Rest In Your HeartA Poem by Healing StarOnce you feel the peace of knowing all is within you, you can rest.Why do you Stumble Why do you Roam You need to be Humble To find your way Home Don't you, don't you See How lucky you Are You have the Whole Sea You have all the Stars Why do you Quibble Over what you don't Have It is all just Dribble You need a good Laugh There is nothing Outside You That is not found Within Since the days of your Youth You were told time and Again Don't rush and don't Struggle You just need to let Go Don't worry and don't Muddle There is no cost for this Show You don't have to try Hard You just need to find your Way It has been written in the Stars You need to make time to Play There is nothing to stop You But your Crazy Mind You know what I say is True You have been so damn Blind But take a moment to Breathe And just close your Eyes What's been hidden Beneath What have you not Realized Even the Stars are within You I tell you I've seen Them Even the Oceans so Blue Oh Remember, Remember When The shores had no Boundaries The skies were so Clear You played with the Fairies Your Mind was not clouded by Fear There is no Limit to what is Inside There is no End to your Dream You are on a most Amazing Ride Now that you opened the door to the Unseen The Sky is not Falling It is You rising Up Feel the Universe Calling And swim in her warm Love There is nothing to Prove Take a slow walk with your Soul It does not matter the next Move For you know you will always be Whole Sit now, while I pour you a Drink Rest in your Sweet Heart Take a minute, please don't Think Just rest in your Sweet Heart Just rest in your Sweet Heart
© 2014 Healing Star |
StatsAuthorHealing StarSouth Jordan, UTAboutI am a man who has finally realized he needs to write down what matters to him, that I might learn from myself, what is important, what I value. To capture who I am now, for that is all we have is no.. more..Writing