Have you ever wondered why there are less trees? Why people are reluctant to plant them, thereby, making it one of the many reasons for Global Warming? Well the 'root' cause is a bird...The Crow! They have the license to s**t around everywhere, especially, on us, the humble Human Being. They, just need a tree's trunk for their 'loo'gical placement and when ready, they just shoot down, being least considerate on the humble Beings, on the head...on the shirt...and even on the hands...poor....poor people!!
And worse is when there is no way to clean the 'crap'! What the crow is eating, from rotten meat to any crap from the dustbin or anywhere around, who knows what! Like they eat anything and from anywhere so is their way of shitting...on the tree...on anyone!
So, to rid themselves from getting the crows crap on them, the Human, cuts down the trees and stops the crapping spree of the crows! So, blame it on the crows, for Global Warming!