Medium - Company, pt 1

Medium - Company, pt 1

A Screenplay by geraldrice76

This is a teleplay I wrote for the NBC show "Medium". They passed on it, but I thought it was still pretty decent. It concerns political pressure put on the DA's office to find a missing girl and a guy left for dead at the hospital.



INT. A large white room, perhaps a warehouse, with fluorescent lighting in its high ceilings.


Allison is wearing a red and black dress with her hair curled. It is cold. A man leans against the wall on the other side of the room and she slowly approaches him. He has blond hair and blue eyes and is dressed in a black tuxedo with the tie undone around his neck. Yellow light pours across his face from the open door next to him.



I’m burning up.


INT. The Dubois bedroom. Morning.


Allison awakes. The phone is ringing. She picks it up.



Hey. I can’t sleep.



You’re in luck; I just woke up. How’s Chicago going?



Eh. The booze is watered down and the strippers are skanky. How are the girls?



Ha-ha. I miss you too. The girls are fine. Ariel got a B on her test.



Why’d you wake up?



A dream.



Oh. A dream-dream or a dream?



What does that mean, a dream-dream?



You know. A dreeeeam.



One of those dreeeeams, huh? Well, they’re all dreeeeams.



What was the dream?



Well, I was naked in the middle of the desert, burning—



OK. Sounds hot.



I could hear my skin cooking. I could even smell it. But that wasn't the bad part. There was something... coming. But the only thing I could say was, 'It's the rain. It's the rain' over and over again. I had another one after that but I forgot it. Think that means something?



Did you smell like chicken?



What? Joe- I'm serious!



And sometimes a cigar can be just a cigar. Carl Lewis probably went for a stroll around the block just because, Siskel probably went out on a movie date with his wife and Jeff Gordon probably goes out joyriding on occasion. Just because you have a dream about burning up in the desert doesn’t mean you’re going to burn up in the desert.



It doesn’t have to mean I’m going to burn up in the desert. Maybe someone else died in the desert. I haven’t had a dream that wasn’t connected to something else in a long time. Hey, what’s that noise in the background?



Some zombie movie. It’s got Ving Rhames in it.



Zombie movie?



Yeah. That’s why I can’t sleep.



Then why don’t you turn it off? You hate horror movies.



I’m into it now. I might as well finish it. Oh, that’s the other thing—there’s a slim chance we might wrap up early. I’ll let you know. And if it’s more than a dream, I’m sure it’ll hit you over the head sooner or later. But you shouldn’t worry about it.



I know. I love you, Kurt.



Love you, Goldie. Bye.



EXT. The Dubois station wagon. Later in the morning.


Allison stops in front of the school. Ariel and Bridgette unbuckle their seatbelts.



Okay girls—kisses.


Ariel and Bridgette lean over to their mother and give her a kiss on the cheek. Bridgette gives her a second kiss.


Ariel and Bridgette

Bye, Mom.


They climb out of the station wagon and shut the doors, running to the school building. Allison looks in the rearview mirror at Marie in her child seat. Allison turns to look directly at her daughter and sees the blond man from her dream, but looking ill, seated in the back. Allison starts, but keeps her composure.



Who are you?


The sunlight catches in his eyes as he looks out the window. He looks at Marie, then at Allison, confused.



It’s hot in here. Can you turn the air up?


Allison – whispering

Who are you?


The man tries the handle but the door doesn’t open.



It’s too hot. Please—the air.


Allison turns and flicks the air on full blast. She turns back.





He is gone.


INT. The D.A.’s office. Morning.


Smiling, Devalos shakes hands with a youngish-looking dark-haired man.



All right, Gordy. See you on the fifteenth.


The man nods at Allison and continues out the door.



Good morning, Allison.



Good morning, sir. I got the word you wanted to see me.


He shuts the door.



Have a seat, please.


Allison sits.



I sense a deep troubling within you.


Devalos smiles briefly, unbuttoning his suit jacket as he sits.



That was Gordon Corralos. He’s the family attorney for Vander Henderson of Henderson Construction and close friend of the mayor.



And what does Mr. Henderson need above and beyond what this office provides for the good people of Phoenix?


Devalos points his finger at her like a gun and makes a sound with his mouth indicating she’s hit the nail on the head.



Apparently Mr. Henderson’s daughter went missing some time in the night. Routine stuff.


Devalos opens a manila folder in front of him on his desk and flips through it.



While Mandy is your standard issue party girl, she’s a type one diabetic—insulin dependent. Mr. Henderson is very strict with his daughter’s medication because of her truant nature and when he awoke this morning to find her still out and her insulin still in the refrigerator, he panicked. He tried her cell, of course she didn’t answer and ever since then he’s been pushing every button possible to find her.



And I suppose there’s a reason why the DA’s office is assisting in a police matter.


Allison looks through the pictures.



Mr. Henderson is close personal friends with a one Art Monkhouse who is Mandy’s godfather. Mr. Monkhouse is the sole proprietor of a series of home improvement stores in the Midwest and rumor has it he’s looking to expand into Arizona. Mr. Corralos left no mystery about it regarding Mr. Henderson and Monkhouse’s appreciation and how it would be shown in the city of Phoenix if Ms. Henderson were to be found safe and sound.



And you’re asking me to see what I can see so we can recoup Mr. Henson’s—






—Henderson’s daughter as soon as humanly possible.



You must be psychic.



It comes, it goes.



Can you have something for me by lunch? It’ll help my indigestion for when the mayor rams this thing down my throat. I’m certain that’s where Mr. Corralos is headed now.



I’ll talk to my people. Of course this’ll cost you.


Allison rises and stacks the pictures before putting them in the file and picking it up.



The usual four million deposit in your Cayman account?



You must be psychic.





She stops and looks back at Devalos.



Thank you.



That’s my job, sir.


She steps back in and looks at him.



You all right?



Yeah. Sometimes it just helps to work a little magic when you have someone who really can.


INT. Allison’s desk. Afternoon.


Allison reads through the information in the file Devalos gave her. Detective Scanlon walks over to her desk.






How’s it going, Lee?



He sits on the edge of her desk.



Eh. Did the DA give you that thing today?


Allison looks up from the file.



Oh, you mean the missing girl thing? Working on it right now.



By the look on your face I’m gonna guess you don’t have anything yet.



No. Anything on your end?



No. I was hoping you’d be my compass.



So far everything’s a dead-end. Hopefully, no pun intended.



Hm. Think maybe a change of scenery might help? How about I grab us some lunch?


She checks her watch and sighs.



Apparently I owe Manuel four million dollars.






Inside joke. Thanks, but no. I brought a lunch. I might go sit on a bench outside, take in some fresh air.



The big man’s really keyed up over this one.



Yeah, I got that too. I don’t think it’s entirely over the whole pressure from the mayor thing, though. I think there might be something else going on with him.



He’ll work it out. I’ll see you around. Must obey the tummy.


Scanlon pats his stomach, rises and leaves.


EXT. A small park surrounded by small office buildings. It is warm and sunny.


Allison sits on a park bench by herself with her lunch pail next to her. She’s eating a sandwich when she begins looking around as if she is sensing something.





She looks around from her seat.



Is anybody there?


The man from the car earlier that morning places his hand on the back of the park bench Allison is seated in. He hunches over and looks at her. His eyes are red-rimmed and his nose swollen-looking.



Man, it sure is hot today.


Allison looks at him.



Yeah. I guess.


He looks at her, surprised.



Hey, it’s you again. I know you. I was out… somewhere.



Yes, me again. And you are?



Uh, Neil. Sorry, I’d shake hands, but I have this summer cold.


Allison looks around again. She sets her purse next to her feet.



That’s okay. I don’t need anymore colds with three little ones at home. Why don’t you have a seat?


He sits and wipes his nose.



Oh, sorry, you’re eating.



Trust me, when you’re a mother you become immune.


Allison takes another bite of her sandwich.



So what brings you out here?



I was just passing through. But come to think of it, I meant to tell you something.



Tell me what?



Something about a woman? You’re supposed to be looking for her but you’re not. That makes absolutely no sense, I know.



And what is this woman’s name?



That’s funny. I don’t remember. Starts with an "M"?



Can you describe her?



Blue eyes, blonde hair. More like yours than mine. I can almost picture her face, but not quite.



Do you know who she is?



I couldn’t tell you.



How do you know about this? Where… are you?



What do you mean? I’m right here.



I can’t really break this gently to you. You’ve… passed. Right now you’re in a "transitional" phase until you’ve resolved something in your life. You’re somehow connected to this missing girl and maybe to get that resolution you need to help find her.



Passed? I’m not dead.


He laughs nervously and stands up.



I think I’ve made a mistake. Um, you take care of yourself and enjoy your lunch. Sorry.



No, wait!


He disappears.


Allison looks around without seeing him anywhere. Scanlon is walking back to the building when he sees Allison and stops by.



If I weren’t worried about making a bad joke I’d say you look like you’ve just seen a ghost.


Allison looks up at him.


INT. Back at Allison’s desk. Afternoon.


Allison is still pouring over the file Devalos has given her. She has the yellow pages, various documents and an encyclopedia spread over her desk. Her desk phone goes off and she answers after a few rings.



DA’s office, Allison Dubois speaking.


Muffled Male Voice

I’m coming to get you, Barbra. What are you wearing?



Sorry, you have the wrong number.


She hangs up. The phone rings again before she can return to her paperwork. She picks up.



DA’s office, Allison Dubois.



Hey, you hung up on me.



Who? Oh, I’m sorry, honey. I didn’t recognize your voice. What’s up? I’m really swamped right now.



I can’t believe you completely trampled my "Night of the Living Dead" reference. Now really, what do you have on?



Uhh, ten-inch heels and saran wrap.



Whoa, they really relaxed the dress code there. What are you up to?



Working on a VIP MIA. Why?



Well the math emergency has been averted and I’m on a plane right now getting ready to fly out of O’Hare. Any chance you can come out and play hooky with me?



You’re coming home? That’s great, I’ve been missing you. Oh, I don’t know if I can make it, Joe. I’m going to be here pretty late. In fact, Ariel is staying over a friend’s and Bridgette and Marie are staying with the Beaudreaus tonight.

Devalos walks over.



Joe, hold on.



Hey boss.



How’s everything going?



I had a little visitor while I was sitting outside having lunch. Might have something to do with our girl, might not. I’m waiting on him to show up again.



Yeah, I was thinking about that. We got a little reprieve—the mayor’s on vacation for the next two days. So why don’t you go ahead and get out of here? The office is the wrong place for you to do your thing. Take the file with you.



All right. You sure?






Okay, well I guess I’ll see you in the morning.


Devalos nods and begins walking back to his office. He stops momentarily and looks back at Allison.



Tell your husband I said "hello".


Allison nods back to him and removes her hand from the phone.






I heard. I’m on American West, arriving at 3:40. Can we do dinner and a movie?



A date? That would be perfect. I can’t remember the last time we went out. But shouldn’t we pick up the kids?



Well, we don't have to tell them.



Deceitful. I’m intrigued.



So I’ll see you soon?



Absolutely. I love you, Brad.



Love you too, Angelina. Bye.


EXT. Sky Harbor Airport. Afternoon.


Allison pulls up to the curb and Joe is waiting with two pieces of luggage. She pops the trunk and he throws his things in and shuts in and hops in the front passenger seat. They stare at each other across the small space between them, stone-faced before Joe breaks character, leans over and pulls Allison in for a kiss.



(looking concerned after feeling his forehead)

Are you all right? You’re kinda warm.



Well, we have been apart for three days.



I’m serious. You might be coming down with something. Maybe we should just go home.



No, no, no. C’mon, this is like a once in a lifetime opportunity—we are going to spend time alone together even if it kills me. If you want, we can split the difference and just go to dinner.



All right. But if you start feeling bad we go straight home.



Hey, I’m as fit as fiddlesticks.


INT. A restaurant called Outshooters. Waitstaff shuffle back and forth in bright-colored uniforms with hats and there are several families at surrounding tables. Joe sips at his soft drink more often than he eats as he and Allison sit across from each other in a booth. Allison looks up from her plate and sees the distant look in her husband’s eyes and the sweat on his forehead. He looks up and notices her staring.



You know, as many times as we’ve been here with the kids I never realized how annoying the waiters’ uniforms are.



Yeah, they are a little on the bright side.



No wonder I’m losing my appetite. I think I’m turning epileptic.






Okay, they’re not that bright. (takes a deep breath) It’s this dry heat, you get used to the temp in one place and then you gotta adjust all over again—(whispers) my tummy hurts.



Okay, let me get the waiter over here to box this up and we’ll head home.


The waiter comes over. The nametag on his shirt reads "Ned".



(His tone too chipper) How we doin’ over here, guys?


Joe turns to get up, throws up on the waiter and slumps back down in his seat.





INT. A hospital room. Joe is hooked up to an IV, lying in a bed wearing a hospital gown and covered up to his chest in white sheets. Allison stands by his bedside.



I feel fine. You didn’t have to make a scene out of it.



You mean like you blowing chunks all over the waiter?



How long are you gonna hold that over my head?


Allison gives her husband a look.



Look—any minute now the doctor’s going to come in and say it’s probably something I ate. It’s probably just gas or jetlag.



Joe, you threw up on the waiter. Does jetlag do that?



Well no, not usually on waiters. Look, here’s the lady of the hour.


The doctor walks in. Her nametag reads "Dr. Ravesh". She straps on a pair of latex gloves. She turns down the bed sheet.


Dr. Ravesh

Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Dubois, my name is Dr. Ravesh, I’m the attending. Mr. Dubois, I just want to check your stomach really quickly. How are we doing tonight, Mrs. Dubois?


Dr. Ravesh begins feeling around Joe’s stomach.



A little shaken up.



Not me, I feel pretty good. It’s not every day a guy gets (grunts) poisoned by his wife—I feel special.


Dr. Ravesh

Does he do this quite frequently?



Oh, you mean joke inappropriately when he’s frightened? Yes. You shouldn’t be joking anyway, Joe. I saw this thing on TV about a spy who was poisoned with this radioactive dust.



First—spies are cool; second—don’t talk about my S-E-C-R-E-T I-D in front of the D-O-C-T-O-R.


Allison makes a face. The doctor takes off her gloves and they both look at her. She turns and winks at Allison so Joe can’t see.


Dr. Ravesh

Bad news, Mr. DuBois. You’re going blind and deaf.





Dr. Ravesh

See? Mrs. DuBois, you’re husband is going to be fine after a little routine surgery to remove his appendix. We’re going to move relatively quickly now, but don’t be alarmed; we always like to get those out ASAP before they can become problematic.



So he’s going to be okay?


Dr. Ravesh

Yes. And like I said, this is very minor surgery. We’ll have him back to you in a few hours, but we do have to operate immediately.



Yes, yes. Absolutely.



Hey, don’t the deaf and blind get a say in any of this?


Dr. Ravesh

I’ll let your wife tell you no.


Allison folds her arms and looks at him.





Dr. Ravesh

I’ll be right back. I just have some forms for you to sign.


The doctor leaves and then nurses come in to prepare Joe.



Helluva way for us to spend date night, huh Jane?


Allison stands, watching Joe. She reluctantly steps closer to him and grabs hold of his outstretched hand.



Yeah, Tarzan. You’re gonna be okay.



Actually, I was going for Chevy Chase on the Weekend Update with Jane Curtin on SNL, but I like yours better.


Joe squeezes her hand and covers it with his other.



Mr. DuBois, we’re going to take you to the OR now. The doctor should be back shortly, Mrs. Dubois.


They wheel Joe out of the room and Allison follows until the elevators. They take him in and she stands in front of the doors a moment. She turns and walks back to the room to get her purse. Two doctors precede her into the room and stand by the second bed in the room. They talk quietly to each other while looking over his chart and checking his monitoring equipment. Allison steps closer for a look. Beneath all the tubes she recognizes the man from her vision, his face swollen and bandaged. Allison gasps.


INT. Hospital waiting room. Allison is within eyeshot of Joe’s room and sitting down. There is an older woman with two very young children and a heavyset man with an arm cast up to his shoulder. Detective Scanlon walks in looking disheveled given the late hour.






Detective Scanlon—I’m glad you’re here.


Allison stands up and goes over to Scanlon.



I’m sorry, I was a little groggy when you called. What are you doing here again?



Joe has appendicitis and got sick while we were out to dinner. He’s in surgery now, but they put him in a room with a guy I’ve been "seeing" around. His name is Neil something. I couldn’t write it down right then; his doctors were in the room.



Is he conscious?



No. Coma. He looked like he’d been beaten up pretty badly.



All right. I’ll speak to someone at the nurse’s station and call around. See what I can find out. And you think he’s got something to do with Devalos’ thing?



I don’t know. Maybe. But at the very least he’s connected to something.



Okay. Gimme a minute.


Scanlon goes over to the nurse’s station and speaks to a young, heavyset brunette. He takes out his notepad and writes after she does something on the keyboard of the computer next to her. She picks up the phone and cradles it between her neck and shoulder as she types and a moment later a doctor comes over. They don’t talk long before he comes back.



All right. Nurse said the only ID he had on him had the name Neil Gershonowicz. He was unconscious and non-responsive. They found him in the back of an old junker someone left in the hospital valet. They don’t know if he has any family or not so no one’s been contacted and they hadn’t filed a police report yet. He has multiple lacerations to his face and neck but what they’re more concerned about the heat stroke.



Heat stroke (Allison’s eyes dart around).



What? Anything?



Maybe. So what do we do now?



Well we don’t do anything. You sit here and wait for the good word on your husband. I’ll follow up at the station and see what this guy’s history is and if he has any relatives. Hopefully we can place him in our girl’s proximity. Hopefully whoever did this to him didn’t have the chance to do it to her. Did you call Devalos?



No. Not yet.



Good. Don’t. Let’s see if this turns into anything first. I’ll see you.



Thanks for coming so fast. See you.


Allison walks over to a vending machine and ponders the selections. She begins feeding quarters into the machine when she feels someone behind her.



Fancy meeting you here.


She looks around and sees everyone within earshot is sleep.



Listen. I want to apologize about earlier. I'm kind of... weird that way and it can come off as abrasive.



Don't think twice about it. Obviously if you're here you must be under a deal of stress. I've said goofier. I'm Neil.





She holds out her hand for him to shake. He stares at it, nervously.



Sorry, I'm a little germ-phobic. So who are you here to see?



My husband. Appendicitis. And you?



A friend of mine. Heat stroke. They should be letting him out soon.



Wow, heat stroke. Is he from out of town? What's your friend's name?


Neil opens his mouth to speak, but the older woman with the little boy yawns loudly and stretches, distracting Allison from Neil. When she looks back he is gone. She turns and makes her selection from the vending machine.




Allison is watching television in the waiting room when Dr. Ravesh returns. She looks concerned and Allison stands to meet her.


Dr. Ravesh

Mrs. Dubois—



Is everything okay? Did the surgery go all right?


Dr. Ravesh

Your husband did fine through the surgery but there was an unexpected complication.



What? What?


Dr. Ravesh puts a hand on Allison’s shoulder and her other on her arm and guides Allison to a seat.


Dr. Ravesh

He had a mild reaction to the anesthesia just as the surgeon was wrapping up.



How mild? What does that mean?


Dr. Ravesh

Your husband is in a light coma.





Dr. Ravesh

He could awake in ten minutes or in a few days. However long it takes for him to work the anesthesia out of his system, but he is in no immediate danger.



I need to see him. Can I see him?


Dr. Ravesh

In just a moment. This is almost like he went on a bender and just needs to sleep it off, but I want to assure you, Mrs. Dubois, that your husband will be fine. I need to go see the nurses, but I will be right back just as soon as they bring your husband down to take you to him.



All right. I need to call my girls. I need to call work. Are you sure he’s going to be okay?


Dr. Ravesh

Scout’s honor. Now relax, Mrs. Dubois.


INT. The Devalos kitchen. Morning.


The Devalos residence is quiet except for Manuel straightening his tie in between bites of dry toast. He turns on his cell and it buzzes immediately. Manuel dials his cell one-handed and puts it to his ear. We hear scratches of Allison’s voice as he pops the last piece of toast in his mouth and shuts his briefcase. He hits a button on his phone and flips it shut, grabs his suitcase and heads toward the front door. His wife, in her night clothes meets him at the stairs.


Mrs. Devalos

Good morning, sweetheart.



Good morning.


They kiss and she wipes away a piece of toast he transferred to her mouth.


Mrs. Devalos

Did you take your shot?



Yes, I took my shot.


She undoes his tie and starts it again, lingering as she does so.



Hey, what’s the protocol for giving a man flowers?


She looks at him with a confused expression.



It’s Allison’s husband. He had emergency surgery last night—he’s fine, but apparently he went into a mild coma from the anesthesia.


Mrs. Devalos

Oh my. Is everyone okay?



Yes, but, do I get him flowers? It just seems kind of, I don’t know, strange somehow.


Mrs. Devalos

You men are so complex and silly at the same time. I’m just a girl—I would. Tell you what, if it seems so weird, then just send the flowers to the Dubois family. No doubt she’ll get them and let her interpret any way she likes.



I might have married you for your body, but I’m glad it came with a brain.


Mrs. Devalos

Yeah, I am pretty hot.


They kiss. Devalos’ cell rings.



See you tonight.


Devalos walks out and she shuts the door behind him.


INT. Police Headquarters. Morning.


Detective Scanlon flips through some files on his desk as he waits for DA Devalos to pick up.






Got some news.



Go ahead.



Allison put us on to a Neil Gershonowicz last night. He’s in the hospital; it doesn’t look like he’s going to make it. Somebody roughed him up pretty bad and left him in the sun so long he had severe heat stroke. Dumped at Phoenix Memorial two nights ago. You’re standard ne’er-do-well, a couple sheets’ worth of B&Es, petty larceny, destruction of property, etc.



So far you’re not scratching my itch, detective.



I know. This kid is small time. For the past three months, however, his record is clean. Squeaky clean. I spoke with his PO last night and he told me Neil had moved into an upscale apartment and was driving an expensive Mercedes Benz.



I assume he was teetering on the edge of parole violation, but again, so what?



Well, as it turns out, Neil’s wealthy benefactor is a Karl Debussey, Jr. The car is registered in his name and he’s on the lease to the apartment Neil lives in. I couldn’t find any connection to Karl Debussey and Neil Gershonowicz until by chance I pulled up a picture of Debussey, Senior and Junior. Get this: they’re twins.



Please tell me there’s a connect to my kidnap.



As multi-millionaires go, the Debusseys are as close to being next door neighbors as you can get with the Hendersons. Our girl and Debussey Junior went to high school together.



All right. Keep digging. I want to know as much as possible on both of them by ten o’clock. I’ll take care of interviewing the Debusseys after I review. Oh, and I’m sending Allison’s husband some flowers if you’d like your name on the card.



You’re buying a guy flowers?


INT. The Dubois kitchen.


Allison sits at the head of the table with her daughters seated next to one another. Outside the kitchen window a man on fire waves, trying to get Allison’s attention.


Man on Fire



Allison looks at each of her daughters from oldest to youngest. The man’s shouting makes her lose count.





Man on Fire



Allison –



Man on Fire

Anybody? Anybody?


INT. Joe’s hospital room.


Allison sleeps in a chair by Joe’s bedside. Their daughters come in with a brunette-haired woman around Allison’s age behind them.





Allison snaps awake and turns to her daughters. She holds her arms out to them and they rush to her.





Allison looks up to the woman with them.



Thank you, Cynthia.



Oh, Allison, don’t mention it. Are you okay?



I’m fine. (She turns to her daughters). And your father’s going to be fine, too. The medicine they gave him to put him to sleep for the surgery just made him a little sick.



Daddy’s got a tummy ache?


INT. DA’s office. Late morning.


Scanlon knocks on Devalos’ office door.



Come in.



I just emailed you everything we have on Gershonowicz and his twin brother. We swung by the apartment but there’s nobody home. Karl Debussey Jr’s birth certificate lists Karl Debussey Sr. and Laura Debussey as his birth parents.



Why would millionaires give a child up for adoption?



Don’t know who Gershonowicz’s parents are, maybe he and Karl Jr. just look a lot alike. He grew up in an orphanage, so we’re going to need a ton of subpoenas to get to everything we need. I don’t know if it makes any difference but Laura Debussey was Karl’s second wife.



Unfortunately, we don’t have the time for all the legal wrangling to get a look at the documents we need. I’ll have to make a shortcut.



What are you going to do?



I’m going to ask Mr. Debussey. He knows me: I tried him for murdering his wife.


EXT. Outside the Debussey residence. A cool, slightly windy afternoon.


Devalos stands at the front door, briefcase in hand. He has shown up unannounced to have somewhat of an element of surprise when either Debussey opens the door. He has a young blonde ADA with him with a pair of thick-framed glasses too sharp for her ovular face. He rings the doorbell. After a minute, a blond-haired man in his late teens or early twenties pops his head out the door.






Mr. Debussey, my name is Miguel Devalos and I’m the Maricopa County district attorney, this is Assistant District Attorney Pauline Fisk. Could I have a word with you inside?



What about?



Neil Gershonowicz.



Man! (he looks around) C’mon, c’mon.

looking confused
– to Devalos with her hand over the phone
– backing away
– looking confused
- shrugs
– raising the sandwich to cover her mouth
– standing in the doorway
– fanning himself
– with mist coming from his mouth

© 2008 geraldrice76

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Added on November 11, 2008



Macomb Twp, MI

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