The Dream was Real

The Dream was Real

A Story by Healing Star

This is just how it happened.

A couple nights ago I fell asleep reading The Book Of Destiny and I woke just after experiencing something that seemed incredibly real. All of a sudden there was an older man very near me and I remember he had no hair on his head, and he was a fairly large man, and he was dark skinned. And he kept getting nearer to me and he hugged me, and he hugged in such a way it felt like he and I became one. And then I woke up, it was very, very real. I think it was an ancestor and he was not that distant, but he had an incredible heart, and I am still trying to understand it. I know he loves me and maybe in some way I helped him or he wants to help me, or maybe it's a little of both. I want him to know that I love him, and I am thankful he came to me, and that I felt him. The time is coming when there will be no separation, where we will walk with all beings that have ever lived and ever will live all at the same time together, all the ancestors, all the great masters, people with experience from before the fall and people from years after we ascend, we will all be together to experience this life that we now no so little about. What is coming ... we have no idea ... our imagination is not great enough to imagine what we are about to step into. We are on the threshold of the time of peace, when love shall finally reign in every heart, when fear will not be possible, when doubt will only be a distant memory lost in a fog that we have risen above. Churchill was so incredibly correct when he said, the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. 

When you close your eyes and turn down your mind, Listen, and all you will hear is Love, the frequency of Love is the Heartbeat of this entire Universe. The sky is Blue to calm you, the water is clear to remind you, the earth is green to bring you into your Heart, the Sun is yellow to guide you. Be as the child you have always been and you will see there is nothing to worry about, the entire universe has come to hold your hand and walk you into the reality of who you really are. And Oh My, what beauty is waiting for your eyes to behold, it can not be spoken where your dreams are now taking you. It all started with one little step, of wanting to see beyond the seeing you were once alright with, but now you See and soon you will SSSSEEEEE the picture just keeps getting bigger.

© 2014 Healing Star

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Added on July 18, 2014
Last Updated on July 18, 2014
Tags: Dream, real, visit, hug, absorbed, each, other


Healing Star
Healing Star

South Jordan, UT

I am a man who has finally realized he needs to write down what matters to him, that I might learn from myself, what is important, what I value. To capture who I am now, for that is all we have is no.. more..
