Bloody Sun

Bloody Sun

A Poem by Frieda P

violet musings crash my mind
posies of a special kind
honeyed to the soul like candy
turn the page to black orchids
tunes of rock salted melodies
dancing with the devil's crush
i hold you close to my breast
for you are all of me
the darkest light winds the mind
i wear it so well twisting in it's acumen
my suit of armor has ruffles of poppy red
lacy inserts around the neck
they hung me safely inside out
if you could spy within the eye,
oleander planted in soot
pansies do survive this concrete slab
posies grow smashed within the fray
perhaps one day daffodils will bask
unabashedly in the glow of something other
than tears from the bloody sun

© 2013 Frieda P

My Review

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Darkly written poem- a variety of flowers struggling under a bloody sun. Beauty is not without its struggles- sometimes it struggles for its life. The one line that jumped out at me and poked me in the eye was this one: they hung me safely inside out. Sounds very much like an oxymoron and I couldn't help but reread it and shudder.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Frieda P

11 Years Ago

So thrilled you 'felt' that one blue, thanks so much.


how flowery... hihi

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Frieda P

11 Years Ago

Ha, flowery you say. hihi ;-)
'oleander planted in soot'

Great image, unique. Some really nice lines in here. The second 'of' isn't correct though--should be:

'sweet to the soul,' or 'sugar of the soul,' or 'sweets of the soul...'

Otherwise I liked it ;).

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Frieda P

11 Years Ago

Thanks Steven, didn't notice I had two 'ofs' in there, will work on that...much appreciated. ;-)
Ok. This is the last of eight poems by you that I have read. My criticism is perhaps more for your friends than you. It seems that they must not like you very much. If peotry is a serious interest of yours then you still have a lot of work to do. Unfortunately nobody has bothered to tell you so.
Your writing is quite jammy with metaphor and cliche. If it were syrup we would have to permanantly regurgitate; your recipe is haphazard and rushed.
If I didn't think you really cared about your writing I wouldn't bother writing you. Please don't be offended.

Posted 11 Years Ago

0 of 2 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

no..not idiot...put the Nutella on your toast.

11 Years Ago

Melodeoh can put the nutella where the sun don't shine.... lmao!!!

11 Years Ago

bwah ha ha
I hold you close to my breast
for you are all of me

These are my favorite lines. They speak to me of being completely within another. So much that you are inseparable in body and soul. May not have been your meaning though. ;-)

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Frieda P

11 Years Ago

Once I put it out there Red, you can play dress up with it, however your little heart desires. ;-)
What a beautiful juxtaposition of the dark and the light; the beautiful and the painful. I found this piece to have a mournful feel; dark and morose, and yet utterly delightful just the same.

Perhaps one day daffodils will bask
unabashedly in the glow of something other
than tears from the bloody sun

Wow..powerful stuff.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Frieda P

11 Years Ago

Thanks Friday, you read me well, much appreciated.
"Dancing with the devils crush", ah Frieda this line was so rich in sweet, devious, dark innocence I love it! Excuse my terrible paradox, for you are quite the master of it, with your never ending, deep descriptions that tickle the tongue with questions about who we are reading about and vivid images tied to your natural imagery flood the mind!

P.s I love your title, something with a juxtaposing beauty

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Frieda P

11 Years Ago

I am dancing to your review right now, thanks so much Willow!
the darkest light winds the always amaze and never let us down.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Frieda P

11 Years Ago

You're much too kind Neva, thanks.
if you could spy within the eye,
oleander planted in soot
pansies do survive this concrete slab

pansies are tough little blooms. This poem speaks of that. the tough armor. The harsh concrete - and yet there is life - fed by blood but it is still life....this is a deep write

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Frieda P

11 Years Ago

Thanks for your thoughts here TL.
A "bloody sun" appears at the end of daylight. When the day is spent and night is pushing to have domain. Yet is seems to me like this is the promise of the new day. The sense of hanging on as long as posable. The sun does not just go out. It's refusal to key go promises that a new day will come. That is the promise those fragil blooms hold close as they shiver through the cold of darkest night.
Your poetry has emoted much for me today. Thank you Frieda.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Frieda P

11 Years Ago

What a sweet review David, and shiver they do, you're most gracious, thanks so much....x
"there is a rose in Spanish harlem".....seducing all with her simile and playful imagery. you really know how to spin a thought, dear posy. "living in the shadows of a concrete world" is a line from Journey's song "easy to fall" from the Trial by Fire album , and i immediately thought of it , reading this. you always make me reach way beyond the experience of simply reading your art...i usually feel it right down to my soul, and find it leads me down other venues as well. i love it, damn you!

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Frieda P

11 Years Ago

Always a song in your heart quin, never thought of that, now I'll be listening to Journey all day..... read more

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25 Reviews
Added on April 27, 2013
Last Updated on April 28, 2013


Frieda P
Frieda P


If you want to know me, read my poetry, it's all in there. I am a mother of three sons (my finest moments) a sister, a survivor and a little bit crazy. I lost my beloved sister to suicide, so you'll.. more..


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