Hope SeedA Poem by Healing StarDon't worry ,,, Be happy ... and know you are the Seed.Don't worry child 'bout where you're Going Even less 'bout where you Been For if there's anything I'm Knowing It's that it's NOW, and it will never be Again Walk your path and keep on Smilin' Don't you suffer through it All There's no need for your Heart to be Cryin' Because I know you've answered the Call Don't worry Child 'bout where you Are You're perfectly positioned in this Life Look above you, so many Stars So many stones to sharpen your Knife Walk on proudly now my Darling Step in line, into the Fold Listen to the song of the Starling Know when you were built they broke the Mold Don't worry Child you are Perfect So Unique as you create your Dream You are here and know you Fit Not all things are as permanent as they Seem Walk and don't be in anyone's Shadow When you look down you won't see Me Please realize you have a Halo And that you're as rooted as the Tree
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Want to advertise here? Get started for as little as $5 StatsAuthorHealing StarSouth Jordan, UTAboutI am a man who has finally realized he needs to write down what matters to him, that I might learn from myself, what is important, what I value. To capture who I am now, for that is all we have is no.. more..Writing