It is up to us to Transform ourselves, no one else can do this, no one else can make the decision to do it, it is only Us, the I that we are that must Decide, Transformation is what we are. Without awareness, without applying processes of Transformation it can never take place.
So, we are here, we have awakened to the Beauty, to the knowing that within ourselves lies the answers that we seek.
So what now, we look out from these eyes, as the one behind them, it is time to transform to now observe with the eyes of the one within, connecting, bringing together, Heart and Mind, keeping an intention of compassion for ourselves, and intention of listening to both our Eternal Heart and our Eternal Soul, and through this listening a knowing of what to do next, of what we are in need of to become the Beings we have always been. Trusted Children of the Light, know we are in a process of becoming Luminous beings, warriors for truth, enlightenment, all that is happening now is to bring about an amazing change, as they come to us, say yes, as they come to us be Open, see yourself as the ones who see all see you. I wrote a poem in 1995 I think it was, after I had been really ill, I was off work for about 15 weeks, and I had a lot of time to reflect, and spirit came to me many times whispering. I only remember a little of "Jesus My Brother" but here is how it started.
You've seen me in a different Way
A way I have not Seen
Standing Pure and White
The way I have always Been
We are all pure Divine white Light, pure energy, and there is nothing that we are not capable of, there is no obstacle that can not be removed, and nothing that can contain the Ones that we truly are. One day we will all Marvel at our own Beauty, as we see that God and I are One. Blessings, I'm Blessing You, and I pray you are Blessing me too.