tunnel vision's delusions

tunnel vision's delusions

A Poem by Frieda P

Essentially oblivious
 hiding in private vacuums
seeking to catch
 the next tripping bubble
bursting at the seams
  in austerity's realm
out of conjugated burbles 
   mind's sleight of hand
tangents in high def
 spider monkey web'd deception
blindfold'd in pink's pristine
 peaceful illusion'd crack clouds
pips on crackerjack'd
  overload's systems switch
spinning round inside
   tunnel vision's delusions
tied-dyed confusion midst
  magic garden's 
  upheaval of intrusions
coffee perking over 
  a dark horizon's bluff
semi-consciously bliss'd 
 in information's overdrive
rotations quietude
 flipping birds of paradise 
woke up on the wrong side 
  of inventory 
glow lights of night  
   dark umber'd news
 of half past 
    comfortably numb  
riding out the storm
   without oar's directives
satisfyingly unaware
   for all infinity & beyon

© 2014 Frieda P

Author's Note

Frieda P

My Review

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Featured Review

Well dayum, girl. There is so much in this poem that it practically jumps out at me, shouts boo, then runs away... if you think I am chasing it then you got another thing coming because one; I'm too slow and secondly, I am awe-struck. Ha. I loved this soooooooo much!!!!

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

s y e

10 Years Ago

Ha, I should have guessed that! ;-) xo
Frieda P

10 Years Ago

I know, right? Silly you....... ;P Oh sheesh, your confuzzelment is Featured hah ;)
s y e

10 Years Ago

Oh deary me, that is embarrassment. Trust them to feature it when I was confuzzled, ha! Just great.... read more


Another stunning write Frieda.


Posted 10 Years Ago

From this I envisioned paranoia as the tunnel vision through which you perceive the world, of which your speaker sees the world satisfyingly, as said vision might restrain him from happiness by forcing him to live a life in which he antagonizes everything from the entire world for fear of deception, and describes the dull clouds and the tiny world in which he lives as beautiful because there is nothing else to compare it with. He's, in other words, blindfold'd. Well done.

Posted 10 Years Ago

spinning round inside
tunnel vision's delusions

out of conjugated burbles
mind's sleight of hand

satisfyingly unaware
for all infinity & beyond...

It is always joyful to read you dear. Great one. I set my vision through your poem. Thanks.

Posted 10 Years Ago

So many amazing images to wrap my head around - sort of a whirlwind in that tunnel, I think! Got the neurons firing, Frieda!

Posted 10 Years Ago

Now this is truly a beautiful labyrinth of words and phrases. So many twists and turns that I find my lost within this piece and I am loving every minute of it. No tunnel vision her as this wonderful posm sends our eyes scattering in every direction, eb=njoy all of the visions you have created my sweet friend.

"Flipping birds of paradise"...now there is a line and a vision. You certainly can bring colorful thoughts to my mind.

Amazing as always Frieda. You never cease to blow my mind.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Beautiful imagery. Liked it very much

Posted 10 Years Ago

Love the imagery. It jumps off the page :) Good work!

Posted 10 Years Ago

This is gorgeous Chica but I have not had my coffee yet so my brain is protesting about its ability to wrap itself around such finery .Loved it hunny :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Frieda P

10 Years Ago

I can't see, never mind read without my first cuppa at least....drink up pazzo and thanks muchly! G.. read more
Vidya Bacchus

10 Years Ago

You are most welcome .Good morning chica :)
Frieda P

10 Years Ago

Did you have that cuppa yet?
Just like Noodle, I am awe-struck. Yet another wonderful poem. :]

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Frieda P

10 Years Ago

Thanks so much Brittany, jazz'd you enjoyed. :)
Brittany Zedalis

10 Years Ago

You're welcome :]
Love the use of metaphor and the images you have created. You never cease to amaze me Frieda.

:) Julie

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Frieda P

10 Years Ago

Thanks so much Julie, you're always so kind my sweet friend. :-) x

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26 Reviews
Shelved in 4 Libraries
Added on March 19, 2014
Last Updated on March 19, 2014


Frieda P
Frieda P


If you want to know me, read my poetry, it's all in there. I am a mother of three sons (my finest moments) a sister, a survivor and a little bit crazy. I lost my beloved sister to suicide, so you'll.. more..


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