Born 13 AhauA Story by Healing StarI was born under the Maya Astrology sign 13 Ahau.In Maya Vision, Maya astrology I was born in the sign 13 Ahau - Yellow Sun From a Maya Calendar web site : Ahau / Ajpu " The Trecena of Illumination Nagual of the sun, Ahau, or Ajpu in K’iche’ Maya, epitomizes heroism in all of its forms"whether it’s the legendary Hero Twins of the Mayan creation myths, physical victory in a battle or athletics competition, triumph over a mental or psychological challenge or issue, or conquering emotional struggle or pain. In line with these concepts, Ahau represents the blowgun hunter, the activity of hunting, death, and struggle; in fact, the glyph itself displays the face of the hunter with his lips pursed, ready to use the blowgun. This powerful day sign also symbolizes leadership and intuitive power, in their many forms: a chief or leader, a president, a CEO, a prophet, a spiritual warrior, psychic or diviner. On the negative side of heroism, Ahau represents hate, enmity, rage, and vengefulness. It is also the nagual and patron guardian of flowers, and governs solar and lunar eclipses. Ahau’s animal totems are the eagle and the human being. In the Classical Maya tradition, it is associated with the cardinal direction South and the color yellow. My Understandings: That's the first time I've seen a reference to the animal Totem Human Being, that's cool. The 13 means that I am an old Soul, this may be my last walk on our Mother, or one of my last. I pray I might Transcend to the next level of Human Kind - that this awakening not be in vain, I've got so much still to do, GrandFather continue to bless me that my Heart stay strong, that my will be renewed, that I might free this Holy Soul that I know is what I Am - may my Ceremony be honored. Blessings to all who are here with me - seen and unseen - friend and foe - Master, teacher, student - we come to be taught, we come to teach, it is all the same - we come to have meaningful conversation - we come to See our True Self ... to See the Guru within and without, to follow the Pointings of the Master, and come to our own knowing of all that IS. Come and walk with me, or not, but please feel Blessed for my Blessings I share with all. Be Blessed, to see the Formless one that you truly are. When we stop trying to please, stop yearning to be accepted, stop wanting to be included, we become a friend to the whole world included in all things. Leave your expectations, and simple accept what is. © 2017 Healing StarFeatured Review
1 Review Added on February 4, 2017 Last Updated on February 4, 2017 AuthorHealing StarSouth Jordan, UTAboutI am a man who has finally realized he needs to write down what matters to him, that I might learn from myself, what is important, what I value. To capture who I am now, for that is all we have is no.. more..Writing