takes the Lead
The others ride Behind
I said, One takes the Lead
The others ride Behind
Depending on his Skills
How many will follow Him
Depending on his Skills
On what strength lies Within
He rides upon his Stallion
With his Center set Straight
He rides right through the Sun
As he enters the Holy Gate
He reaches up with his Arms
He gazes his Eyes all About
As he speaks they feel the Charms
He casts his spear right through the Doubt
The one who leads now standing Still
Waiting to see what now Moves
And he stands upon the Holy Hill
Watching what happens among the Troops
Where will you stand my Child
Are you there with your banner Flying
Followers of the One so Mild
Will you choose to Smile or be found Crying
Oh, the hour is getting Late
As he sits upon his Stallion Still
I see you there standing at the Gate
Do you have the Strength and the Will
You see him now he raises his Flag
It is the sign we've been waiting For
The weight is lifted, no longer Drags
Freely we march with Him through the Door
And the skies they Open Up
The Smiles have returned to the Faces
We have come to Live in Love
Among a hundred dying Nations
The Stallion approaches and stamps his Hoof
And at that moment all shackles are Broken
Nature takes her place above all the Roofs
Then All can hear the Words Unspoken
You are the Beauty of the Holy Nation
My Heart was broken but now Restored
You have seen me through all Tribulation
We will live together, here for Evermore