"Why so gloomy?" inquired the raven.~"I'm tired of being a just another pretty face, no one comprehends what I've gone through."
"Does it really matter if they understand your history?"
~"I don't always feel like being colorful, light & airy, that's what they expect of me."
"Things could be worse my sweet, you could have been stuck with a bad rap like mine. I've been labeled dark all my life, they don't even recognize my beauty."
~"I see your spirit bright & clear", exclaimed the tiny flutterby.
"Some can't see the forest for the trees, my dainty darling. Your strength is apparent to me, you're a warrior butterfly, here you are among the darkness and your soul still shines through", spoke the raven quite convincingly.
~"I feel lighter already, I guess all I needed was a little kindness and understanding."
Done with the sweet talk, the raven replied wryly with a wicked look upon his face. "I hope you understand that it is in my nature to have you for dinner."
~In her best sardonic voice the butterfly whispered mockingly, "that's why I always bring along my friend the snake"....
Moral: A raven can't change its color but a butterfly warrior is stronger on the battlefield with her friends at her side, and will always win the fight.