When you see with your Heart, you cannot be deceived.
When you listen with your Heart, truth is all that is Heard.
When you feel with your Heart, you become the Love that you Are.
The Practice of living within and from your Heart is the practice of the True Life. Bring the Sun, bring the Moon, join them as One in your Center and step out of Time. Time will no longer limit you, space will no longer limit you, Female will not dominate you, Male will not dominate you, but you will be balance, grace, limitless. When you finally live from this place you will see the real beauty of you.
I have so many layers still to shed, I have only begun to enter my Heart, so many doubts and fears. I tremble at the thought of one day reaching this place that GrandFather gives me glimpses of, I have seen enough to know it is there for us, the bliss of knowing can be our reality. I reach out to the One within me, lift me, lift me please, share with me your Beauty, share with me the understanding that I am already there. I know that you are there, I know that you are me, it is just these thoughts and doubts that keep me from knowing where I truly am. I truly am in my Heart, I can see without being deceived, I can hear only Truth, and I am the Love, Love is all that I am. This is the reality, now illusion fall away, allow me to be in this moment now, free of my doubts, free of my fears, free of this feeling that I have not found my way home yet. Why did I not believe her, my dear Mother, in ceremony, when I heard her with the most beautiful voice say, I am so glad you have come back home to your Heart. I still listen to the illusion that says, oh, you could not be there yet, it is too beautiful to imagine that you are living in your Heart. I believe I am there, but the illusion still has a hold, it will dissolve, for my seeing it is all it takes to wash it away. My intention for this holy time, this Winter Solstice is to take the illusion into Inipi and to be born into a new life in this coming year without it, that it will no longer have a grasp on me in any way. GrandFather you are so Beautiful, your child is ready to come home to you.