Symphony of the Soul

Symphony of the Soul

A Poem by Gavin Keary

This was written when I was in Middle School, so I can understand if you guys don't like this one compared to my other writings.


There is music inside all of us.Magestic and

uplifting,it flows through us.It can be

heard when we are joyous or sadenned.In

times of great tragedy,others join our song.

And together, we are the symphony of the soul.

© 2008 Gavin Keary

Author's Note

Gavin Keary
I hope you people take into consideration that I was 13 when I wrote this, so try and keep an open mind.

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Damn!!! What an inspiring poem - especially for a 13 year old. It's beautiful. And it's true, the music is an all of us, happy or sad.. Nice write!!!


Posted 16 Years Ago

This is good. It has a good message. Not bad for writing it when you were 13.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on April 7, 2008
Last Updated on April 8, 2008


Gavin Keary
Gavin Keary

Some of my major inspiration would have to be my life in general, other people's lives (I am fascinated by other people's lives). Authors that I look up to would be Tolkien, Poe, Spider Robinson,.. more..

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