

A Poem by Gavin Keary

One of my favs that I have written.


The life I leave here

has been one word: fear.

I have finally surpassed

the demons of my past.


Traitors to my word

they have left their vision blurred.

Blind to the truth,

they tormented my youth.


Today salvation lights my path,

and is my panacea to their wrath.

She takes up their one bane

so their powers over me begin to wane.


The end of my pain

brings the severing of my last chain.

She gives me her hands

and I take them, as we soar to better lands.

© 2008 Gavin Keary

Author's Note

Gavin Keary
My one savior has and always will be my future wife. Thank you honey. You have no idea what you have saved me from...

My Review

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I know that anyone who knows you will be happy that you were saved, from whatever it was. I know sometimes things might be bad and everything seems to go wrong, but if there's someone there to help, it makes all the difference. The poem really shows what I think you wanted it to show, so in my eyes it is a success. Keep your chin up, and always move forward.


Posted 16 Years Ago

This is a great poem, and it shows love can conquor all. i really enjoyed it.
The words flow easily and rythmn where they should do. Perfect...


Posted 16 Years Ago


Posted 16 Years Ago

What a wonderful poem - you grasp the unknown and take it by the horns so to speak - and to credit someone unknown but still a muse and fortune for you is quite lovely. Well done - great expression. Thank you.

Posted 16 Years Ago

You don't know how much your words create an uplifting faith in my own salvation,
which has always been, for so long,
my waiting for his.
Then salvation is,
And now that the fear has presided,
it's only forward,
or nothing at all.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on May 5, 2008


Gavin Keary
Gavin Keary

Some of my major inspiration would have to be my life in general, other people's lives (I am fascinated by other people's lives). Authors that I look up to would be Tolkien, Poe, Spider Robinson,.. more..

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