As Paradise Burns: Chapter 2

As Paradise Burns: Chapter 2

A Story by Garrett Beebe

The stories of Baleian and Landon are told in a War that has been raging since the birth of man. Hell fights to bring back the dark energies to the Lands of Immorterra as Heaven and it's allies fight desperately to preserve the balance of the Universe.


The city was drenched in colossal rain.  In this city it seemed as if the rain never ceased. The people still scurried around like little ants, the downpour did not affect them one bit. The blinking lights of traffic signals and cars filled the streets. Noise pollution could be heard for miles from car horns, people yelling and anything else one could think of. The space needle towered over most of the buildings. Lightning struck down in the distance, briefly lighting the dark storm. After two seconds, the thunder could be heard.

            At the local university an archaeological expedition was about to leave for the icy shores of Iceland. The university was funded for a dig for a castle recently discovered in Iceland. The students were forced to load the equipment onto the truck, which would later be shipped off to Iceland.

            “Hurry the storms getting worse!” The Professor yelled while trying to hold his hat on that was now completely drenched.

            As the professor finished his sentence, a lightning bolt struck down about two hundred yards away. The roar of the lightning was so loud some of the students fell to their knees and covered their ears.

            “Hurry this is dangerous, are we almost done?!” Asked the professor.

            “We just have to load a couple more crates and we’re done!” Answered one of the students.

            “Alright everyone get inside, Dan and I will finish up here!” Ordered the professor.

            Dan was a big stocky fellow. Almost six and a half feet tall and all muscle. His head was bald and had no stubble on it. His muscles were very toned. It was easily known that he worked out every day for at least three hours. Dan had no problem lifting the heavy crates and the work was soon done. With one hand, he pulled the back of the truck shut and then hit the side to signal he was done.

            The Professor and Dan jogged slowly back to the University where all the other students waited. Dan and the Professor dripped heavily on the carpet in the building. The red carpet was drenched and looked a very dark red.

            “Is everything ready?” asked the Dean of the school.

            “Yea, we just finished loading up the supplies and are going to leave in the morning.” answered the Professor.

            “Alright good to hear Professor Ghrey, good luck and let’s hope you find something extraordinary.” The Dean smiled.

            “From the report we got that shouldn’t be hard.” Laughed the Professor and the Dean.

            Dan just sat there the whole time not saying a word, his face never changing just the same stern look upon his face. As the Dean walked out of the room, Dan just continued to stare at him. The moment the Dean left the room Dan began to speak.

            “What an a*****e.” Dan said suddenly.

            “Huh? What’s come over you?” Asked the Professor.

            “Don’t give me that Landon. He’s just happy were going because if we find anything he’ll get rich.” Dan huffed.

            “Now why would you go and think something like that?” Landon questioned.

            “Well for one this is the first time the prick has talked to any one of us since we were hired here, and two how often are there reports like this coming from Iceland? I mean we were lucky all the other universities thought it was a joke.” Argued Dan.

            “Well I guess you have a point. But it’s getting late and I need to get some sleep before tomorrow.”

            “Alright, see you tomorrow then.” Dan waved as he walked out into the rain back to his car.

            The next morning Landon, Dan and all the other students from the University gathered in the lobby of the airport. It was still raining outside but the rain was reduced to a drizzle. The clouds were still thick however, it was so dark it looked as if night was about to begin, even though it was still before noon.

            “Flight 128B bound for Chicago is now boarding first class.” Said a worker over the intercom.

            “Ah that’s our plane, everyone get in line.” Professor Ghrey said. “Don’t forget any bags, because you won’t see them again. “

            Dan and the Professor walked off to wait for their turn to be boarded. After picking up their bags the students soon followed.

            “How many different connecting flights are we taking?” Whispered Dan to Landon.

            “When we arrive at Chicago we then get on a flight to Goose Bay in Canada, and then we get on the flight to Iceland.” Replied the Professor.

            After about fifteen hours of traveling, the team had finally arrived in Iceland. They did not leave immediately, they decided to stretch their legs and grab a bite to eat at the food court. When the group was done eating they went straight to baggage claim and out to the street. Compared to the airport in Chicago the road was very bare and had little to no traffic. Since there was such little traffic it was easy for the group to find their bus.

            Once everyone was on the bus it took a little over an hour to get to where the campsite was.

            “So what exactly are we digging up?” Asked one of the students.

            “Well a castle was just discovered under some of the ice around here.” Answered the Professor.   

            “What’s so special about that?” responded the student.

            “Well you know that the people in medieval Europe never traveled to Iceland?” Landon questioned.


            “Well the castle is of European design and a soldier frozen under the ice was found.” Stated Landon.

            “I still think something’s up. I mean why would all the other Universities pass a find like this up? We had to have been about fifth down the list at least.” Dan speculated.

            “That’s true, but now that we’re on the job I don’t think it matters much.” Stated the Professor.

            Dan crossed his arms and rolled his eyes while mumbling, “I hope your right.”

            After about an hour the bus reached the excavation site. Slowly the students and instructors descended from the bus.

            “Where do you want the dynamite?” One of the native workers asked an instructor.

            Professor Ghrey overheard this and quickly began speaking to the worker.

            “What?! What do you mean dynamite?!”

            “Where are we blasting through?” The worker asked again.

            “This is an excavation to search the insides of the castle. We can’t risk blowing through a wall or anything. “Landon answered.

            “Well they didn’t give us any drills; we have no torches or heavy machinery. Now we could dig through the ice with your little picks, or we can blast through the ice and get in this year.” Replied the worker.

            “D****t! I’ll get back to you I have to make some calls.”  Landon answered as he pulled a cell phone out of his bag.

            Landon frantically searched through the phonebook on the phone and found the number to the Dean of the University. The phone rang two times and just when Landon thought no one was going to answer the secretary answers the phone with an emotionless “Hello, Mr. Tygens office. How may I help you?”

            “Yes put me through to Dan Tygens immediately.”

            “May I ask who is calling?” Asked the secretary.

            “This is Professor Ghrey, there’s a little problem at the dig site I need addressed now.”

            “One moment please.” As Landon listened urgently on hold, some bad opera music played over the phone. Landon could tell it was recorded straight off a microphone from the radio needless to say the music did not calm him down one bit.

            “Why hello Mr. Ghrey, what seems to be the problem?” Answered the Dean.

            “Uh yea, they want to blast through the ice with dynamite.”

            “Is there a problem with that?” questioned Mr. Tygens

            “Yea, the castle is under the ice, and I don’t think we want any holes in the walls that weren’t caused by the ice.” Replied Landon.

            “Is there any other equipment to get through the ice?”

            “From what I’ve been told... No.” stated Landon.

            “Well the students there can’t afford to miss any more school than they are losing on this trip now. So we’re going to have to blast through. Call me again if anything worse happens. Now goodbye I have a meeting to attend to.” Said Mr. Tygens.

            “Wait!” Yelled Landon, but the Dean had already hung up the phone.

            “F**k.” Whispered Landon. “Go ahead and blast through... But do it on a corner of the castle.”

            “We’ll try our best not to hit much of the castle.” Said the worker before walking off and pointing where to go to another worker.

            Almost one minute after the decision was made a large blast was heard. Ice shot up almost fifteen feet from the blast. The blast had charred some of the ice black and heated the ice, the ice was so hot you could watch it melt down in less than two minutes.

            “Woe, woe, woe!” Landon flipped out almost instantly.

            “What? You said to go ahead and blast.” Replied the worker.

            “Well I assumed you would pick a spot to blast that wasn’t so close to the wall of the castle.”

            “That’s where your problem was. Now excuse me I have to get back to town.” The worker replied as he walked over back to his car.

            Landon mumbled some swears to himself and watched the rest of the workers drive off into the distance.

            “Are all the tents set up?” Landon asked the students.

            “The last ones being put up at the moment.” One of the students answered.

            “As soon as that’s done, draw some straws we can’t take everyone at once to go into the castle.” Ordered Landon.

            Landon walked over to Dan who was looking down at the castle.

            “I can’t believe this s**t, and I was told this was to be a professional dig.” Landon complained to Dan.

            “I had a feeling it would be like this.” Dan answered without looking away from the castle.

            When the camp was ready Landon, Dan and some of the students ventured down into the castle. As soon as they entered the castle, the castle did not seem normal. It was of English and French design, but statues of Norse gods adorned the walls. What seemed to make even less sense were the runes drawn out in human blood across the walls. Some of the runes were burned up too, bringing more questions to Landon. Venturing farther into the castle the Norse statues lessened and more of a catholic touch came over the castle. Not the usual pictures and crosses of Jesus, but pictures of Hell and Demon like monsters.

            “This is certainly odd, such a diverse choice of architecture and religions.” Mentioned Landon.

            “You don’t think the blood is odd?” Asked Dan.

            “Heh, guess you’re right.” Added Landon.

            Eventually they all came upon the inner courtyard, where grass still grew. The remains of many naturally mummified Nordic soldiers were abundant in the clearing. A battle had ended many stories here. The soldiers did not decay because of the ice, but there skin was dried out and turned a light dirt brown. Too many soldiers died here to count by hand. You could tell that the castle was breached because most of all the mummies showed signs of battle or injury. The Gates to the outer courtyard were massive and made completely of a steel like metal. Even after all the years, the gate still had a luster that reflected almost as well as a mirror. The doors were smashed in to huge stonewalls. Pieces of shrapnel were scattered all across the ground by the smashed gate. A broken battering ram lay broken just past the Gate that lead into the inner courtyard.

            “This must have been a grand battle from the look of these armies.” Professor Ghrey stated. “I wonder what year this took place in.”

            “From the look of the enemy soldiers I would say around medieval ages.” Added Dan.

            “But these look like English and French soldiers. It looks, as if they have been fighting on the same side against these Vikings.” Wondered Landon.

            “Yea and not to mention Iceland wasn’t even discovered by Europe till about the 1800’s.” Said Dan.

            Then Landon. Looked at his watch and noticed it was almost five P.M. The party then turned back for the night and marked where they had been, so the search would not be lengthened by human error.                   

            Later that night Landon. Was still puzzled by what they had discovered. How could this have this have been long lost until now? This was too large to be a hoax, but the thought was always in the back of Landon’s mind and most certainly Dan's. The bloodstained runes on the walls were also curious. What purpose did they hold? The massive amount of blood that would have to be used to even draw them makes it a safe bet that they were used for more than decoration. To put his thoughts to rest Landon picked up his flashlight and hardhat and left for the castle.

            Once inside, the keep felt completely different this time. The breeze was much louder and whistled through the hollow halls. Yelling and the clashing of swords echoed almost silently. Three different languages could be heard. Old English swears accompanied by French and Scandinavian that Landon could not understand. As Landon came to the courtyard, what he saw scared and astonished him. The Viking soldiers were rushing the inner courtyard gate as an English battering ram smashed the gate in. It was as if Landon had traveled back in time and the grand battle was taking place. French, English and Scandinavian soldiers fell in battle constantly. But both sides continued to swarm in a manner that seemed as if not one army would ever stop. Then in a split second everything disappeared and the inner courtyard returned to its hollow shell of what it once was.

              As Landon continued on to the inner keep, he noticed that this gate was smashed in as well. This was an almost certain sign that the Vikings had lost this battle. Deeper inside there were more blood runes except these ones looked as if they had been burned into the wall. There were French and English soldiers dead by each of the runes, but they too looked as if they had been burned up. The charred bodies lead to a single door. The lock on the door was broken but the door had not been opened in some time. Landon pushed the doors open and he saw that the room was empty, except for one skeleton lying in a grand bed. Above the skeleton was a grand suit of armor. The armor was the darkest black Landon had ever seen. It seemed to float motionless and effortlessly on a cloud of what appeared to be black mist. The armor still shined even though it had to have not been moved in over a hundred years.

            As Landon continued to stare at the armor, its eyes began to glow a deep crimson red. In a deep, demonic voice the armor began to speak.

            “At last a bearer has come again.” The armor stated. The armors voice sounded as if six voices were talking at once in unison. All the voices deep and disturbing.

            “M-me?” Landon asked in confusion.

            “Of course mortal, come bear thy armor and know power beyond your wildest dreams.” The armor offered.

            “Where are you?” Landon asked as his arm began to shake.

            “I am the armor; I am Oronos, Bane of the Light.” Answered the voice.

            “Bane of the Light? Landon wondered.

            “All answers will come in time. For now the knowledge that you seek lies within me.” Oronos explained.

            “You promise me knowledge and power? But you ask for nothing in return. Don’t take me for a fool.” Landon exclaimed

            “All I require is a vessel to walk the world again. The power that you will hold is I. No burden upon oneself. All I require is for you to adorn my helm. ” Oronos explained calmly.

            Landon stood silent for a moment. Was this really happening? The scene he had witnessed outside made him want to believe. Landon knew something was strange about this castle but his wildest thoughts would never dare delve into the madness that is the truth.

            In the quest for knowledge of the unknown, Landon accepted this offer. He slowly walked across the bedroom and up to the armor. Landon stared up at the armor, menacing and fearsome. The title Bane of the Light seemed almost a sure thing by the wicked and demonic designs assuring Landon of that. Landon placed his hands upon the horns that protruded from the sides and curved straight in front in front of the face sticking outward. He then placed the helm on and felt nothing at first. Landon found himself feeling like a fool, believing that placing on a simple metal helmet would give him knowledge and power. Then something hit him. The worst pain Landon had felt in his entire life, it felt as if his brain was beating much like his heart. Landon fell to his knees in agony. His screams echoed out into the corridors of the castle. Landon clasped the helm with his hands and tried to remove it, but had little luck in doing so. Landon began to cough up blood, so much it began to run down his throat and stain his shirt. Then suddenly the pain subsided as fast as it had come. Landon fell to his back and lay in his own puddle of blood, breathing and sweating heavily. Soon after Landon passed out from the sudden shock of such an incident.

             Landon was not the only one who could not sleep that night. Dan also ventured down into the castle. Dan heard screams echoing from the castle but he told quickly convinced himself it was the wind echoing in the castle. Instead of heading into the inner keep, he went through the inner courtyard and entered the outer courtyard. There only English and French soldiers lay slain in the ice. One soldier stood out from all the rest though. The soldier looked as if he were the same height as Dan and wielded a grand battle-axe. The axe gave off a bright white glow. The warrior wore a grand helm. Ivory like horns protruded from the sides and down to the lower back of the warrior. The helm was a glorious white adorned with golden lines that looked more for decoration. The helm completely covered the face of the wearer. The skin of the warrior was dark dirt brown and shriveled up onto his bones. It was easy to tell that in his life this man was like a tank. Broad, tall and almost impossible to stop.  It was apparent that he could indeed be stopped from his position in which he was killed. He never did fall for the body of Vikings he had slain propped him and his axe up. What had killed him were several holes pierced through him most likely in battle. On some parts of his body, it looked as if the flesh and some parts of his muscle had been ripped off from a whip like device.

            A sudden impulse came over Dan. It was as if it was an addiction, he wanted to put the helmet on but he felt as if he needed or even depended on doing so. Without even thinking if this could possibly be a wrong move, Dan picked up the helm from the slain warriors head. Dan then carefully placed the helm upon his head. Almost instantly Dan’s muscles began to pulse. Dan felt like he was getting stronger by the second because he simply was. The helms power flowed through him; all at once, Dan’s head was filled with new memories from a different time. He could easily remember these as if they had actually happened to him. He could feel his wounds from his past fights, but now they just invigorated him more. Dan’s muscles grew so much bigger that his large shirt barely fit anymore and would tear when he moved his arm.

            “From this day forth when thou bear this helm thy name shall be Horrendric, Strongest of Heavens warriors.” Informed a divine sounding voice.

            “What?! Heavens armies? One of the kids must have slipped me some drug…” Dan said to himself.

            “From this day forth thy shall know of Heaven and its grand ways.”

            A strange feeling came about Dan’s mind. When he tried to move he could not. He could watch his hands and body move but had no choice in doing so. Dan thought to himself “What’s happening?!”

            “Whenever you wear this helm you shall become not yourself but Horrendric. Until you have full control of your new powers, you will remember nothing.” Explained the helmet before Dan’s mind completely blacked out.

            Free to move Horrendric did some quick stretches and let out a loud yell that could be heard all throughout the castle. Horrendric grabbed his old armor off the mummy of its former bearer. Once he was accustomed with his armor he plucked his grand axe from the ground and placed it upon his back.

            Soon Landon awoke in a haze. He was amazed, he felt better than he ever had before. Landon stood up and soon noticed he was in the full suit of armor. Landon felt stronger, exceptionally stronger. His heart felt great as well, he felt faster and more athletic. Landon looked at the gloves of the armor, admiring the armor for all its glory. The gloves were as black as the rest of the armor but the fingers extended out into claws that were razor sharp and could pierce nearly anything.

            “Don’t forget your weapon.” Whispered Oronos.

            Landon turned around and saw a single blade still dripping wet with blood from its last victim. Landon picked up the sword by its handle and slowly raised it into the air. It was extremely light and sharp. Landon placed the sword into his empty sheath on his left hip. Landon began to walk back through the castle, admiring the art of the castle with a newfound glow. Slowly Landon walked back outside where he had seen many ghosts fighting before.      

As Landon came to the inner courtyard there, he saw Horrendric.

            “Oronos!” Horrendric yelled as he placed his hand onto the handle of his axe.

            “Who are you?” Landon asked. “Did you come from the city?”

            “Who am I? Don’t play dumb with me Oronos you know damn well who I am.” Horrendric answered.

            “My mind doesn’t recall. How do you know the name Oronos?” Landon replied.

            “Do you truly not remember?” Horrendric asked puzzled. “The suit must have claimed a new bearer. I must slay thee before thou become a plague upon this earth again.”

            Horrendric then pulled his axe off his back and began to charge at Landon.

            Landon waited as Horrendric charged. When Horrendric began to bring his axe down, Landon quickly moved behind him and drew his sword. Landon put both hands upon the handle of the blade he wielded. Quickly pulling his hands apart the sword split into two smaller swords. Each equally balanced and sharp. This did not puzzle Landon because for some reason he knew all the abilities his armor held. The retractable claws on his fingertips, and of course the skill of shadows, which allowed Landon to travel to the shadow realm where one in the spectral plane could not see him.

            Freeing his axe from the ice Horrendric slowly turned around.

            “So you know how to use the armor?” Horrendric asked without emotion. Holding his axe up Horrendrics axe began to glow an even brighter white. “Then surely you will be able to counter this!”

            Horrendric slammed his axe into the ground. The ice did not separate from the clash of the axe, but from the energy that was released. A huge stream of white energy traveled across the ground towards Landon. Quickly Landon jumped away from the energy. The energy traveled past to the wall of the keep and blew a hole in the side five feet wide.

            “Hmm, he knows of the powers but does not know that he too possesses power of the elements. I can use this to my advantage and slay him.” Horrendric thought to himself.

            As Horrendric thought to himself, Landon charged him and began thrusting his swords at him. Horrendric spun his axe in a circle much as one would with a staff, to protect himself from the flying blades. Horrendric pushed his spinning axe forward and threw Landon back. Landon landed upon his feet and quickly traveled to the shadow realm.

            In the shadow realm everything was the same except that it was always night, strange creatures traveled in the air and underground. All adorned with huge glowing eyes and claws. Some wailing in agony, some laughing. The realm was a place no mortal was meant to travel. But here one could see through to the spectral plane that is where earth and everything else lay between. Horrendric was a dark turquoise in this realm but clear as day to see. Landon tried to stab one of his blades into Horrendrics back. Landon was amazed to see that his blade went through Horrendric as if he were a ghost. Horrendric just stood there as if nothing had happened, because in the spectral plane nothing had happened. Landon then understood that one could not interact with the spectral plane while in the shadow realm. Horrendric threw up his axe again. This time the axe floated in mid air and began to glow the same white as it had before. The energy around the axe then exploded in all directions. The blast even broke through to the shadow realm. The blast knocked Landon back ten feet in the shadow realm. Landon slowly got up. He did not understand how the blast had reached him in the shadow realm. Too his surprise Horrendric was standing in the same spot as before unaware that Landon was even hit by the blast.

            Landon brought himself back to the spectral plane. Horrendric looked at him and began to laugh.

            “How did that blast hit me?” Landon asked Horrendric whose laughing had subsided already.

            “Silence! Why would I tell you that?!” Horrendric screamed as he lunged forth his axe at Landon.

            Landon jumped backwards and away from the axe. Landon slid back on the slick ice covered ground as he landed from his last jump. Horrendric swung his axe again horizontally from the right side of his body. Landon jumped forward and landed on the edge of Horrendrics axe. Quickly Landon jumped from the surface of the axe and over Horrendrics head. Before Horrendric could turn around Landon plunged one of his swords through the back of Horrendrics right shoulder. Horrendric let out a scream in pain as he quickly turned around and clubbed Landon with his left forearm. Landon was knocked down to his back and slid on the ice. Horrendric grabbed the sword still stuck in his shoulder and pulled it out. He looked and studied the sword briefly before throwing it across the frozen courtyard. Horrendric brought his axe down from above his head and attempted to strike down Landon. Fortunately, Landon was faster and flipped onto his feet from his back.

            Horrendric soon began to throw balls of divine energy at Landon. Landon’s speed was more than enough to dodge the energy. But Horrendric seemed as if he could go on like this forever. Landon ran over to where Horrendric had thrown his sword and snatched it up. Quickly Landon decided to travel back to the shadow realm. While he was concealed from Horrendrics sight Landon traveled back into the keep. Quickly Landon retreated to the campsite where he removed the armor and sword and placed them into his bag.

            Horrendric followed by busting through the ice. But by the time Horrendric was at the campsite the armor of Oronos was already hidden. The students and Landon all burst out of their tents to see what was going on outside. However, by the time they were all out of their tents, nothing was there but a large hole in the ice that lead straight to the inner courtyard of the keep.

Horrendric knowing he had lost his enemy and that mortal eyes were around fled to Dan’s tent. While inside he removed the helmet, but as he removed the helm, divine energy shot throughout his whole body and burned, his wounds shut, healing them and leaving a scar. Dan was in great pain as he pulled off the helm and he huffed for breath as he placed the helm in his bag.

            The excavation that week went slow from that day forward. Landon was extra careful that the students touch absolutely nothing, for this castle was not normal and magics that this world should not know were abundant here. It was now clear to him why this was kept such a secret to humanity. If mortals were to know about this power war would rampage on a much larger scale and more traumatic than one could imagine. That is why from that day forward Landon vowed to use his armor for the sake of peace and not abuse it. For he could not simply throw it away. The voices would always come back to haunt him if he did not use his power. The addiction was too strong for him to pass up as well, for who does not love power?

© 2009 Garrett Beebe

Author's Note

Garrett Beebe
I am currently working on adapting this into a series of screenplays.

My Review

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Again your dialogue is excellent. A stated that Landon was an it. That is very confusing to me. Perhaps a bit more time on the editing...however, you have a strong ability here that will go far with more honing in on the skills you have.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 26, 2009