You provide so many illustrations through your poetry that the picture you chose to enhance the poem doesn't hold a torch to the wonder of your words. Cigarette smoking, and the tale of a broken person so shattered that they feel only smoke could cure the emptiness that is air... Well done,
Posted 11 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
11 Years Ago
You're much too kind Tai, thanks muchly my friend.
well are genius or lunatic .. me thinks a combo ... Inky Bordeaux ...
A Poem by Frieda P ...leaves me breathless ... so sad ... and feeling there is nothing i can do to help ..
best wishes to you Freida
Posted 10 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
10 Years Ago
Ha you're too kind E...borderline something at best! Grazie mille sweetie x
You provide so many illustrations through your poetry that the picture you chose to enhance the poem doesn't hold a torch to the wonder of your words. Cigarette smoking, and the tale of a broken person so shattered that they feel only smoke could cure the emptiness that is air... Well done,
Posted 11 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
11 Years Ago
You're much too kind Tai, thanks muchly my friend.
Loved the blue/red correlation. Acquiescence never soberly pursued...well who needs acquiescence anyway, where's the fun in that? ;) I feel like a cigarette after this one, or maybe it's my tainted jaw...however you slice it, this piece is awesome...everything you write is awesome Mrs.R ;) xo
Posted 11 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
11 Years Ago
Ha true that, now we're going back to that last conversation of evil haha Thrilled you like this one.. read moreHa true that, now we're going back to that last conversation of evil haha Thrilled you like this one, I'm quite fond of it myself, didn't think it'd go over big though....figures you'd be jazz'd Benji ;-) xo
11 Years Ago
Haha Now THAT sounds like something I would's not in your creative make-up to produce a pie.. read moreHaha Now THAT sounds like something I would's not in your creative make-up to produce a piece that will not go over big, and I think the responses you get prove my point ;) xo
11 Years Ago
Ahh you humble me Benji, I just don't pay you enough ;-) x
11 Years Ago
Haha I'll take some of your talent as reimbursement ;) xo
11 Years Ago
Oh shut up Dali, as if you're not talented enough, don't make me hurt you ;-P xo
11 Years Ago
Haha Alright I'll remain mum on that philosophy, as you seem to be threatening bodily harm on a more.. read moreHaha Alright I'll remain mum on that philosophy, as you seem to be threatening bodily harm on a more regular basis these days ;P xo
11 Years Ago
Well you're exasperating Benji! Mrs R's blood is starting to boil ;-) x
You see that pic with the smoke coming out of her eyes, yeah that. haha ;-P
11 Years Ago
Haha If I start seeing smoke coming from your ears I'll be very afraid...that means your thinking of.. read moreHaha If I start seeing smoke coming from your ears I'll be very afraid...that means your thinking of ways to punish me ;) x
My kind of poetry.
"pen'd scriptures in Bordeaux's inkfall
bled out through foreign vein decay,
twist'd animosity's perpetual blood expense"
Words written with blood and misery. Most beautiful of poetry. I like the compete poem. Thank you for sharing the excellent poetry.
Posted 11 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
11 Years Ago
Thanks Coyote, you're like me, I enjoy dark poetry too...
You really have a way of packing your poetry with images. This one is so impregnated with emotion and imagery that I sometimes feared its little Bordeaux body would explode! :) I can feel the almost manic despair of your character. It's as if, she stands by the pearly gates, before the St.Peter of poetry, and responding to the inquiry of the celestial juries, she frantically sputters an opus magnum of poetic confession, which ultimately is the only redemption and sanctification; the inquiry, internal, relentless, the animosity, immense. The hope only, of absolution through poetic purification. The imagery is violent, disturbing and hauntingly beautiful, and (being a Dane:)) It took me quite a few readings to disclose and extract the poignancy of the visions, but it was all very rewarding :) I think it is a very complex and abstract piece, but that may be my excuse for missing out on vitalities. It’s brave, fulfilled and I’m sold!
Some of my favorite passages:
(Though it’s a pity to remove them from context)
redemption's blue transfusion blown (Wow!)
acquiescence never soberly perused
bled out through foreign vein decay,
twist'd animosity's perpetual blood expense
Holy cats K.N. this is an amazing review, you just blew me away my friend. I think I like it better .. read moreHoly cats K.N. this is an amazing review, you just blew me away my friend. I think I like it better than my poem, so jazz'd you enjoyed this one, I nearly pen'd it in inky bloodshed. Grazie mille!
11 Years Ago
Haha ;) Well, it is a great poem!
11 Years Ago
And an outstanding review, I'm saving this one, thanks again! ;-)
I would be a little scared of this persona...the person singing in the background sounds just like a girl I used to be on a music site with. This poem is dark and deliciously dangerous as the song serenading so did the poem rise from the poem or the pen.
Who knew you were a big chicken? The poem came first, wasn't easy finding that music that was playi.. read moreWho knew you were a big chicken? The poem came first, wasn't easy finding that music that was playing in my head...
11 Years Ago
Yeah I'm chicken lol...and you did a great job finding music to fit the write which is why I thought.. read moreYeah I'm chicken lol...and you did a great job finding music to fit the write which is why I thought you may have written the poem from the music.
11 Years Ago
I know she's kind of freaky so I had to check her stuff, sure enough...ha
A fine ruby sedation does help to channel those words in which to write down as the blush of grape enlivens the lips that would speak them lol astringent and pulsing piece love x
If you want to know me, read my poetry, it's all in there. I am a mother of three sons (my finest moments) a sister, a survivor and a little bit crazy. I lost my beloved sister to suicide, so you'll.. more..