I got distracted a bit in the second stanza, wracking my brain, trying to remember which Shakespeare sonnet I read back in school was about thine eyes (132, btw, which I should have known, because that was the number of the house we lived in when I read the b*****d thing, 132 Brookview Lane) but after I gave my poor old brain a much deserved rest, I finished the piece in a smooth flow of beauty and wisdom that were your words. I'm trying to say I liked it. ;-)
ha the stream of consciousness is just an extra bonus...'thine' came from someone telling me to 'thi.. read moreha the stream of consciousness is just an extra bonus...'thine' came from someone telling me to 'thine ownself be true', then in the next breath, 'just forget about it'....sticks in my head! What i'm trying to say is thanks! ;-)
When we have burnt edges, we scrape off the crumbs of of the piece of toast that is too dark too eat as the taste is acrid, and unpleasing; when we scorch our best blouse we scream with profanity and realize we could have set the iron (yes, I still use an iron on rare occasions) on a lower setting; when we have a soul with tattered and frayed edges as the strength of the inner core has weakened with the continual onslaught of insults, we take a walk towards the refrigerator/freezer, remove some ice, clink in a glass of pleasing bitters and drink a big glass of refreshment! That's what we need to do when the fire still burns - take a much needed dose of healing - like writing this poem, or letter which makes one feel better!
Another great write my friend!!
well done the English added a sort of dire beauty to it very lovely use of resources and the flow and concept were great as well well written per usual
Posted 12 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
12 Years Ago
Always lovely to see you Deron, thanks you muchly!
There was a letter I once wrote, it was to a girl I was once best friends with. I wrote it to move on, printed it, and burned it. In a way, it gave me some relief. Great poem
Posted 12 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
12 Years Ago
I've done that with quite a few letters to a certain someone...thanks.
If you want to know me, read my poetry, it's all in there. I am a mother of three sons (my finest moments) a sister, a survivor and a little bit crazy. I lost my beloved sister to suicide, so you'll.. more..