

A Poem by Gavin Keary

when you let your vision go out of focus...


When your vision blurs,

do you shrink away from what you cannot see?

Do you embrace your unseen death with open arms?


when you cannot see clearly,

do your friends leave you to forage for yourself?

Do they taunt you, thinking your hearing is lost too?


When your sight returns,

does the world look the same as before?

Do the people act as if nothing happened?


That is when you acknowledge one ultimate truth.

the world through blind eyes is more vivid than with clear sight.

© 2009 Gavin Keary

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thank you for your review. i like this one alot especially the last line. i relate to it easily. im a little new to the whole internet writing thing, a buddy of mine is on here under david ryan. he encouraged me to join. not quite sure how to add you as a friend but we should, id like to keep reading your material.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on June 18, 2008
Last Updated on May 23, 2009


Gavin Keary
Gavin Keary

Some of my major inspiration would have to be my life in general, other people's lives (I am fascinated by other people's lives). Authors that I look up to would be Tolkien, Poe, Spider Robinson,.. more..

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A Poem by Gavin Keary