Who is God that We Should Glory?

Who is God that We Should Glory?

A Chapter by Not A Writer

A non-fiction write that thoughly shows who God is. Share this write to everyone you know: that they may know the answer also.


Who is God that We Should Glory?







Ethan Paz







                What would the world be like if God would exist? What would the world be like if God didn’t exist? There are many wide verified answers, I’m sure, for each question, but both questions stem from one main question: who is God or what is god? This article will answer one main question: who is God not according to what I believe but what the world really says. Before, you press the back tab just think, “Am I really right?” Saying this, I welcome you to this article. Take out the coffee and prepare yourself for the ride.

                I am speaking to a wide, verified audience, so I won’t be able to cover all the available questions and issues in this article. I am speaking to the agnostics, the atheists, the evolutionists, the relativist, the non-believer, and the believer alike. I will use logic and philosophy for this article but at the end I will use the Bible to say my point.

                One point we can all agree on is this era has created a diversified people. If this era wasn’t diversified, there wouldn’t be as many disagreements and conflicts. Terrorism proves this, politics proves this, and even the fighting of two three year olds proves this. This diversified world has created a disorderly, chaotic would internally and externally. To examine the problems one must examine how they began and that is exactly what I am going to do.

                There are two main views as to how the world began: the creationist view and the evolutionist view. American culture has embraced evolutions as true and it is taught as a science into public schools. Evolution is assumed to be right, but is it? (I won’t go into the details as to what evolution or creation is, for I am presuming that you already know them.) Is America making the right decisions to forsake being a Christian nation? Do the people believe the rights things as to what is taught by the education system or the wrong? Why become a Christian nation for 300 years and suddenly forsake the title?

                Evolution has many missing links- unknown fossil records which simply can’t connect the dots. The word “theory” is defined as “a set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena, especially one that has been repeatedly tested or is widely accepted and can be used to make predictions about natural phenomena.” Evolution has never, in human history, been tested. If a bird can’t evolve today, the bird could not have possibly evolved in the past. If a dog can’t fly today, the dog could not have possibly flown in the past. The word “law” is defined as “a phenomena of nature that has been proven to invariably occur whenever certain conditions exist or are met; also, a formal statement about such a phenomenon.” I am not trying to convert you; I am trying to show you what evolution is. Evolution like creationism is accepted by faith, however, evolution requires more faith than creationism. I’ve heard it said, that believing in evolution is the equivalent of 24 monkeys typing a Shakespeare sonnet perfectly . . . randomly. I will say one last thing, before I move on. How can a beautiful creation, so organized and complex, come from goo? Nasty, grimy goo isn’t pleasant, well at least to me. Meditate on these questions because that is what the U.S. education teaches our children.

                To evolutionists (or most evolutionists) God is non-existent. This is so, for those who believe in evolution are raised atheist or agnostic due to the teaching of relativism. Those who address the word “God” in a sentence invariably treat Him as an it. Hence, the question from most atheistic books asks, “What is god?”

                I have read several atheistic books in my life. What I found was atheists are morally good people just like you and me (not all atheists are good; some atheists can be morally evil). But the problem I found, more than often, was the arguments atheists used to disprove Christianity was inaccurate, emotionalized, and their accusations did not even make sense or was irrelevant. But I will grant them this, most atheists see Christians as hypocrites. This statement is true, unfortunately, in our time but it does not apply to all Christians.

                How was the universe created? If it was the big-bang theory, what caused the big bang? If it was all the stored energy being conserved for eternity past, where did the energy come from? Do you get the point? What I am asking is called the Cosmological argument. Another argument is the Teleological argument. It goes like this,

“Who made your meal?”

The answer is a chef or your mom, dad, or whoever it may be. The point is there is always someone behind an act of service, good, or creation who is responsible for the giving. Of the both arguments presented here, I have only heard one atheist respond back and he responded back to the Cosmological argument. It goes like this,

                “You say everything has a cause, well, God Himself must have a cause also.”

Since the atheist drags religion into the equation and not philosophy, I am coerced to do the same in a simple-like manner saying,

“But God is eternal.”

The evolutionist stands on sandy ground in faith. This faith is so great that I stand in awe of it. But let me leave this subject with two more questions, where do feelings come from and just how is there evil in the world? Just look at it this way, if you are right, you don’t exist, but if you’re wrong, you will go to hell. What do you got to lose?

                To the atheist and the evolutionist alike, God does not exist. However, the relativist varies. Today’s culture teaches relativism, so I can’t write this article without confronting relativism.

                What is relativism? Relativism, from the world “relative,” is defined as: “any theory holding that criteria of judgment are relative, varying with individuals and their environments.” Relativism can be a very long subject to talk about but I will keep it short and general. Let’s say your friend was going to murder someone and you were the last person to talk to him. You would say something like,

“Hey, don’t kill him, it’s not right.”

 But your friend says something like this,

“Don’t force your morality upon me”


 “Open your mind a bit”


                “Be tolerant of me.”

Do you see the problem here? The killer is forcing his morality upon you. The killer is telling you to open your mind but he himself won’t open his mind. The killer won’t be tolerant of you, for he plans to kill someone! Because of relativism, only man decides what is true to himself. That is truth is subjected to the individual only and not objective. There is another problem here though, if relativism is relative, as the name implies, how are there rules, laws, and regulations dictating as to what a person should or should not do? You might have heard this before but what is wrong with this sentence:

                “There are absolutely no absolutes!”

The problem is that sentence is an absolute! Relativism, in itself, is a self-refuting claim. Relativism creates a world that is chaotic, disorderly, and non-livable.

                I hope you have been meditating as to what I have said this whole time. Evolution and atheism do not provide an accurate, stable worldview (secular humanism) and relativism is a self-refuting claim in itself. I will now be answering the question that the title of this article presents: Who is God that we should glory?

                God is the Creator of the universe (Gen. 1:1) and He alone forgives us of all our sins (1 John 1:9; Eph. 4:32; Col. 2:13). We were dead to our sins because we chose to disobey God. I am not going to sugar-coat the story, for this is the truth. Romans 3:23 says it all,

                “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”

But we have forgiveness because what Jesus Christ has done: Jesus died on the cross and took our place to be the satisfactory of our sins. John 3:16-17 says it very well,

                “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him.

                After Jesus died on the cross, he rose from the grave three days later. This shows Christ’s victory over sin and death. Since Christ was substituted for us, His life is now ours to live. Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) by Christ Tomlin explains this perfectly,

                “My chains are gone

                I’ve been set free

                My God, My Savior has ransomed me

                And like a flood His mercy reigns

                Unending love, Amazing grace.”

We have a hope because what Christ has done for us. I glorify God because I love Him and I love him because He first loved me. If you want to become a child of God, simply pray to God from your heart, repent of your sins, and come to Him.

                I can not convince you that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (Jn. 4:16). History proves that Jesus exists; science proves that there is a Creator (Psalms 19:1) but only you can believe in Him. Saying all of this, I want to end this article with what has changed my life.

                Are you always troubled? Do you always search for satisfaction but can never find it? I have lived most of my life searching and crying for happiness, joy, and love but like Alice, I have been tumbling down the rabbit hole on and on and on. But I have something to tell you, I have reached the ground and I am now filled with joy!

                I never truly loved Christ when I loved the things of this world. 1 John 2:15-17 says it well,

                “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world- the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and the pride of life- is not from the Father but is from the world. And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.”

When I loved Christ, only then was I satisfied. Psalms 37:4 says,

                “Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will you give you the desires of your heart.”

Becoming a child of God is not burdensome, it is a pleasure! It is our desire! Matthew 11:28-30 sums up what I have been saying very well,

                “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

                It is our duty to be in love with God. When we are in love with God, our life completely changes. Our relationships with others change and we give God the glory as a result. You know what this means? It means we will get heavenly rewards when we get to heaven!

                I pray that you will learn the importance of the glory of God by desiring Him more. God created us for His glory so we might praise Him forever. Isaiah 43:7 says,

                “Everyone who is called by My name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made.”

We can better glorify God by doing our best to represent Him. Philippians 4:13 states,

                “I can do all things through Him Who strengthens me.”

Be the salt of the earth, fuel the fire of God that is in your heart, show all who God is! When you deny yourself and give your all to God, that is when you find God to be beautiful and that is when you will be filled. 1 Corinthians 10:31 shows us our duty clearly as Christians,

                “So whether, you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”

                I say all of this to show you who God is. What do you have in this world that will last? You got once, one shot to live this life. How will you use it to make a profit?






© 2010 Not A Writer

Author's Note

Not A Writer
Please, share this write to everyone you know. I want people to know the truth and this is the only way: by spreading it around. Please ignore the grammatical errors. I did my best in this write. To God be the glory!

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Good God, you're just baiting people to come flying out at you, aren't you?

I'm really not sure what to say here. I'm not going to get my own beliefs involved, unlike some people. This isn't the place for an argument. Moreover, you said to ignore the grammatical errors. Well, I won't comment on them if that's what you want, but be aware your grammar stinks and your spelling needs some clean up too.

What I will say is this. You're not answering the right questions. In fact you come across as arrogant; you say that you are going to address nonbelievers and explain why they should believe. Yet all you do is praise God and discredit the other types of faith. You don't address any of the problems with religion that drive many people (myself included) away from the church.

You gave your readers a lot to think about, so here's something for you to think about. Instead of telling us why we should believe, maybe you should try to find out why we don't first.

Posted 14 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.


Nice write. I agree with all except you must love God. God set up freewill and natural law. We must come to him by choice.

Posted 14 Years Ago

this is a great piece it really made me think alot about well... everything. i like how you did this and made it so it was not boring great job on this peice ethan. you have great potental keep writing and you will be famous yet! great job again! :D

Posted 14 Years Ago

Ethan I commend you on sharing your faith. There is a youthful brilliance that shines here. I share the Christian Faith. I admire your belief. However, you may have expressed certian aspects of the faith a a "obligation" No one "must" love God. It is done out of the human freedom and liberty which is the basis for love, keeping in mind that this is the only worrd in the English language that can come close to really describe whom God is. ...And Ethan even the word "love"is still limited. Continue to learn and love God and neigbour and bring justice to your family, friends and neigbourhood. Thaks for this piece.

May God's blesings be yours brave young man!

Posted 14 Years Ago

I think it is foolish to accept anything we cannot observe as fact... In understanding God there should be other axiomatic implications then making the direct assumption that either God exists or doesn't. God should be observed from a cultural and a non-ethnocentric view point, meaning: we need to understand God as a term that varies from culture to culture- each culture having their own representation of what God is and how it plays a role in one's society. For example, Western Culture is influenced by an anthropomorphic Christian God, while Eastern Cultures, such as that of Asia, are influenced by a more Pantheistic God which is unaware of itself but still possess power and "energy."
Tradition is also another major factor in understanding God and the effect it has on people. Tradition is a very very powerful influence and when a group of people have been living the same way for thousands of years it is very difficult to alter their perception of reality- of what the purpose of life is; thus, an innate ethnocentrism is developed in us (this is also a product of evolution) to believe our lifestyle is right because it is all we know and it has worked for us... Imagine going to China and proposing your beliefs to a Buddhist who has had their culture imbedded into them from birth: while some may consider what you believe in and convert to your beliefs, a majority will take the position of their ethnocentrism and deny your belief because they feel they are living the right way (this is the way their ancestors have successfully and happily lived for thousands of years). This would probably be the same for you; if a person of another culture and religion approached you and tried to convince you that their lifestyle is correct (because they were raised believing it to be true and, in fact, they know it's true - they feel it to be true in their heart) would you consider their beliefs to be true or would you assume your ethnocentrism because you know what you believe in is right - because you know deep inside of you your God is real?...
I used to be a devout Christian and was so certain of what I believed in. I knew God was real... I started asking simple questions and doing research to further strengthen my beliefs... I was left with no reconfirming answers... I suffered from depression because I had invested my whole life into something I discovered did not exist (at least in the context of what Christian God is). Now that I am in College I have taken some extremely enlightening classes that I feel should be required by everyoneee to take: World Religion, Cultural Anthropology, Physical Anthropology and Philosophy; not only do these classes broaden your perspective of reality but it gives great insight into the mind and complexities of human beings. I would be ignorant to assume the existence of God( and the state it exists) just as I would be ignorant to assume the non-existence of God.
You gave a heart-felt post and I wanted to give you an heart-felt answer; this is not intended as an attack but, rather, a different perspective of life in hopes of getting you to ask questions about the world and the universe with an open mind.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Yes I believe there is a God, the God I was brought up to believe in which would be the God who created the universe. It's in our traits to question everything, and to seek answers to those questions. In today's world people don't believe in anything that cannot be proven. Life is already mysterious the way it is, and some things are better left alone, untouched.
On the other hand there's evolution, don't get it mixed up with your beliefs because it'll screw your morals up for sure. Schools teach us about how we came from monkeys, and churches tell us that God created us. Sometimes you're like wtf! But one thing I realized is that, having something to believe in brings out that extra strength we have engraved in us. When we pray and ask God for things we are more likely to work twice as hard to get it. that extra energy, courage, passion, love is brought out.
I don't go to church anymore because I've seen what too much corruption, therefore I don't anymore. I might in the future when I find the right one.
Great write I loved the topic of choice, awesome and I will share it will people.

Posted 14 Years Ago

I'm with Harmon on this one.I see evolution as a proven fact .And don't need to believe in a savior "Jesus that is " I think we need to let go our fears of the dark.And look at the world as it truly is.Are we so afraid to think it may be so.That there is no savior.I do not know if God exists He she might.But I do know evolution has blazed a trail down life's highway that is undeniable.And left a road map in the way of D>N>A> that tells us the similarities in our genes.Life is the miracle Yet diversity in life is nothing more than the evolution of matter.I shouldn't use the word miracle it doesn't fit here.But your reference to the monkeys is incorrect .The statement was that if an infinite number of monkeys typed on keyboards all day one would type out Shakespeare This is possible because all is possible and randomness makes it happen.
My problem with religion Christianity that is .Is that they believe in the holy trinity.The oneness of all three deities .If true then Christians are Pagan in belief as they pray to more than one God.But I say He Jesus could no more be the same person as god than my son could be me.I think to myself what would a God want to be worshiped for .A good man would never want to be worshiped .Yet a tyrant would love it.I would never worship one I admire .It is a rude thing to do that person and to God.If he is the father of us then he would as a good father wish us to emulate him not worship him.I ask my friends who are Christian Has god always existed?To that they say yes.Has The holy spirit always existed? Yes Well then it follows that Jesus as well has always existed .To which they agree.Well then how could Jesus visit us as Marys son ?Unless he had impregnated his own mother?That perverts all the laws of nature as we know them.Why do we make these fairy tales then swear to their authenticity.If we are made in Gods image Then we follow thew laws of nature.The laws of nature prove beyond any doubt that we are related to every life form on the planet.
While I say you have the right to believe anything you wish .I as well have that right.In Europe the church's are emptying as the enlightened grow and embrace what is proven.That is why the Catholic church and others so invade the other continents like South America and Africa .It is easier to find converts among those who are uneducated . I enjoyed your article but the facts that it claims are not supported in reality .As I say the Bible is a inspired work You might say it was written by God.But we all know it is a history of life mostly Jewish on this planet A bunch of stories and parables recounting the experiences of the Israelites journeys to find a homeland.There are many things Religion can teach us like the golden rule .But religion divides us from each other as well.And more have died trying to force their beliefs on others than for any other single cause.
It doesn't matter which God you believe
Nor which Heaven your bus runs to
Grow your faith in your fellow man
And perhaps he could go there too

Posted 14 Years Ago

I beleive all Christians are hypocrites.
Everyone has thier flaws and everyone sins.
There is no sacred ground on earth, it is corrupted.

We were born to sin, have relationships, stumble and grow.
We are all children of God. Through God we learn these
task daily. It's a rough to road to walk on. It's up to us
to do right.

But in last statement here "How will you use it to make a profit?"
Lies upon us as Christains. It's not really a profit it's a glory.
A feeling of righteousness. Profit is more in a line of investment.
We aren't investing in anything we are accepting.

An acceptance Of God! I love this piece here in which
you have brought forward. I am ordained to preach.
I must say you did one amazing write here. It's deep and
powerful. God loves you for this. A powerful testament
of love for him. "Bravo!"

Posted 14 Years Ago

very good...!
I like you title very striking!!!

Posted 14 Years Ago

There are so many things in my mind... To begin with I must appreciate that you have read your scriptures(along with lots of books) very well... and that you are a firm about your beliefs... I too believe in God and many times the same questions pop up in my mind as well... (u can check out My poem-WHO AM I???)
But dear I as such dont believe in Jesus or Prophet Or other messengers... I believe in d existence of That One Omnipresent ALmighty Who is d Real Creator of all that has been and that will ever be...
So you have written quite an impressive write and I appreciate ur audacity to write this in such a Riveting manner... :)))

Posted 14 Years Ago

A courageous write friend. I see God as infinite and a Goddess:) We are all searching for the same source of light at the end of the day, just people see it with a different face:) xx

Posted 14 Years Ago

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24 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on April 9, 2010
Last Updated on August 23, 2010
Tags: Philosophy, evolution, relativism, atheism, creation, God.


Not A Writer
Not A Writer

Kyoto, MI, Japan

Japanese writer Into all things anime 日本万歳. どんなに頑張っても私を見つける .. more..
