Haha Your wry wit is unparalleled in these parts Mrs.R...yet there is something curiously sexy about that title image, or maybe I'm the curious one...yeah that's probably what it is ;P Thanks for the chuckle my dear, I'll take those wherever I can get them these days ;P xo
Posted 11 Years Ago
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11 Years Ago
Haha whatever do you mean Benji? I think Tink needed a few lessons from you know who, just saying. .. read moreHaha whatever do you mean Benji? I think Tink needed a few lessons from you know who, just saying. ;-)
11 Years Ago
Haha We could all use a few lessons from you know who my dear ;)
Tink has a dark side, we've seen her pissed off with good reason. No one can save her, she's going to have to save herself but I think she has the right stuff...
Posted 11 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
11 Years Ago
No doubt about that....she's onto something if she can fly that way....
Ha! All she needs now is a cigarette and a scotch.
Love this fractured fairy tale!
Life's full of em', so you know, playful write... and serious!
I like:)
Posted 11 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
11 Years Ago
Ha she drinks rum Terry, thanks for reading my fractur'd fairy tale ;-)
Well, that's one illusion gone for a burton.. always thought Tink was a sweetie pie and that man with the extra was.. well, surplus to her intentions. Obviously not, you villainess, you! Lord help us all if you ever adapt the Bard's work!
Posted 11 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
11 Years Ago
Ha don't tempt me petulia, you know more snow on the way tomorrow, that's where all those fractured .. read moreHa don't tempt me petulia, you know more snow on the way tomorrow, that's where all those fractured fairy tales are hiding lol ;-)
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11 Years Ago
You'll be re-arranging the Ice Queen and Humpty Dumpty next.. or, did they end up getting married?
11 Years Ago
Ha, nope...it's a surprise ;-)
11 Years Ago
Oh dear, this is Petulia's key to opening Pandora's box - run for cover, chaps!
11 Years Ago
Blame the snow, it's making everyone bonkers haha ;-)
got knives in me teeth and sword at hand ... i am ready for the fight ... bring it villainous swash bucklers! ... :))))))))) poor promiscuous Tink ... her love too big ... and poor Pete ...also too big ... the perfect conundrum for those bitten by crocs ..should be a warnign to all says i ..
so glad i visited... was getting too sappy in this noon hour .. love love love to ya best Frieda ever
Posted 11 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
11 Years Ago
No sap in this one, just snap...ha, cheers hon :-)
If you want to know me, read my poetry, it's all in there. I am a mother of three sons (my finest moments) a sister, a survivor and a little bit crazy. I lost my beloved sister to suicide, so you'll.. more..