The Preacher, part 2

The Preacher, part 2

A Story by QuilandInk

The second instalment of my short story.


Ezekiel lay on his back under the tree, he was yet to open his eyes. He let the sun wash over his body as the heat gently awakened his cold and achy bones. It wasn’t until that he opened eyes to a crow resting atop his chest. The bird looked on with its beady eyes, cocking its small head to the left and right, before flying off and landing at the edge of the long grass. Ezekiel rose and let the cold of the night wash off in the morning sun; it was a good day to be alive. He stood and ate the last of his rations and drank down the last of his water before packing his little belongings. He looked at the crow, it seemed to realise that he was ready to leave and took off into the morning sky.

  “I see you are ready bird. Lead on, we have a town to save.”

  Ezekiel walked for the better part of the morning, the sun beat down upon his head with every passing minute. It was almost midday before the crow stopped. It glided effortlessly to a low hanging branch of a tree and cawed loudly. As Ezekiel reached the summit of the little rise, the town came into view; if you could call it a town. The church spire was visible over the roofs of the surrounding buildings, there were various other large buildings but nothing that would catch your eye. Various people swarmed in and out of the alleyways and streets  like ants. From this vantage point the town looked nothing of the evil he had been described; yet, he had learned from years of experience to never judge a book by its cover.

  It was at this point the town appeared to grow quiet, as if it seemed to distance itself from the rest of the world. The birds stopped squawking and the grass seemed to grow still.

“I see you followed the crow my preacher, I am glad you have found your way. Now, descend on these unsuspecting people and let them understand the gravity of the situation they have found themselves in.”

  The Preacher looked at the silent unsuspecting town, “how will they believe me? My words will only hold so much power and if they are as ungodly as described then it will carry much less.”

The voice quietened,” I understand what you say Preacher and there is a way for you to command the power you need. When you enter the church, speak to the congregation, tell them of these three things and I can guarantee that your words will be heard.”


The streets were quiet, for such a heathen filled cesspool it was rather quiet for a sunday morning. The preacher walked the centre of the road not wanting to step in the human muck that filled the gutters. Yet, it didn't really have a smell, well nothing outwith normality. The paintwork of the surrounding buildings was rather new, a fresh coat of white with the edging done in a deep red. The place just didn't seem evil. Ezekiel had seen evil places, when he first entered the south he had stumbled upon a little village of negro women, he had promised to keep the location a secret but they wanted it in blood, Voodoo was what they called it and it tied them eternally to Ezekiel as a secret of the soul, but if it is not in God’s name then it is still to be proven true was his final words as they parted ways.

   The churched loomed up ahead but before he could get close two men stumbled out of an alley way carrying a bottle of whiskey each. They used each other as a crutch as they made their way towards the Preacher, mumbling and laughing about a joke they shared. One of the men looked up, squinting in the blinding sun at the man walking towards them.

“ Christ be with us John, the lord walks among us.” With that they both fall to their knees and beg for mercy. “We never miss church your holiness but we just be too far gone with the spirits. hic.. I swear on my friends grave here that we will attend future services as to relinquish our sins.” Without a word the men rose and scuttled back into the shadows of an alley way, it had annoyed Ezekiel to have been mistaken for the almighty made flesh but this was not the time to repent.

 The doors to the church were of solid oak, the wood stained a dark brown to contrast the white of the exterior walls. The majority of the churches light seemed to come from a large glass window looking away from the street and out over the distance prairies and hills. He could hear the voices sing inside and almost chose to wait till the it had gone silent but the his Lord had willed him to be hasteful. He pushed the large oak doors open and entered the church.

 Ezekiel's footsteps echoed throughout the church, slapping hard on the solid floor, causing many to turn and look at the man who had disturbed their time with God. Ezekiel continued down the centre aisle slowly making his way to the podium at the front of the congregation. The singing had died down due to peoples sudden curiosity in the stranger in their midst. The leader of the congregation rose from behind the podium and hushed the last few singers before speaking directly to Ezekiel.

  “Hello there friend, who seem to have disturbed our morning prayer. What is the meaning of this intrusion or could you kindly wait till the service is over and I will be more than happy to see to your needs.”

 Ezekiel stopped below the serman leader and turned to the rest of the church, “I do apologise for intrusion but it would not be unless it was of the utmost importance. Your voices have been heard and the Lord has found it necessary for me to come and save his flock from its impending doom.”

 There was a hushed murmur amongst the crowd a lot of wary eyes looked back and forth between each other and Ezekiel. The Serman leader did not like being overlooked by this new comer and decided to make his dominance certain.

 “That is all well and good my friend but you have yet to tells us your name? How do we know you are the word of God? What proof do you have ?”

Ezekiel turned to face the serman leader looking deep into this mans eyes, the anger of being question clear across his face.

“I am Ezekiel, I am from across the sea and I have travelled the world spreading the word of God. He has sent me here to provide you with a path to righteousness. I do not feel that I need prove my worth but the Lord has given me three facts that I may use to prove truth.”


He turned to the congregation before closing his eyes and starting to speak,” You, three rows back. Your partner may not know but you are quick with child, he will be a great man. For yourself sir, the gentleman dressed in finery at the end of the aisle. You have thirty coins in your left pocket and another five in your right.”

He turns to the sermon preacher, “As for you sir, you are a vile and disgusting human being. Tell the good people how you stole a child of this very town, abused him, murdered him and then left him under this very church.”

 The look of shock on the Sermons face showed the truth of the matter. Two men in the front row rose past the Preacher and flanked the Serman leader before handling him to the ground and then leading him from the building, screaming his innocence as he went.

  “My dear fellows, take him to the jail and we can decide his fate once our love for god has been shown.”

Ezekiel climbed the stairs to the left of the podium and looked at what was now his flock. Their frightened faces only made more gaunt by this morning proceedings. He inhaled deeply and look out to each and everyone, in what had now turned into their time of need.

“ You have seen the truth, I am the word of God made flesh, I serve his every command and I am here to rid this town of the evil that has possessed it.” With that a cheer went up from the crowd, yet some stayed quiet, clearly shocked by the acts that had been conducted only moments ago. Ezekiel began with a passage from the book of revelations. He depicted the fall of Babylon clearly referencing the similarity of their situation.  He could feel the warmth of their positive reception flow through his veins like liquid fire, like God himself controlled his every move and thought.

  As everyone filed from the church, each one compelling their joy for the new saviour that had come into their lives. Ezekiel smiled and shook the hand of any man, women or child that could get close enough. He just hoped that what he was going to next wouldn't waiver the spirits of such devoted followers. He walked along the open streets now bustling with people from both the church and travellers alike. How can something which seem so innocent possess so much hidden evil? The question followed him all the way to the local sheriffs office where he would fined Reverend P. Sherman. He pushed the wooden door open and stepped out of the afternoon sun into a cool shaded room. The sheriffs office was dark, the shutters had remained drawn and the room had no natural heat from the sun. A man sat behind a large oak desk, his boots resting on its top while he snoozed. The brim of his hat covered his face. Ezekiel coughed loudly before leaning and rapping his knuckles against the door frame. The man, clearly startled by the intrusion fell from his resting point and clattered to the floor. He rose sharply drawing the firearm at his belt and pointing it at Ezekiel chest.

The sheriff looked Ezekiel up and down,”It ain’t nice to go sneaking up on people when they’re sleeping, could go get someone killed that way.”

Ezekiel's smile was visible in the gloom,”Ah Sheriff, it was the lord that sent me here to do his work. Do you believe he would have me killed in a gunfight? No, he has much bigger plans in store for this town.”

The sheriff looked Ezekiel up and down again before holstering his weapon. “So you're the new fella who got old Sherman locked up for some ridiculous charges for abusing children?”

Ezekiel nodded in the dark room as he moved to open the shuttered windows, “Yes  I did, God commanded it as the man had done evil. If you care to question God's word then I will expect you in the church on the morrow, but I can show you where he has put the bodies?”

The sheriff looked appalled at what he was hearing but stood his ground against this mad man that had walked into his world with his large godly stick, stirring s**t up.

“Since you have chosen to remain silent, is there a possibility of taking me to the cells, I wish to speak to Reverend Sherman regarding the accusations made by myself?”

The Sheriff stood and fumbled for the keys on his belt before ushering the Preacher behind him, “Just follow me Preacher we have only one or two cells and I want no funny business, the means to get a fair trial like everyone else.”

“of course” was Ezekiel reply as he entered the open cell door and sat on the bench beside Reverend Sherman. “Oh, no need to wait Sheriff I could be a while.” With that the Sheriff locked the door behind them and walked back to his desk.” Just holler when you want to leave Preacher.” Ezekiel waited until he could hear the squeak of the wooden chair before he began speaking.

“You are a man of God reverend Sherman? If so then why do you commit such heinous crimes and claim to work for the Lord?”

He takes Shermans head in his hands and looks deep into his cold eyes. He remains silent, unblinking, the life seemed to have gone out of him. Sherman realises he has no escape from Ezekiel, he is nothing but thorough with his interrogation.

“I will give you till the morning to confess your sins in front of Lord and man. If you still refuse to admit your sins, then let it be God who decides your fate.”

With not so much as a sideways glance, Ezekiel rises and calls the sheriff to the cell. The chair squeaks loudly as the sheriff leaves the comfort of his office.

 “Now sheriff, I need you to give this man whatever he would like for his supper. If he wishes to confess anything then please write it down and I will pick it up in the morning. Otherwise, leave him to his thoughts and prayers.”

With that Ezekiel left the dark Sheriffs office and headed into the sun scorched streets. He wandered the streets of town for hours, talking to citizens here and there. Some approached and asked for his guidance, some stayed in the shadows of their doors sipping whisky from the bottle or cup gripped in their claw. The town was fairly new in comparison to England's ancient roots. On the outskirts of town they were still erecting new homes, it was as Ezekiel passed that the town sign was being propped up for the world to see,” Welcome to St James of the vale, where prosperity lingers”. It was a small place of only two hundred residence but they were his two hundred.

  Ezekiel visited the general store to collect a few supplies for the night and then returned to the tree on the hill overlooking St James. He had been offered the house in the church gardens but he had replied politely that he slept only below gods roof when work needed doing. The walk to the oak tree was a triumphant one. He had achieved great things today and his Lord would be happy with his progress.

 He out the bag of supplies down and started a fire in the pit from yesterday. Although it was warm, the sun would soon set and the night can be a vicious time. It was at this point that he noticed the crow sitting on the lowest branch of the tree. It’s beady eyes looked at Ezekiel, judging his every move. Ezekiel reached in the sack and threw a piece of the bread into the air. Like a leaf in the breeze the crow swooped down and snatched the morsel of bread only inches from the dusty floor,”smart little creature aren't you?”. The bird cawed in satisfaction of the bread, like a dog with a bone it pecked away in silence as Ezekiel started his meal for the evening.

 It was late into the evening as Ezekiel finished of the remainder of the rabbit stew that the Lord contacted him,”So my Preacher, I presume you have had a joyous day?”

Ezekiel looks to the skies as if for a sign of life,”Yes my Lord, I have been accepted by the congregation and plans are in motion for the improvement of their souls. As for Reverend Sherman, he has been given his last meal and rites, the man shows no remorse yet does not argue the charges put against him.”

“Many, when faced with the truth, crumble as do their lies. We can only hope that he repents from his sins so that his soul may be saved. If not then we must accept his choice. In any case you know the plans that have to be put into place tomorrow. So rest your weary head Preacher and I shall awaken you on the morro.”

“Yes, my lord.”

Ezekiel got comfortable underneath the branches of the oak tree, the night sky was glorious.

  The gentle drizzle began, it had not rained in months. The dry ground welcomed the rain like a long lost friend. The few drips that managed to navigate the tree branches found Ezekiel's face. He woke, startled by the chill of the cold summer rain. He prayed for a little while before having a breakfast of oats and beans, his stomach not wishing to overload. The task today would like return the food from his bowels, but he must stand tall he is the word of God after all.

The town was bustling, like ants they moved in little lines, there were people everywhere. Ezekiel didn’t waste anytime, he headed straight for the jail cell that contained Reverend Sherman.

  The door to the Sheriff’s office was slightly ajar, the smell of whiskey oozed out of the very walls. Nothing had changed since the night before, the Sheriff still lay feet resting on the desk, except this time he was snoring loudly and his hat lay on the whiskey bottles that covered his table. Ezekiel didn’t bother to wake him, he would only cause delay. So, he lifted the keys from the nail on the back wall and proceeded to the cells.

  Sherman lay facedown on the floor whiskey bottle clutched in his outstretched hand. He was snoring loudly as he slept his life away. Ezekiel open the cell door and propped Sherman up against the back wall. The man did not wake, his face slumped forward as he continued to sleep. Ezekiel remained calm, he left Sherman snoozing against the wall and returned to the Sheriff.

He reached out and rapped his knuckles loudly on the table,” morning Sheriff, how’d you sleep? Is the prisoner ready? Did he repent and confess his sins?”

 The Sheriff stirred, rather annoyed by this morning intrusion,” That you preacher? Nah he never told me nothing. I guess another day or two in a cell will teach him.”

Ezekiel smiled at the Sheriffs nonchalant attitude,” I bet he would Sheriff, but that is not what God has decided. I am taking Reverend Sherman to the square where he will be tried in the eyes of God.” The Sheriff didn’t like the  way Ezekiel said, judged and knew it meant bad news for Sherman. He looked to Ezekiel dead in the eye,”Sorry Preacher, but he’s me prisoner and I make the calls on judgement around here.”

Ezekiel seemed unhindered by this rejection and continued on with the pursuit,” Would you hinder God like this? I am his vessel, I am here to do his bidding, to act in his name, If you stop me you will face the wrath of God.” With that Ezekiel headed back through to claim Reverend Sherman from the cell. Sherman still sat slumped against the wall. Ezekiel took the cup of water from the corner of the room and threw the contents into Shermans face. He woke, wide eyed and clearly startled by the rude awakening. Ezekiel pulled him to his feet and took him by the arm, he guided Reverend Sherman out the door and past the awestruck Sheriff. The Reverends eyes fell on the SHeriffs, pleading for him to stop Ezekiel,”Stop him, Ben. Don’t let him take me.”

The sheriff hung his head, he wasn’t a man of faith but to go against a direct man of GOd was more than his lifes worth.

  Ezekiel marched Reverend Sherman into the square, people had begun to congregate around the two men. There was no statue or fountain in this towne centre, just a patch of dirt marked by wagon tracks. Ezekiel helps Reverend Sherman to his knees before calling to the group that now filled the square.

“I stand before you Gods chosen vessel, to bring truth and justice in his name. You all know the man before, Reverend P Sherman. This man has committed crimes against God and man, he must confess his sins in front of both in order to purify his soul. Do you have anything to say Reverend?”

Sherman looks into the crowd and meets the eyes of all who look upon him. He hangs his head before looking at Ezekiel and spitting on the ground at his feet. Ezekiel doesn’t move, the crowd cry out in anger at the Reverends bold defiance, Ezekiel realises it is time.

“So I see you have made your choice, let us not waste anymore of the peoples time. Those two wagons there, break them down and pile the wood before me, I will pay a gold piece for each wagon.”

With that incentive, men and women began tearing the wagons apart and piling the remains in front of Ezekiel. Some children begin to run forward with other pieces of wood from alley ways. The man whose wagons were destroyed steps forward, Ezekiel hands him the two gold piece,”God thanks you for your sacrifice.”

Ezekiel walked Reverend Sherman up onto the the pile,” This man has committed crimes against his fellow man, he has failed to repent and confess his sins before God and man. By order of the almighty God, he will be condemned to the flames of hell to contemplate his crimes in damnation for eternity.” Ezekiel pulls a jar from the inside of his pocket, dipping his fingers in the content inside he begins to recite the last rites before blessing the Reverend and pouring the content of the jar over his head.

Reverend Sherman cries out,”Please no, I done those crimes. I killed and abused children please let me back to my cell where I can rot for the rest of my days, please.”

Ezekiel releases Sherman from his grip and binds rope around his hands. He lets go on his end and descends from the pile. Sherman watches as he does and awaits his fate.Ezekiel turns to the crowd,” He has confessed his sin, the Lord has forgiven him for what he has done, he may now go and be with his God.”

  Ezekiel lit the match and threw it up onto the woodpile, the oil ignited instantly. The crowd gasped as Reverend P Sherman was engulfed. The screams could be heard for miles around as the flames licked his face and hands. Ezekiel held the rope tight till Sherman grew still,”You are with God now, be still.”

 The fire caught the rest of the pile and the fire roared in its triumphant glory. The flames shone red and gold in the mid morning sun. Many had left the warmth of the fire and returned to their homes, while other stood and watched as the glow filled the square; the smell of cooked meat was hauntingly sickening.

© 2014 QuilandInk

Author's Note

some minor grammar problems.

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Added on June 23, 2014
Last Updated on June 23, 2014
Tags: horror, dark religion, preacher, evil, devil, fire, light, the west.



Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom

Afternoon, Where to begin... I am a twenty two year old student from Glasgow, Scotland. I currently study Professional writing skills at the City of Glasgow College. The course is great and has be.. more..

Funeral Funeral

A Poem by QuilandInk