mmmmmmmmmmmmmm .... crisp morning outside (-10 actual temp) low hanging crescent moon as a cradle ... morning star just off to the right at 2 o'clock ... so your poem has entwined me in a simmering heat making -10 meaningless ... delightful dance, mood enhancing, tasteful and lusty my dear ... you have a gift ...
ps. did you know that making out for a half hour burns 238 calories?
Posted 11 Years Ago
3 of 3 people found this review constructive.
11 Years Ago
Morning Einstein ! I been up since 5 and have been watching that same crescent and nearby star. read moreMorning Einstein ! I been up since 5 and have been watching that same crescent and nearby star.
Awesome view it was. It was of meaning but I don't know what it is.
Ok. I'm off to self burn 238 calories......................... HA just kidding...
11 Years Ago
Such a poetic review dear E...ha, imagine all night long, can one disappear into the ether? ;-) Graz.. read moreSuch a poetic review dear E...ha, imagine all night long, can one disappear into the ether? ;-) Grazie mille.
11 Years Ago
to Kate; isnt it grand and so simple as a glance to the sky to find our connection ...and to Ms. Fri.. read moreto Kate; isnt it grand and so simple as a glance to the sky to find our connection ...and to Ms. Frieda ... alllllllllllllllllllllll nighttttttttt longgggggggggggggg ... what a blissful obliteration alliteration...into the ether we go ....a fading too sublime :))
11 Years Ago
What a way to go eh? ..............wooooo
11 Years Ago
Einstein and Ms Freida """"""""""surrendering to the sublime"""""""""":-)
11 Years Ago
Ha there's a poem in there somewhere ;-)
11 Years Ago
those with the eye must dive... Go for it..... Grab it take it consume it and spit it out!
11 Years Ago
Swept up in a quiverous tumult
who better to take on this ride
crisp mornings with a sta.. read moreSwept up in a quiverous tumult
who better to take on this ride
crisp mornings with a star
entwined in simmering lust
a delightful prance of heat
just me and my brilliant pal Einstein
surrendering to the sublime
Sorry had to borrow yer luverly words mwah! ;-)
11 Years Ago
Hey hey Hey don't forget to take me with YA's.. HA you thought I was sleeping and wouldn't know.. Ha.. read moreHey hey Hey don't forget to take me with YA's.. HA you thought I was sleeping and wouldn't know.. Ha fooled you I was waiting at the Milky way in case you tried this...... :-) Good Morning Cosmic Friends..
11 Years Ago
Ha you ready to surrender dear? ;-) me at the east end of the Milky Way...
11 Years Ago
You have never seen surrender till you have bathed in my eyes and I yours
When You see the ete.. read moreYou have never seen surrender till you have bathed in my eyes and I yours
When You see the eternal sister/brother hood.
When You remember who we are and have traveled these stars over and over together as one.
When Your Soul remembers I am you and you are me
We shall travel heaven's shore to shore with no need of that silver cord.
Every star shall brighten as we pass by,
Every moon, Every Sun Shall rejoice of our return
Coming to and fro among the Cosmos
Till we find that Mother Light that cradles once again till the new re birth
Hmm I just had to let go and see what happens.. Your turn LOL
11 Years Ago
LEe it Rip ! You guys.. Get your Soul Naked and show me the Cosmo's from your eyes.
11 Years Ago
Let ..........
11 Years Ago
Wooo, that's divine my need to publish that one ;-)
11 Years Ago
I think you burnt more than 238 calories with that little ditty ha
11 Years Ago
I'm Hoping it will warm the Starlight up in you and Einstein. Oh send me word to feed my hunger of S.. read moreI'm Hoping it will warm the Starlight up in you and Einstein. Oh send me word to feed my hunger of Star Travel. I so want to fly........I'm counting on you to take me...............:-)
11 Years Ago
There's always room on the crazy train for one more ;-)
11 Years Ago
you are the creamy in my coffee
the sublime to my surrender
marmalade for my toasty heat.. read moreyou are the creamy in my coffee
the sublime to my surrender
marmalade for my toasty heat
fluffy socks to my chill'd toes
you raise me up when I'm down
turn me round when gone astray
you are a friend of mine come what may
11 Years Ago
Are You Deaf? I said make me fly Not Cry :-)
How many Heavens can a butterfly travel to.. read moreAre You Deaf? I said make me fly Not Cry :-)
How many Heavens can a butterfly travel to?
Is that Stardust on your wings?
How many passengers can fit on one Butterfly?
Can a Butterfly land on the moon?
Ps That Crazy Train leaft already and deposited me here on Writers Cafe.
How did you get here? LMBO
11 Years Ago
Oooh butterflies, now you're gonna make me cry! Ha muchly the same way as you...,HAha
11 Years Ago
I'm Sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry. But You know though that Butterflies are free.:-)
11 Years Ago
Pssh and tush, you know nothing is free in this life ;-P
11 Years Ago
I used to think that, But lately I'm starting to learn something different.
I'm learning about.. read moreI used to think that, But lately I'm starting to learn something different.
I'm learning about Freedom. I'm learning I can be free by my own will. It all is about chossing our thoughts.
I'm in Awe right now because it is so new to me. Like another world yet still here..
Strange new happenings...
11 Years Ago
Sounds blissful, perhaps you can teach me...
11 Years Ago
NO Shitz ! I just got booted off writers cafe.. LOL
Too bad too! I
I hate having to rewr.. read moreNO Shitz ! I just got booted off writers cafe.. LOL
Too bad too! I
I hate having to rewrite something After I wrote it with teary heart.
Anyways I said I WOULD LOVE TO ! With All My Heart and Soul !
Write me when your ready :-)
11 Years Ago
wait a minute .... i thought we were talking about all night blissful lusting calorie burning shenan.. read morewait a minute .... i thought we were talking about all night blissful lusting calorie burning shenanigans ...??? don't leave me out!! :))
hugs and love girls! big big
11 Years Ago
Ha funny, I love the word 'shenanigans'! Doh, who do you think my brilliant pal Einstein was?
11 Years Ago
well yeh Freida! .... hopes it be me; but ... felt left out with you and cryin' babe carrying on ..... read morewell yeh Freida! .... hopes it be me; but ... felt left out with you and cryin' babe carrying on ... i do love ya girl :)
actually felt like fun writing "shenanigans" ..more room for expansive poetry there perhaps ... i think you are grand ...
11 Years Ago
I think you were off sleeping, we had to keep ourselves entertained in the meantime with our own she.. read moreI think you were off sleeping, we had to keep ourselves entertained in the meantime with our own shenanigans ...I think you're grand too my friend, cheers. :-)
Is it just "making out" that burns 238 calories, or actually having sex? I would imagine having int.. read moreIs it just "making out" that burns 238 calories, or actually having sex? I would imagine having intercourse burns more than that...hmm, good way to get in shape!
11 Years Ago
to Eric .... nope.... 144+/- per half hour romp ... depending on ...well ???... .... so pucker up a.. read moreto Eric .... nope.... 144+/- per half hour romp ... depending on ...well ???... .... so pucker up and help your mate loose weight ..
and excuse you ... this is a threesome going on here :)
ahahahahha weep on young man!
11 Years Ago
HAHAHA! Well, there's a first time for everything...
A paradox: the more the duo indulge in each other, the lighter and the emptier they get in the love that allows them to be swept away in the breeze of day. What makes this poem glimmer even brighter is your choice in emphasized lettering, which could act as an entirely separate poem per se, or an extension of the poem, and either way it still reflects the poignancy of your emotions. The ecstasy you write of is something many of us have felt ourselves, and you express it longingly. Well done.
Posted 11 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
11 Years Ago
Always appreciate your take on my words Tai, thanks so much.
If you want to know me, read my poetry, it's all in there. I am a mother of three sons (my finest moments) a sister, a survivor and a little bit crazy. I lost my beloved sister to suicide, so you'll.. more..