![]() Chapter 2 - Being honest is too mainstream.A Chapter by Angel With a ShotgunMyc. "Chill, loser," Autumn said, which was directed to me, in the backseat, her head poking in the space between the driver's seat and the passenger's, where me and Belle were. I gripped the steering wheel harder that my knuckles turned white. Not the 'loser' part, we always call each other that, but the fact that I can't, even though I wanted to, chill right now. My mind is all hazy, I can't even concentrate on the road, and all I can think about is how Scott is going to be chained in hell. Not literally, but, you know. I wish. And all I could hear were Celly's quiet sobs by the back, and Atari trying hard to calm her down. Sybelle kept silent because she knows better to not touch me or talk to me when I'm going through my anger management issues. I stomped so hard on the brakes that everyone jerked forward. I was the first one out, and Sybelle stayed behind in the car with Celest. "At least ring the bell," Atari suggested and I whipped around to glare at her, my jaw clenched and my hands balled into fists. "What are we here for? To deliver gift baskets?" Autumn only had the nerve to laugh while we advanced towards the front door. I slammed open the front door and my eyes scanned the whole living room, finding nothing. "Okay, he's not here, let's just go," Autumn said jerking his thumb towards back to my truck. Autumn. Always the peacemaker. "I don't think so." I entered the kitchen. Bingo. His back was to me, and he was drinking alcohol. Yeah, buddy. Enjoy your drink. Without hesitation, I grabbed him by the neck and punched him. Hard. On the face. But he only stumbled back, holding his jaw with a shocked expression on his face. His eyes were drawly, his hair was messed up, and his eyes steamed with anger. "What the f**k was that for?" He growled, coming in face to face with me. Well. Actually I'm just a shorty, so that basically makes me only level with his chin. But still, I kept up with my death glare, which thankfully worked as I removed my sunglasses in the truck and with gritted teeth. "To thank you for hurting Celestianne." And then I punched him in the gut, which he groaned to, and then kneed him in the balls. He stumbled to the ground. I leaned forward to whisper in his ear. "You touch her again or this will be worse. You got that?" He didn't answer my question. I b***h-slapped him in the face this time, then brushed past my two best friends and hurried in the driver's seat. Autumn and Atari stayed only long enough to give their personal say about Scott hurting Celly. Then we drove back to the school just in time for second period. -- We get a wonderful detention for cutting. I swear, this is the first time I've ever received a detention, and the f*****g principal wouldn't even listen. So now I'm seated on a wooden chair in the classroom during lunch, slouching with my arms crossed over my chest, in a circle with the rest of Crypto. We were the only ones here, and Mr. Peters was a d****e teacher, since he locked the doors, and gave us the evil eye before leaving. And we were talking about Parker Healy. Thank you so much, Belle, for opening that up. "Wait, wasn't he like the basketball star before he left?" Autumn asked, her eyebrows knit together. I raised both brows to say my yes. Celestianne spoke for the first time of the day. "And you told us he was your bully during middle school and the first years of high school, just before he left as well." "He was," Atari confirmed, then turned to me. "Right?" "Yeah," I said, uninterested. "How did you know, though?" Celly asked Sybelle, who pointed to me. We all answered in unison. "Drew." "Knew it," Atari said, snapping her fingers. "But you still like, like Drew, right?" I shrugged, and Crypto pulled some kissing sounds. I laughed at how horrible they sounded. "What? He's nice. And he's a dancer. That's always a plus." "I don't even know why dancers turn you on," Belle commented. "What? Dancers are hot," I said. Awkward silence. "Are you trying to tell us you're hot?" Atari asked, laughing with everyone else. I gave her a glare and flashed her the middle finger. But I laughed too. "That's clearly what I did not mean." "Guys, we all know that Ryder is the hottest of all history!" Autumn declared, standing up on the table and rasing her arms in the air. If we could even laugh harder, we did. At least Celest got into a lighter mood. "Keep telling yourself that," she told her, smirking. -- When I walked into the front door, I wish I had those super speed powers that Flash had. Superhero addict, sorry. But unfortunately, I made a sound for the vase by the table almost fell when I passed by it, and as I said, I was the clumsier version of Dopey. If that was even possible. So the step-monster, again, unfortunately, heard me, and called, "Hey, kid." Sighing, I showed up by the living room doorway, where Joe, Joe's belly, and mom were. I crossed my arms and leaned by the doorframe. "I have a name, if you still aren't stupid enough to know that." He set the alcohol down and chuckled. But it was full of hate. I rolled my eyes. My mom did not look happy. "Myc, you fix that attitude of yours and earn respect for your father-" "He's not my goddamn father, how many times do I have to f*****g tell you," I growled. Mom stood up from the couch. "You don't dare use that language in my house!" I opened my mouth to say something, but Joe beat me to it, glaring at me. I seemed to mirror it as well. "Kid, you watch what you're saying. You live under my rooftop, so you better-" "Oh yeah? That's something new." My voice dripped with sarcasm and hate. He had enough of me and walked towards me, jabbing a finger at me. "You are a pathetic, selfish, little brat." "Newsflash, a*****e! You're a smelly, a no-good man in this world, who doesn't know how to live his life because he's too drunk to do it!" He drew back his hand for a b***h-slap, or a punch, maybe, and my heart thumped, expecting the pain, but Shark's voice stopped him. "Dad. Leave her alone," he said calmly, his feet positioned by the foot of the stairs. We all looked at him. His face showed nothing. "You don't tell me what to do, either," Joe stepped away from me, and kept his distance from Shark. Shark shrugged. "Just leave her alone to me." After a moment's dead silence, Joe pointed a finger to me. "You better watch yourself, kid." Then he stumbled his way back to the couch to continue drinking. Shark grabbed me by the wrist and yanked me up the stairs. "Let. Me. Go!" I tried to wriggle free of his grip, but it was too firm, too strong, as he led me to my bedroom, then released me afterwards. He shut the door behind him and exhaled. "Chill, I won't hurt you," he said. "Who said I was going to allow you to?" "Can't you at least thank me?" I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "You didn't even have to do that." His voice softened, and the creases on his forehead lessened. There was something in his eyes. Concern, and something else. "You're my sister, of course I had to-" "I'm not your sister, d****t," I snap. I ignored the flash of hurt and sadness that comes across his features. "I never was, never will be. My last name's Russell, and yours is Lincoln. We don't share the same blood, you may live in my house, but only in your dreams will I ever be your sister, goddammit." "Myc," he pleaded, taking step towards my direction. "You came into my life, and there is no way that you can fix it. You and your dad had to ruin my f*****g life. Do you even understand how that makes me feel? Obviously you don't since you're not the one suffering." I'll admit, I was pretty rude. Well, really rude, but if you were in my shoes right now, you wouldn't want to be in this living hell too. "I'm not anything like my father," Shark said in a quiet voice I thought I only imagined it. "Just leave, Shark." -- I am stupid. I am so f*****g stupid. I think this over and and over in my head while I'm in my truck and it's raining outside. I grip the steering wheel just as I had this morning. I just needed someone to talk to, and one name popped into my mind. And it had to be him. Drew. I know I can go to Belle's, or to any of Crypto's, but right now I'm sure I want to go to Drew's. It started during 9th grade, when we were seatmates during Algebra, and we helped each other through the drills and stuff, and we started talking about different things, too, although none of us brought up Parker. He knows how I feel about Shark, and the divorce. He was like my guy best friend. Ehem, crush, ehem. But to him, I was always like his sister. And I am stupid to go over to his house when it's Tuesday nearing dark, it's raining, and his brother is back, and Zoe might be there. That b***h. I pulled over by the front yard of the Healy household. My heart erratically beats as I get out of the truck, pull on my hood, and let the water soak me and my hair. I knocked on the door, and I meet my worst nightmare. Hagrid giving me my rejection letter from Hogwarts. Kidding. It's Parker. Although Parker seems worse than that rejection letter that I've been waiting for since 13, and I still haven't given up over the fact that I'm not going to Hogwarts, and I'm still stuck on this pit of a hellhole. Maybe I should just turn around awkwardly and run. Abort mission. Abort life. But noooooooo. My goddamn pride had to take over my goddamn self and stay in that goddamn spot on his goddamn porch steps and kept my chin up goddamn high. "What, ran out of your book of insults?" I asked him, my face a hopefully hard expression. He scratches the back of his head while I take in his features. Why did he even look like a god. "Uh. Sorry, but, who are you?" "Is this some kind of joke? Wow, I was having a s****y day, and you made it shittier. I need to talk to Drew," I said instead, and crossed my arms. "Have we met before?" He asked, still in confusion. I pull my hood down impatiently. "Move, dickhead, or I'll make you." Where did the sudden boldness come from? "Dickhead?" He muttered, thinking hard. Okay. Maybe he doesn't remember me at all. "Do I look like a dictionary to you? Dickhead means you. You means Parker Healy. Satisfied?" He steps toward me and I'm too stunned to move. He searched my face, then a little smirk showed on his face. "Myckee?" I give him a dirty look. "It's Myc, okay. Forget your stupid nicknames, jerkface - what the hell are you doing." At the last part, he cups my face in both his hands as his eyes still continues to roam my face, as if he couldn't believe whether I was telling the truth or not. "Get your hands off me." I yanked them away. Then he laughs. "You are my Myckee," he said. "Congratulations! Now if you will excuse me, I have better things to do than to talk with a two-faced jerk like you." I smiled sweetly. "What, don't tell me you haven't been missing me for the past 2 years." I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Still as cocky as ever. Wow, has military school not change you at all? I guess I shouldn't be so surprised. As for your statement, in your dreams." He leaned forward and whispered in my ear. "Maybe they're in yours, Pinocchio." He winked, then turned and shut the door behind him once he's inside the house. I stomped my foot and screamed at the top of my lungs. Then he opened it again with a mischievous grin, and cupped his ear with his hand. "Sorry! I can't hear you over the rain!" "Bullshit!" I scream back and shove him to the side as I walked right in as if I owned the place. His laugh trailed behind me as I began searching for Drew in the kitchen. "My Myckee never even swore." "I'm in nobody's possession, thank you very much, and the Myc you knew is gone," I shot back. If Parker was affected by my rudeness, he didn't show it. "Come on, Pinocchio, let's get you dry." Trudging behind him after a moment's hesitation, I took the stairs behind Parker. Inside his room, he gives me a sweatshirt and a pair of boxers. Well, he tossed them at me wile he gets his own set of clothes from the boxes. I turn around and took off my wet shirt. "Don't look," I told him. I could imagine he smile on his face. "I'm a guy, Myckee-" "You seriously don't want to go there, dickhead." "Whoa, okay, chill." I glanced at him to see him covering his eyes. I rolled my own. I finished getting changed and raised an eyebrow at Parker who still had his back on me. "Are you planning to stand there all night?" Now he twisted his body to face me, a look of relief on his face, then replaced by eyes widening that looked me up and down with a helpless wolf-whistle. He laughed when I grimaced and rolled my eyes again. See. Habit. "I'm gonna look for Drew," I announced and go outside with my ridiculous damp hair. I shook my head when I looked inside his bedroom, then I thought about how stupid I was again while I trudged downstairs to the kitchen and bumped into Yoda. Kidding. "Myc, hey," Drew said with two Cokes in his hands, eyebrows furrowed. "What are you doing here? And why are you wearing my brother's clothes?" I flicked my hand in dismissal of the second question, shaking my head again. "Doesn't matter. Drew, I need to talk to you-" "Look, Myc," he said seriously, with a nervous look on his face. "I just came home and Zoe and I were about to meet up. It was nice seeing you here, and I'll talk to you at school tomorrow, okay?" I swallowed. I don't think any amount of Joe's abuse, or mom's loud voice, or Belle's wild singing hurt more than the hurt I feel right now. "Yeah, okay. Sure." Because being honest is too mainstream. He gave me a smile that I've fallen for, and all those swirly lines and stars flash through my eyes before he headed off to the living room. When I was finally over myself, I went out using the back door, wanting to cry, but instead I found myself dead tired. I hurried to my truck, and then I noticed Parker waiting by the driver's side. "I'm gonna drive you home," he announced and I was too tired to argue. I slipped inside the shotgun. "I don't even know where 'home' is anymore," I grumbled, but I hoped Parker didn't hear me, as the roar of the truck overlapped my voice and he started to drive. "Are you okay?" I guess he did, though. "Yeah. Fine. Perfect." My voice cracked. I so did not want to cry in front of him. Especially in front of him. Parker sighed. "No, you're not. What did Drew do?" "It has nothing to do with Drew, thank you very much. Maybe you should ask yourself first if you're the reason for my tears before you accuse anyone else." He didn't respond to that, but his mouth twitched. And then he asked, "Still the same house?" "Yeah," I croaked, my throat ssuddenly dry. "Turn right here." He glanced at me and gave me the smallest of smiles. "I remember." After a moment, he said, "Did Joe hit you?" "What?" I asked distractedly. "Did Joe hit you?" He repeated. "None of your business." "So he did," he concluded, now gripping the steering wheel. I sanpped, "Why do you care? You've only been gone for two years and now that you're back you're acting like we're bffs or something. You do not care about me, okay? So it doesn't matter what happens to me." I jumped from the truck as we reached my house, and slam the door, not even sparing a glance back. I hurried up to my den. Sitting on the computer desk, my playlist blasted through the speakers as I went online. @Mycccc : Yo chickas, Belle's house tomorrow after school. Drama project. Atari was the first to reply. @idkAtari : who the hell is belle hey that rhymed hey losers gossip about the date with Gino tommo I rolled my eyes. Right. Atari never called Sybelle, "Belle." @Mycccc : Beauty and the Beast Belle, that's who. Just go, okay? No other plans. A new user popped up in the conversation. This time it was Celest. @Celly_Veniece : Don't you have swimming training after school tomorrow? Oh right. S**t. @Mycccc : You guys can start without me, that'll only take an hour. @AUTUMNleaves : you're such a nerd myc @Mycccc : Wow, thanks. Way to boost my confidence. @sybellexxtan : wait that isn't due for another two weeks.am i right? or...? @idkAtari : you know her guys the nerd needs that A apparently k byeeee Nerd. Pfft. I was not. @Celly_Veniece : I'll be there. Oh, and thanks for beating him up. :) Love you, you are the best! I smiled. I was about to reply when Autumn did. @AUTUMNleaves : ehem I did too ehem @Mycccc : Whatever, Ryder. Then Autumn and Celest signed off, leaving me and Belle. @sybellexxtan : hey talk to shark, will you?he came over, he's really upset.what happened? Sighing, I typed back. @Mycccc : You have to ask? @sybellexxtan : shouldn't have.he asked for advice on how to handle you and your anger management issues.don't deny. @Mycccc : I wasn't going to anyway. @sybellexxtan : Good thing you know. Bye. Mwah. Love you. @Mycccc : Back at ya, chicka. I toned down the music so I could talk to him, but then at that precise moment, three knocks also came by the door. Shark's head popped in when I didn't answer. "Can we talk?" "We already are. Come in." He did and handed me my favorite Spidey mug before sitting by the edge of my bed. Hot vanilla milk. Yum. I took a sip and said, "Thanks." He nodded. "Listen, about today, I guess you were right. But-" "Have you not ever even heard of the phrase, 'Ladies first'?" I asked and he smiled, motioning for me to continue. "There's a friend of mine named Myc, who just wants to say thank you for saving her a*s and you're her hero and s**t. But really, she says thanks." He laughed at my way of thanking him by the third person. "No problem, you tell her." "I will. Look," I leaned forward and set the mug on my table, licking my lips from dryness. "It will take some time for me to get along with you, since I've hated you for a long time now with no absolute reason. I'm sorry for that, but you could give me some time, right?" He smiled, then nodded. "I'd be happy to." Then Shark held out his hand, and I slowly shook it with mine. "So from now on, we're cool," he clarified, a grin spreading on his face. "We're cool," I repeat. "Deal." "Deal."
Atari. The morning before Myc threw a fit at Scott's, I was asleep, when my phone started to ring. Searching for it blindly with my hand, I reached it out and pressed it to my ear. "'Lo?" "Morning to you too," Gino chuckled on the other line. "How did you get my number?" I asked, my eyes wide open now as I sat up on my bed, stretching. A pause. "Uh, you gave it to me?" "Oh, right, sorry. Why are you calling so early in the crack of dawn?" As if on cue, I yawned. "Wow, and I thought you'd be ready," he chuckled lightly. "Sun rise, remember?" I pulled a Tom Cruise, jumped out of my bed and hurried to my bathroom, the phone still pressed firmly between my shoulder and neck and stuttered, "Oh yeah. Actually I'm on my way. Be there in 10." "See you, Atari Cross." And then I took the fastest shower in history. -- In approximately 9 minutes and 55 seconds, my legs were numb, but I sighed in relief when I reached the spot where Gino was lying under the sky on the soft, green grass, eyes closed. Why must he look like a Greek God. It is so not fair. "I can feel you staring at me, Atari Cross," he said, and his mouth turned up to a smirk without opening his eyes. Grinning, I replied, "I was trying to figure out whether you were playing dead or not." "Ha ha. Very funny." Then he patted the space next to him. "Come lie down, the sun'll rise any moment soon." So I did, and we lay there with closed eyes, enjoying the freshness of the air at dawn in silence for a moment, until he spoke up again. "Thank you," he whispered suddenly, a bit random, too. I chuckled, I don't know why, and turned my head to the side so I was facing him. To my surprise though, his head was turned towards me as well, so I could really look into his expression, which was a mixture of happiness, sadness, and gratitude. I don't even know how these can be mixed up together. "For what?" I asked back. "For doing this for me. Most people think it's stupid." How could people even think it's stupid? "I think it's fun," I admitted, a smile still on my face as his gaze on me turned warmer, and he returned it with a smile of his own. "And then after this, you get to be a zombie." We laughed together, the sounds mixing in the air. A rich, creamy laugh, that I thought was beautiful. "Aren't you something else," he said quietly, low enough so I wouldn't hear it, but I did anyway, and I ignored the jumping jacks my heart was making. And then right after, I almost fell asleep, and was only awoken by the feeling of Gino's fingers enveloping my palm, and shaking it so hard that my eyes shot up. The sun was just beginning to peer up by the horizon, which was a color of red-orange, with tinges of pink. It was too beautiful that no words came out. "Atari Cross, nothing has ever looked like that in human history," Gino said, a smile clear in his voice as he squeezed my hand. And he was right. Nothing has ever looked that beautiful as well. -- Gino brushed the dirt off his jeans and flicked his hair out of his eyes. Why must he look like a Greek God, again, under the sun too? "We still have school," he declared when I didn't stand up. I groaned and said, "Don't even remind me." He chuckled and helped me up, thus being the second time he has held my hand. "Come on, let's walk." And...here goes my mood swings, kicking in again. "UGGGGG. My feet already ache," I whined and he watched me with an amused smirk. "What? You're walking with me, what else could you ask for?" He winked and laughed, then crouched down so he was squatting. "Uh. What are you doing?" I could feel him rolling his eyes even though his back was to me. "Climb on me, Atari Cross. I'll carry you." I clapped and cheered, squealing, "Yay! Piggyback ride!" as I jumped onto his back, and he held on to my ankles firmly, while I kept my hands on his broad shoulders. "I am not a piggy," he grumbled and that made me laugh harder. So he walked. "Okay, favorite color?" I blurted out, and I heard him scoff. "You're seriously gonna ask me that question?" "Come on, don't be KJ. Mine's orange. Or maybe blue. But whatever." He paused after groaning, then answered, "Cool. Orange too. Like the sunrise." I laughed, as I always do in the morning. "You're so weird," he said, but he chuckled along too. "Ouch," I said, but I giggled. "Okay, next. Hobbies?" "Hmm. Coffee, I guess. Guitar, and movies." "Oh cool," I said. "What movies? And don't tell me action, I've had enough of that from Myc's collection of Tom Cruise and James Bond." He laughed this time, a full one, like the one earlier, and I smiled at how sweet it sounded again. "No, I don't like action, actually. I guess I like suspense, with twisting plots and all that, and love." I laughed so hard I almost fell off Gino's back. "What's so funny?" He sounded clueless and confused, but he gripped my ankles tighter. "You like romantic movies? You surprise me, Gino Carlyle," I mused, suppressing the giggles. "Hey, don't tell me you don't too." "I'm a girl, and you're a guy, unless you're a-" He cut me off before I finished. "Don't say 'gay', okay, Atari Cross," he said with a mischievous tone. "I just like them, so what." He shrugged. And then he gasped. "We should watch the Titanic," he suddenly suggested, looking up at me, eyes twinkling. "Oh no. Uh uh, No way. I won't get my face wet again from the tears." "Oh come on, Atari Cross. Your house, okay? I'll know the way," he sounded so confident and sure that I almost said yes. Almost. And then I did. Because. Gino. Yup. -- We reached the school and I climbed off his back, and he stretched his body. "Thanks for the piggyback ridde, Gino." I smiled sweetly as he rolled his eyes. "Call me when you're on the way home, okay? You have my digits." I raised a quizzical eyebrow at him and he smirked, that mischievous glint in his eyes that mirrored Autumn's, only in a guy's. "I strongly suspect you wrote them somewhere place in my arms, or legs while I was asleep." His grin told me I was right, but he leaned forward, and whispered, "Right you are, Atari Cross." Then he winked and we parted ways. Why are my cheeks flaming hot. -- I squealed and jumped happily when I reached the lockers where Celest and Autumn were, and I twirled around with still that happy grin. "Something happened," Autumn said suspiciously, shutting her locker, with her eyes narrowed. "You're an extra ten percent cheerful today. What is it?" I jumped and hugged Celly, who wasn't in the mood to, but I did anyway, and hugged Autumn too. "Gino Carlyle," I said. "What about him? And wait, isn't he the like, uhm. Loner-" "Don't say that!" I snapped, and Autumn raised her hands in surrender. "Chill, loser, just go." A grin made its way back into my face. "Date, tonight. He didn't call it one, but I'm guessing it is." "Are you serious?" I nodded furiously. "No, I mean, are you sure it's who who's been asked?" she teased and I rolled my eyes, pouting, and Autumn laughed. And then suddenly my whole body was wriggling, until I realized Sybelle arrived, and was shaking my body with her arms, together with matching wailing sounds. "Why you?! Why did Gino ask you out? Why not me? What Lord, have I done in punishment for this?" I laughed at Sybelle's dramatic monologue, and Autumn added, "I know right, why her?" "Myc!" I blurted out and hurried over to my other best friend's side. "Back me up on this. These two are meanies." "I don't care about your s**t, chicka." I could bet that her eyes were blazing with fire and anger, and storm under her sunglasses. Well duh. Storm gray eyes. We all formed a circle to where Myc's attention was focused on. Celly. And she was crying. "My truck. Now," Myc said in her death voice, and we made no hesitations to follow after her, with me trailing behind with Celest. -- After school, I was more than excited, and nervous too. So I climbed a ride with Myc to my house. "Tell me again, why am I driving you home?" She said in an annoyed voice. "Loser, I told you. I walked to school today, and I left my car at home." "And....why me?" I groaned and face-palmed myself, and she rolled her eyes, before texting Gino. I found out his digits were apparently written in black ink across my right ankle, with a smiley after it. I wasn't complaining, and I wasn't washing that either. Kidding. Ew. On my way home. :) Only a few seconds passed and then came out shrill ring from my phone. I answered. "Hello?" "I specifically told you, Atari Cross," Gino's voice on the other line said, trying to be firm, but failed, so I giggled, "To call me, not text me. I'm here, and I see your friend's Chevy." And then he hung up. Wow. That was like a one person conversation. Myc pulled up front, and I jumped off, and she yelled, "You owe me, chicka!" before driving off. I saw him seated on my porch steps, and he stood up and put his hands inside his jeans pockets to greet me. He was still wearing the same clothes as earlier. "Ouch, Gino. I'm hurt. No flowers?" I teased, smiling. He rolled his eyes. "You were expecting them, so I decided not to bring any." "I wasn't expecting!" I defended myself, leading him inside the house while he chuckled. "Sure."
Sybelle. "Cosmo! No! Bam-Bam! Urgh! Coco, we do not eat stuffed pillows!" I stomped my foot and let my three babies run around me in a circle, before heading upstairs to who-knows-where. I grunted and muttered some stuff, then arranged the furniture while my grandmom laughed at me amusingly. "Grandma!" I pouted and blew the hair out of my face. She stopped watching the TV and turned to me fully. "What? You funny. I have no fun, watch TV all day." Yes, we were a family of asians. "Which is what I'd rather be doing instead of chores...." I trailed off, hoping for her to get the hint, but unfortunately. Well. "You exercise. Sweep, sweep, sweep, Sybelle," she said, grinning and motioning for me to continue. "You getting fat. I need no fat grandchildren." "Grandma!" I narrowed my eyes at her and she just smiled. And then the doorbell rang. "You get horrible shrieking sound. Ruins ears." She grimaced at the sound of the bell. I did so, but not before Cosmo, Bam-Bam, and Coco ran past me and into the helf-open door, and outside. I shut my eyes and ran aa hand through my face. "S**t," I muttered. "Cute guys you got there." I hadn't even realized I was standing in the doorway with Shark in front of me. Wait, what. Shark? "What are you doing here?" He smiled, but his expression was sad. "I need your help." "Oh, you Sybelle's boyfriend?" That definitely did not come through my mouth. My grandmom pushed me aside and grabbed Shark's hands, and shook them furiously with a grin. I made a gesture with my hand to my neck behind my grandmom to Shark, and he saw it, but smirked, and told my grandmom, "Yes, ma'am." I face-palmed myself and widened my eyes at Shark, who just continued to smirk. "Oh good. you have children soon, okay? Me, 99 years old. Not living longer." I almost choked and my cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Oh god why. While Shark, the perverted moron, laughed and nodded, assuring her that it will happen soon, then winked at me. He still had the nerve to wink. "Okay, that's enough, grandmom. Let's go, Shark." I grabbed his wrist and yanked him up the stairs to my room, as far away as possible from my grandmom. "Why did you do that?" I demanded, shaking my hands as Shark continued to laugh at my worried and possibly, angry expression. "It was hilarious, Angel," he said, his face red from the laughing. "To you! Urgh, I can't believe- what the hell did you just call me?" He shrugged, and laughed some more before I gave him a glare. "Angel." "And why did you just call me Angel?" "Did you just turn deaf, Angel?" he smirked, and I narrowed my eyes. "I don't like it." "Then it stays, Angel." Urgh, There was even no point of arguing with him. "Oh god, why did you even come here in the first place?" "Oh, right." He stopped laughing, he rubbed the nape of his neck and smiled nervously. "I need advice." "On Myc?" He nodded. I sighed. "That's all, okay? And then you escape here through the back door, as quietly as possible." "Uh, did you not hear what your asian grandmother said? Like, she needs mini-Sharks and mini-Sybelles running around your house, like, soon - Ow!" At the last part, I whacked the back of his head hard. "Okay, okay. Sorry. Here's what happened."
Celestianne. I drove by myself. To Scott's. And gave him back the box of all the memories. The memories that will be long forgotten. The memories that will be my past. There is no way in hell that I would be crying over someone who is not worth my tears.
Autumn. "She shoots! And she scores! And the crowd goes wild!" I exhaled very deeply through my mouth, then cheered for myself and ran around the room. Autumn Ryder just scored a three-pointer in basketpaper! You know. Cause. I was throwing crumpled papers into the trashbin that looked like a basket. Get it? Basketpaper? No? No? Okay. No. "Autumn!" My dad shouted from the living room. I just smoothed my gray dress down, and skipped downstairs. "Please be on your best behavior. They're new neighbors-" "Hey, that rhymed," I cut in, smiling. He gave me a look and I apologized. "And they need to be welcomed warmly, okay?" "Dad," I said, placing a hand on his shoulder, and I gave an exaggerated sigh. "When am I not in my best behavior?" He rolled his eyes, and answered the door just in time that the neighbors rang the bell. And guess who they were? "We really appreciate you guys having us over for dinner," the woman gushed, her face flawless. "I'm Ariana Milligan, but please call me Ariana. And this is my son, Clyde." We were both wide-eyed. It was my savior. Who was also Clyde. And Clyde was my neighbor. And my neighbor was my savior. And my savior was Clyde. -- After the confusion, and getting past the fact that we knew each other from school, made up for mine and Clyde's benefit, dad suggested I bring Clyde to my room to get to know each other. Irresponsible father, he should know better than to leave his 18 year old daughter alone with a boy. We were in the middle of an awkward silence. I was seated on a swivel chair, and he sat on the edge of my bed, and we faced each other, just staring. I was beginning to think if this was a staring contest already because since earlier none of us had blinked. And then he suddenly raised his hand and sign-languaged me. You look like your mom. "Why are you sign - how do you know about my mom?" He smiled faintly, and his head nodded to the direction behind me, where a picture of me, my dad, and my mom was framed to the wall when I was eight. "Oh. Right," I chuckled and turned the chair around. "No, I don't. She's way prettier than this." I motioned a finger around my face. Do you miss her? I wanted to ask what was up with the sign-language, but I felt like talking about my mom too. "Yeah. A lot." Look, my room is right across from yours. He pointed to the room opposite my window, and I looked at it to see correctly that it definitely belonged to a guy. "Oh, cool. Maybe we could use those telephone thingies-" I stopped short because he sign-languaged again. You're both pretty. I was confused by the sudden change of topic again, but I scoffed anyway. "No, I'm not even close to being pretty or aveerage-looking. Pfft. Are you blind?" He smiled again, but his expression was sad, and there was something in his eyes, and that alone made my heart melt. No, he signed. But I am mute. © 2013 Angel With a ShotgunAuthor's Note
Added on April 14, 2013 Last Updated on April 14, 2013 Author![]() Angel With a ShotgunPhilippinesAboutBreaking dance, volleying the ball and hipping hop since '99. Earphones are my all-time accessory - I can't go anywhere without them. The Cab entertains me. Big fan of superheroes. Spiderman is .. more..Writing