Inside Me

Inside Me

A Poem by Gavin Keary

What I have been feeling all along...


The artist in me

is trying to flee

my fleshy prison

that I have risen

to keep away the pain

that, if allowed, will reign.


The lover in me

is trying to break free.

To shout out its one and only plea.

If given the chance,

every woman it will entrance.


The person I am is attempting to be.

But it can't, for my demons are on a spree

to destroy all that I am

and force me to condemn.

© 2008 Gavin Keary

My Review

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Very good. I like this alot. I was just in Indiana for a few weeks, the midwest is a wonderful place for inspiration.

Posted 15 Years Ago

Wow... deep... I liked it.

Posted 16 Years Ago

I know that feeling.

I like the way you expressed it, it's a short poem, but it says all it needs to say, which is the best thing in certain situations. This being one of them.

I just wish we knew why we all compress our selves inside, what are we hiding from? I suppose we're just afraid of who we will be when we let ourselves be what is inside.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on June 3, 2008


Gavin Keary
Gavin Keary

Some of my major inspiration would have to be my life in general, other people's lives (I am fascinated by other people's lives). Authors that I look up to would be Tolkien, Poe, Spider Robinson,.. more..

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