remaining strength to laugh as we were out of breath too.

My hair was sticking to my neck and my legs feel numb. Well no, I can't really feel them anymore. What an attractive sight, Myc.

"Aren't you - going to. Oh my god. Tie. Your hair?" Biel got all the words out in 20 seconds. We jogged together around the circle.

Shaking my head, I took a deep breath.

I need water. Yeah, water sounds good.

One problem.

Coach O'Connor was glaring at me. Wihout even twitching an eye.

The reason I was doing this was because Coach O'Connor knew the consequences if any of my grades dropped to a B, and she was finding a way to make PhysEd hell for me so I could transfer to another school.

Yeah, not going to happen b***h.

We passed the students who were lying on the track, and I clapped my hands loudly in front of their faces without stopping. "Up, guys, come on! We're running here while you're relaxing over there!"

They groaned in unison but did as I say anyway. I've earned that reputation since middle school, and they knew how loud and angry I could get.

"You too, chicka," I told the Rania, who groaned more loudly than anyone else.

When I looked beside me, Biel was gone too, and everyone collapsed on the floor once again.

Ugh. It's their grade anyway, not my problem.

"Try to keep up, Pinocchio," a husky voice whispered in my ear, and my head whipped to my other side to see Parker smirk at me, then run past me.

"When the hell did you get here?" I willed my legs to go faster, and thankfully, they still could.

He was still a little forward, but he answered my question anyway while running backwards. "When I answered your wish. Couldn't you have waited until lunch, Myckee?" He winked and faced forward again.

"Lunch? I thought I told you to stay-"

"Away from you?" He finished, looking back at me. He shook his head, a smirk on his lips. "Yeah, not happening."

I scowled. "Nobody wants you here, dickhead," I say through my teeth.

He scoffed. "Of course they do, Pinocchio. Man, it's getting hot."

And I knew I should've at least covered my eyes.

He ripped his shirt off his head and I could see his back muscles clearly.

I heard cheers to the other side, and I was shocked to see all of the students who collapsed were already seated on the bleachers, cheering for Parker's eight-pack.

Again, I did not just say that.

Parker turned his head to me. "See, Pinocchio?"

I rolled my eyes and I heard Biel screaming, on top of the other cheers, "Go Myc! You're a piece of s**t, Healy!"

Laughing, we passed the bleachers and Rania tossed me a bottle of water while leaning over the railing with a cheer. I chugged it down in a minute without stopping, and I have found new source of strength as my legs began running faster.

"Try to keep up, dickhead," I whispered in his ear as I passed by him, and I laughed more at his face.

It wasn't until a few minutes later of more racing that my feet were swept off the ground.

I waited for the impact of my head to the ground, but nothing happened. I opened my eyes and found Parker's all-glorious sweaty face on top of me.

I kicked my legs wildly, trying to get out of his grasp in his arms while he ran around carrying me. "Put me down Healy!"

He laughed and shook his head without looking at me.

"Last chance or this," I pointed to my fist as I did this morning. "Goes to that," I finished, pointing to his face.

"You just won't admit you like this position," he said, smirking.

Rolling my eyes, I replied, "How cocky."

He chuckled once more then set my feet on the ground. We were about to run more, when Coach O'Connor suddenly blew the whistle, getting mine and everybody else's attention.

"Hit the showers, guys!" She said, her voice booming over the fields.

We stayed behind with our hands on our knees, catching our breaths, and as the students passed us, they clapped both mine and Parker's backs, but when Rania and Biel did, they gave me a high-five and a glare to Parker, which made me laugh.

"Your friends like me so much," he stated and stood up, stretching.

Ugh. Can he not do that when he is in front of me?

Tearing my eyes away from him, I wandered off to the showers, when Coach O'Connor was suddenly calling, "Russell!"

I turned to where she was, and with my heart chasing the reigndeers of North Pole, I jogged to her.

Her face was just as scary as she talks.

"Nice endurance. Keep it up," she said, nodding at me,  and I felt a smile playing on my lips.

This was the first time Coach complimented me, or talked to me in private.

I must've been standing there for a minute more because she took me aback, when she cleared her throat. "I'm done talking to you."

"Oh, right." I walked back to the showers, grinning like the Mad Hatter, as I pumped a fist in the air.



Since it was a Wednesday, we always ate lunch together with Rania and Biel because they had PhysEd before lunch, and Coach O'Connor was a nice, sweet, and my favorite teacher.

Sarcasm is my-. Meh. How many times do I have to repeat that anyway?

I grabbed Gino's hand and we walked out of English together, with me skipping happily. Gino chuckled behind me.

"What got you excited?"

"Food, that's what," I grinned at him and he rolled his eyes.

We reached our usual table and seated there were Rania, her boyfriend Dean, Biel and Myc. We sauntered over there and I greeted them happily. "Hey, loves!"

They greeted back except Myc, who was leaning back, and drinking her Sprite.

I cleared my throat and faced her. "Ehem, ehem. HEY, LOVES!"

They winced at my volume and I laughed at their faces, and they shouted their own heys back.

"Guys, this is Gino Carlyle," I said. Gino smiled shyly and waved once.

Rania and Biel shook hands with him, introducing themselves, and Dean and him did the man handshake thing, and Myc didn't even bother doing any of those. She just stated her name and showed a brief, forced smile. How nice.

Gino and I went to get food, I, ordering the porkchops and beans, while Gino just took a water.

I sat beside Rania after and Gino stood there, looking unsure of himself and holding his tray.

I frowned and patted the space next to me. "Come on, you look like an idiot."

So he did and the chatting started.

"Ugh. Why does Spanish even have to be a subject? It's making my head blow," Sybelle complained as she joined us with Vi, may I add, in the midddle of the conversation, sitting beside Gino and slumping as well as pouting.

"Need a tutor?" Myc asked a little too suggestively, wiggling her eyebrows at Sybelle.

Sybelle narrowed her eyes and opened her mouth when Biel cut in.

"This spaghetti tastes like cardboard," Biel grimaced as she held up a forkful of the pasta.

I felt the rounded sofa around the table get heavier, and Autumn suddenly occupied the space next to Vi, running a hand through her hair. "Hey Gino. Gino, right? Autumn, nice to meet you." Autumn grabbed Gino's hand and shook it furiously, leaning over Sybelle and Vi to do so.

Gino returned her smile and introduced himself as well.

It was great my friends were warm and friendly with him, but the people passing should mind their own business. They kept on stealing glances at our table to Gino, who also seemed uncomfortable as he shifted in his place. I laid my hand in his, and he looked up, startled with wide eyes, and I just smiled at him gently.

"You okay?" I asked quietly.

He nodded and gave me a comforting smile. He squeezed my hand. "Yeah."

"Guys," Celest joined the table next to Myc with a tray of potato salad and iced tea. "Oh hey Gino," she greeted with a smile and Gino returned it. "I've got an idea for that drama project we're working on today."

It was weird that just yesterday Celest was so depressed, and now she's all-smiles. It's ether she finally realized what a d****e Scott is and moved on in 24 hours, or she's just covering it up.

"Okay, cool. Lesser agenda then today. Thinking : check," Autumn stated.

Rania said, "Ugh. You guys are so lucky you got a drama project instead of a required entry for the science fair. We have to do this moving solar system thingy." She rolled her eyes.

"I know! I got that too, even though it's my first day here," Vi said.

"Sucks to be you," I said and she agreed.

Then out of nowhere a guy suddenly appeared in front of our table and squeezed himself between Myc and Celestianne.

"There's this new thing called 'Excuse me'. You should try it." Myc gave him the extra-death glare with a roll of her eyes as she moved further away from the guy.

"Um," C coughed and mouthed to all of us, Who's he?

We all shrugged. We're such nice friends.

The guy stuck his tongue at Myc and smiled to us. I then realized who it was. My jaw nearly dropped before he spoke.  "Hey guys. I'm Trip Brooks."

Biel choked on her drink, only noticing now that we had a new addition to our table.

Trip reached out his hand to each of us and we shook it, rather hesitantly and some confident, like me, and he skipped Myc, and saved Celly for the last.

He showed her a smile that was gentle and nice, and Celest didn't even know what to do until she hesitantly shook his hand.

"You guys know each other already?" Autumn asked, pointing at him and Myc.

Myc shook her head, making gestures with her hand to her neck like she was cutting it off. It was her signature move when she was saying no. "He just gives me an impression of a douchebag."

While Trip said yes, ignoring Myc's comment. "We have History together. So," he rubbed his hands together and grinned. "Let me know if I'm wrong, okay? Um. You're Autumn Ryder, then uh, new girl..?"

Vi introduced herself and Trip nodded.

"Okay, Autumn, Vi, Belle, right?"

Sybelle didn't even bother hiding her flattery. She fanned her face and nodded.

Trip laughed. "Atari? Is that correct?"

I gave him a thumbs-up.

"Uh. Rania, oh hey, Dean, my man, Biel Lynson, of course."

He stopped at Myc. Myc rolled her eyes and Trip laughed.

"Myc, and the beautiful lady here," he turned and to all our surprises, took Celly's hand and kissed it gently, who looked shocked and stunned, and paralyzed, might I add, "is Celestianne Veniece."

Being the nice friends we were, we made kissy sounds and Trip just laughed them off, and Celly dropped her hand from Trip's grasp.

Let's just say we know Trip for sleeping with more than half of the girls' population in this school.

And then someone was making his way to the middle of the table again.

"Excuse me, excuse me," he muttered, carrying his tray while passing over Celly and Trip.

He faced us, and sat in between Myc and Trip.

"What the f**k are you doing here?" Myc demanded.

Parker shrugged, greeted us all as we were in shock, and Parker answered, "Not staying away from you, what does it look like?"

The talking ended from there.


Celly was still blushing while she ate her potato salad, Trip was making beat sounds with his hands on the table with his plate clean, Parker was eating his sandwich rather beastly, Myc was glaring at her Sprite with crossed arms, Biel was busy staring at something far away, Rania and Dean were the only ones talking about something that looked like pretty serious, I was poking my pork, Gino was occassionally drinking his water, Sybelle was randomly singing Silent Night in an out-of-tune voice, Vi was glancing at all of us and Autumn looked like she didn't even give a f**k.

"Why isn't she eating?" Parker suddenly spoke up to all of us, catching our attention, jerking his thumb towards Myc.

I shrugged. "She doesn't want to spend money."

"Why?" Parker took his voice to a whole new level, like he was concerned or something.

"Or she doesn't like the food. It's either of the two," Biel added, tearing her eyes away from what she was staring at and looking at Parker.

"Wait, but there's some white pasta," Sybelle cut in. "Myc loves white pasta."

"Thank you, Sybelle." Myc glared at her while Sybelle smiled innocently.

"Come on," Parker dropped his sandwich, grabbed Myc's arm and stood up, but Myc yanked it away.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. I am not going anywhere with you alone." She held up her palm, and continued on with her Sprite.

Parker leaned forward and whispered something in her ear, until Myc finally gave in and tagged along rather lazily with Parker.

"I thought they hated each other," Celest asked. We shrugged.

"She does, I don't know about him," I said, and everyone nodded.


"Oh my god, baby doll. Doesn't he look like R in Warm Bodies?" I gushed, squealing as I ruffled Gino's hair once more.

"I know right," she replied, applying the last of his make-up.

"Guys, we need to get some work started. I'm pretty scared of Myc's reaction when she sees us," Sybelle admitted, sighing and taking a seat on her bed.

"Are you sure this is okay? I can leave," Gino said without opening his eyes, but I knew there was a drop of dissapointment in his voice.

See, last night during our movie date, I remembered I promised him we'd hung out today after school to make him a zombie. And we also had that project thing. And Myc would be gone an hour. No biggie. We were almost finished.

"I'll bet you ten dollars she'll scream and get mad at us," Autumn said, sure of herself.

"And done!" Celest announced, swivelling Gino's chair around so we could face him.

Even as a zombie, he managed to pull off the looks. How is this even possible.

He opened his eyes and gestured to his face. "Too much?"

We shook our heads furiously as I clapped and jumped in joy. "Remember. You don't speak. You talk and walk like this." I spread my arms forward and began walking weirdly while groaning.

Our laughters filled the room and Gino nodded.


Let's just say we took advantage of Gino's slowness, not being able to move like a human, and not being able to eat.

Of course it was all for jokes, and he laughed at all of them too.

We raced to the vball court, and since Gino was the last, he had to be slapped in his palm from each of us. We had a pillow fight, targetting Gino since he can't move like a normal human. We heard his stomach grumble, and we ate food in front of him. Technically we asked him if he wanted to stop, but his courage to move on and still be one for a day inspired me.

"Okay, Gino. Truth or dare," I said, smiling at him.

He groaned with pauses.

We laughed and shook our heads. "You lose a turn. Your next, Autumn," I stated.

We've been doing this for the past ten minutes, and Gino never got a turn since he wasn't even responding to our questions with words. Yep. Taking advantage of his zombie self is what we were doing.

"Okay, um. Dare," Autumn said.

We thought for a moment, when Sybelle snapped her fingers. "Okay, I know. To the kitchen!"

We followed her to the kitchen.

She reached for a bottle of cinnamon in her cupboard and placed it in front of Autumn.

We made "oooh" sounds.

"This is the Cinnamon Challenge. Will she be able to take it?" Celestianne anounnced mysteriously like a reporter, and Autumn licked her lips and asked for a spoon.

She held the spoonful of cinnamon in front of her face, shaking her head, while we cheered her on.

In 3 seconds and a final grimace, she shoved it into her mouth.

It didn't take long for her to choke and beg for water, her face red and ours too, as we laughed hard, even Gino.

She chugged down the whole pitcher as we doubled our laughter, Sybelle already rolling on the floor.

Then sudenly the door slammed open and each of our eyes were met with with angry, gray ones.

"Please f*****g tell me you've done something for the past hour," she said, her jaw already clenching as more droplets of water dripped from her hairstrands from swimming.

Parker stepped out from behind her, and shook his index finger at us, then pointed at Myc, and shook his head.

We were in deep s**t.



This is what I've been trying to tell Atari. She wouldn't listen!

We sat there around the living room as Myc continued to get mad at us and her voice was cracking. First she was mad because she told us to start without her. Which was impossible for us since she was the nerd. Kidding. Then second she was mad because we were fooling around with Gino. Thrid, she was mad because she trusted us enough to keep her grades in As and not let them fall down because of us, since we knew the story.

Myc was a scholar at Westlaker High. She didn't even study before middle school, and she was accepted by the principal as long as her grades never dropped to a B. We don't even know how she does that, with her financial problems, swimming, volleyball, dance, and social life, and family problems, she still had to deal with grades.

And I felt bad because I understand and we weren't experiencing what she was going through.

At the end, at least, I thought it was the end, she couldn't seem to finish her sentence and she just ended up crying. Automatically we stood up and gave her a group hug.

"Sorry, loser. We were wrong," Atari said.

"Yes in f*****g hell you all were," she sobbed, covering her eyes.

"We're sorry. Look, okay. Here. We'll do it right now and I swear we'll be able to finish it before," I checked my wrist. "9:30."

"You aren't even wearing a watch," Celestianne pointed out and I shrugged.

"Doens't matter."

We pulled away from each other and after a moment, Myc nodded. "Okay. Just please work on this while I change in Belle's room?" She wiped her eyes and smiled at us, grabbed her things and went upstairs, probably to wear my loose shirt and basketball shorts, which are always the clothes she uses when she''s here.

"Hey, we could make Gino the lead," Atari suddenly suggested as we sat around the table, pulling out our laptops.

Gino groaned by the sofa, next to Parker, who looked like he was dead tired.

"Yeah, game," I agreed.

In the end, we got Atari and Gino as the leads, Celestianne as the mean girl, me as the best friend of Atari, and Autumn as the mom. When Myc came down, expectedly in my basketball shorts and loose shirt, she started writing the script while we helped her with the concept.

It was a love story, though, and I wondered when I could have my own love story.



Scene 19.

Celestianne : Ryan! You aren't even listening to me anymore!

Gino : Sorry, what?

Celestianne : Your mind is always on that Grace girl, isn't it? I'm your girlfriend, okay? I get jealous sometimes, too.

Gino : Amber, I don't know how to say this.

Celestianne: What, you're gonna break up with me?

Gino : Amber, it's just that, Grace isn't even doing anything to you and you're always bullying her.

Celestianne : Oh, so it's my fault now. She's the one who's been trying to break our relationship, Ryan, can't you see that?

Gino : No, it's not her, Amber. It's you.

Celestianne : Me?! Look, if you're gonna leave me, just get it over with, Ryan.

Gino : Amber, I- I...I'm sorry. I like her, and it isn't fair for you if we're still together and I like someone else. Please understand.

Celestianne : But we can still be friends, right? No hard feelings?

Gino : Of course. Thank you, Amber.

I wish life was just a play. I wish I had never met Scott. I wish Ryan was real so I didn't feel like I've earned one big fat slap from Scott in the face.



After Sybelle's, Clyde and I ended up exchanging notes through our windows.

I sat on my bed with a sketchpad on my lap as I waited for Clyde's reply. With a smile, he raised the sketchpad so I could see.

I hear you singing every time you come home from school, and please, I'd like to keep my ears intatct. So no, I did not miss you at all because I missed the silence without your voice. :)

My question to that was, Did you miss me? I know you did. ;)

I pouted at him and he laughed, shaking his head and writing a new reply.

Just kidding. Yes, it feels so lonely without you. :(

I covered my mouth with a flattered expression ad he rolled his eyes and stuck out his tongue at me. I wrote.

Aww, I missed you too! Kidding, don't be such a feeler. :p

He stuck out his bottom lip this time and I laughed.

Then my eyelids started to become heavy, and the pillows look good. Clyde must've seen my sleepy face, because he wrote next, Goodnight. :) I hope you dream of me tonight.

When I looked at him, he winked and I rolled my eyes.

Goodnight too, and don't keep your hopes up. ;)

© 2013 Angel With a Shotgun

Author's Note

Angel With a Shotgun
I will make up for Celestiane's short P.O.V. in the next chapter haha. :) Comment please? Atari at the pic.

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Added on April 14, 2013
Last Updated on April 14, 2013


Angel With a Shotgun
Angel With a Shotgun


Breaking dance, volleying the ball and hipping hop since '99. Earphones are my all-time accessory - I can't go anywhere without them. The Cab entertains me. Big fan of superheroes. Spiderman is .. more..
