Than a Pure Heart
And you my Dear Ones - Are That
Know That
No matter how many times, you, friends, family, teachers, guides, and maybe you even thought God, told you that you were Not.
God whispers to me now in this Moment that You ARE!
And so it Is.
Walk with that in your dear Heart today, and then tomorrow, and then let it wash you of all your Sorrow, and walk with that all the rest of your Days, which are days with no Limits, for you my Dear one are one who will walk on Forever, you are a Mystical, Magical being of Light come here, to enter this form that you now Are, but this form is not what you are, for you my dear one are Formless, you are Nameless, you are Limitless, you are all powerful, you are the One the Master said could, say Mountain move thyself here, and that mountain would obey and be in that place you commanded to be. This is who you Really Are, this is the Heart that God sees, Pure, Blessing Others, walking in Truth, walking in your Power, showering the Universe with your Presence, showering your Loved ones with your Light, Living a Life, the Life you have always known you could lead, but early, so early, you bought into stories that this was not possible, well, my dear ones, I have had it whispered to me that it is possible, this is the You that You are Becoming. And now, Believe in the Good Things, Coming, Coming, Coming. Imagine thousands, and thousands, of these Pure Hearts, this is who we are Becoming, the Brightness that is coming will Blind us, if we don't start to see from this place. We don't get to the new world by huge single works, we get there by stepping forward one small thing, after small thing, and then we look back and we can't even see anymore where we were because we have come so far.