The Divded States
A Poem by Gianna Contillo
In the wake of Ferguson, this poem illustrates the pain that is perpetuated by a nation divided by race. We all bleed the same so we should lead the same, hand in hand, to peace. 
Our Nation is in Pain, for it is divded we still remain; but what could this divide, provide?
After all these years, the conflict is still at high tide, but behind this hatred we cannot simply run and hide, or the pain will never subside.
To bridge the gap together we must take this ride,
Open your hand, together lets walk hand in hand, and at peace we will all someday land.
© 2014 Gianna Contillo
Author's Note
I wrote this sitting in class, It is a call for peace...This poem is not meant to take a stance on any side, nor comment on the events at Ferguson, it is simply a cry and hope for a world where someday we can all enjoy the beautiful earth together in peace. I believe in one race, the human race, and I beleive that one day, I will see a world that acknowleges and honors this as well. To my brothers and sisters in pain, I dont know you, but I have love for you. Stay strong, keep your head up and think peace, not pain.
I'm glad you care about this. It feels really good to have people ordering us about for the sake of a united nation and peace in general, not just city and country but all of it together and the token of ethnicity to make it all an interesting jumble.
Posted 10 Years Ago
1 Review
Added on December 2, 2014
Last Updated on December 2, 2014
Tags: peace, poetry, passion, ferguson, missouri, 2014, justice, love, truth, acceptance, world peace, politics, culture, race, ethnicity, connect, unify, unity, union, breathe, activism, united states