Judge Judy would roll the eyes and say, "Grab that pen and know which end of it to use", and then roll the eyes...........lol followed by, "And you say you want the writer to pay you for complications you have from doing crazy things involving sex in the middle of the night, all inspired by material you obtained from her stories - go get a life!" (She whispers, I must get the name of that book)!
Nope, we can't hold back on poetry!!
Posted 12 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
12 Years Ago
LMAO! You crack me the fook up Sheila! Ha, you know it, she's a piece of work, she's this tiny litt.. read moreLMAO! You crack me the fook up Sheila! Ha, you know it, she's a piece of work, she's this tiny little thing but I love the set on her. Wonder what her poetry would read like really! Thanks so much.
Hells yeah...although, admittedly, I have fallen into the vanilla bean in a coma category on occasion...I hate it when I write banality. Makes me cringe. I accidentally posted one the other day, but it still got some good reviews, so, honestly, what the hell do I know...I've been seeing this is my RR queue for days now and have been dying to get to it...finally had to turn off the RR feed to catch up. It was worth the wait!
Judge Judy would roll the eyes and say, "Grab that pen and know which end of it to use", and then roll the eyes...........lol followed by, "And you say you want the writer to pay you for complications you have from doing crazy things involving sex in the middle of the night, all inspired by material you obtained from her stories - go get a life!" (She whispers, I must get the name of that book)!
Nope, we can't hold back on poetry!!
Posted 12 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
12 Years Ago
LMAO! You crack me the fook up Sheila! Ha, you know it, she's a piece of work, she's this tiny litt.. read moreLMAO! You crack me the fook up Sheila! Ha, you know it, she's a piece of work, she's this tiny little thing but I love the set on her. Wonder what her poetry would read like really! Thanks so much.
Hi there, while some of the topics are seemingly trivial, the emotionally driven whinings and rants are clearly not.....almost reads like an interesting cursing mockery which have long been waiting for this ultimate release.....which i hope has provided some relief as well as fun to the author
Posted 12 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
12 Years Ago
I don't really mean trivial, what's trivial to you might be enormous to me...I just mean without gut.. read moreI don't really mean trivial, what's trivial to you might be enormous to me...I just mean without guts and substance, could be about lime jell-o as long as you mean it! ;-)
How did Judge Judy fall into the poem? I like the poem. Would be a entertaining conversation to have. Much to discuss in the strong statements. I will be 55 years old soon. I give little advice about love. Sometime we need luck and the people with the same desire on the same path. Good luck. No weakness in the outstanding poem.
Posted 12 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
12 Years Ago
ha, it was supposed to be lighthearted, I needed her *eye roll* who better than Judge Judy?! Thanks.. read moreha, it was supposed to be lighthearted, I needed her *eye roll* who better than Judge Judy?! Thanks so much John.
i'm actually kinda scared what you might be getting at with this one. do i even wanna know your inspiration for it lol
Posted 12 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
12 Years Ago
Ha I scared you, that's pretty funny. Just bland poetry that doesn't come from a place of release.... read moreHa I scared you, that's pretty funny. Just bland poetry that doesn't come from a place of release...if you get that? Now do you understand? ;-)
12 Years Ago
i do, but those are usually the poems i myself either don't post, or throw away before i let anyone .. read morei do, but those are usually the poems i myself either don't post, or throw away before i let anyone see them, i'm too scared to let people mock me for it.
12 Years Ago
I doubt anyone here would 'mock' you, you shouldn't be afraid to put them out there though, unless y.. read moreI doubt anyone here would 'mock' you, you shouldn't be afraid to put them out there though, unless you yourself are not happy with it...don't be scared, what's the worst that can happen?
12 Years Ago
i could be blocked, or defriended, and even if not, those who don't like it will likely tell others .. read morei could be blocked, or defriended, and even if not, those who don't like it will likely tell others on here they know, and then eventually like a game of telephone, everyone will know to stay away from me, and i'll have to blow up this account as well. this isn't my first rodeo on here, i learned my lesson the last few times.
12 Years Ago
Geez what the hell are you writing? Lol
12 Years Ago
even i don't know sometimes, no one can riddle out the entire meaning in all my words, not even me s.. read moreeven i don't know sometimes, no one can riddle out the entire meaning in all my words, not even me sometimes. sometimes i say things just to get people's reactions, sometimes just because i feel like it, others cause i'm doped up on sleeping pills and don't know what i'm doing.
12 Years Ago
Besides being blocked is like a 'rite of passage' around here, and if they drop you as friends, were.. read moreBesides being blocked is like a 'rite of passage' around here, and if they drop you as friends, were they really to begin with?
is anyone? friendship, especially on social websites such as this, are based upon lies, or at least .. read moreis anyone? friendship, especially on social websites such as this, are based upon lies, or at least partial lies. whether from the befriendy or the befriender. i could make someone my friend simply cause they're attractive, someone could befriend me simply cause they like my profile, someone else could do it cause they like that persons writing, but none or even all could have any idea who that person really is in the end, thus it is a a facade.
12 Years Ago
True, that's the downside of the internet, I'd like to think most people don't play that game, you c.. read moreTrue, that's the downside of the internet, I'd like to think most people don't play that game, you can usually spot a phony. Poetry shouldn't be so painful as you make it out to be...this is supposed to be enjoyable...!
12 Years Ago
maybe, but look at any famous old poet, like hemingway, or poe, or shakespeare. their most famous po.. read moremaybe, but look at any famous old poet, like hemingway, or poe, or shakespeare. their most famous poems are the depressingly realistic kind, and at least one of them killed himself. i'm not saying every poet who rights about pain and who's suicidal is a good poet, or that all their poems are that good, i'm just saying that it couldn't hurt to hurt right? lol.
If you want to know me, read my poetry, it's all in there. I am a mother of three sons (my finest moments) a sister, a survivor and a little bit crazy. I lost my beloved sister to suicide, so you'll.. more..