The ThrallA Poem by Francis VEpic PoetryFrom an epic poem: The Endinoir I So whence became that Ire? The Ire wont spurred within Of dissolute propensity we'd show? In thy such feebler being; Can thou of office hold A dire adverse 'gainst he whom sovereign yields? Yea! and to evince this truth, I must needs pay to myself a vision of erst: II Hour 'pon hour she, A fairness would cater And tend. So oft, that Day in dismiss wept Fleeting the measur'd turn. And in his vista, Would behoof naught of her gamesome frolic 'Pon that grand and verdant host whereof to illuminate; burned his grand delight. III With surfeit vanity Belike lived she inured, Paying neither debt to Host nor bold Day. Albeit at times would she In fancy yearn for low Company, wherein her countenance could They; it's fairness extol. Such had she bethought herself in wile design. IV But Day would pass sullen, Whilst the Host beheld her sole. And indignant grew Day's fiery eye Of jealousy whence spewed Torrid climes, that sunder Rend the Hosts' rind, annual thenceforth. Her semblance yet, grew naught dusky When in parch'd fields, the Host; had her encompassed. V And pale was all her skin, (For needs the sin wont Clings to device and shan't of scarce prevail.) Thus, every bit in tact Her fair Visage Of Woe Wherewith on kin; it's property endowed. So here the birth is to be told How thence became engendered all posterity. VI When she upon the host Her seed malignant sowed That stately grew anon to morbid trees, Progeny thence afar Proliferated and Abound was found her pernicious design Whom she insensate; scorned of true. Then tow'rd her conscience, daughter Rue careered apace. VII These children fawned her not, For she did scarce account The faculty of greed she'd them endue. Thence grew she hoary and decrepit all around And to usurp her stead; her heir naught loth Serried and expatiated. Then thus there reigned the children Vain and Miser VIII Whom industriously Suffused liberal doctrine; This contagion on the Hosts' expanse. Whilst their predecessor, Immured in manacles; Died bewailing that mischance redounded. With tears upon the Host ere death, Sued she, the bright Day for life illimitable. IX Day 'pon ado consents, Mauger her sly intrigues. His consort now she's, and in consummation Sires Night, who's beauty; Lustful Day tries pursue Indefatigably thenceforth till death. So whensoever Day is present Night egresses cowardly lest she'd be ravaged. X Congruent Time careered Among the Host till Day Espied, in turns; the methodology Or roves of carefree Night. And once caught unaware, She; incessant wailings would often bleat Through this, the seldom ravishing. And those 'pon the Host testified to the Eclipse. XI Thence were born Dusk and Dawn Whom through filial way, Surveyed much of Day and interposed on Him from Night's delay. Kept they just umpire, son And daughter when at fixture kept arrayed Those far excursions of his haunts. Could then their father; his conflagrance safely vaunt. XII From wild rovings, the climes Would of the Host enshroud. Then was at last, that fervid child seen betimes; Lamenting winter drought. Sundry colors benign Upon the Host, in synergy; devout. And their varnishing of flowers, Had upon the Host; a kinder fragrance showered. XIII All was color and scent and beauteous and gay The gleeful Veona, of love; consents. Amiable with day She, of his grand beam; rents And of it spreads sorts of joyous assays Till then was all of amity But anon deficiencies lurked therein; pravity! XIV For there, them; the host's guests Were of Vain and Miser And of this peace, like parasites; arrest and consume the milder pleasantries of it's nest. They, a sexual liberty; wider Spersed among their brethren afar And ne'er would they deign adherence to a one tsar. XV Then, was not one virgin Found in the verdant Host. All them in lascivious perversion; feigned emotions. Engrossed In waxing profusions Of material gain to grow their boasts. At men, they scowled in their disdain And fathers, all were subject to this coarse profane. XVI Thence grew erupt, amiss, Ire; daughter of azure Eyes that evok'd of them; a mother's glist. And far from shy demure When of her edifice And doctrine spake. The wicked tongue obdure in fallacy, assailing with, To privity familial; the rue of birth. XVII Then one addictive drug Syring'd into her veins. In transient ecstasy, thro' rooms afug Roam'd she all void of pain And dismay within snug Delight. Till east 'pon a precipice came Whence peeled she her pride; her visage! Her beauty, she vouchsafed to this dream; this mirage. XVIII She dug deep in that hole; Where umbilical chord Was erst torn. Forthwith, all wan; heard death's knoll And thus sung to the lord Thrice verse a poet's toll: "So then, finally I stray from the hoard! 'Tis a shame I was procuring This semblance vain and facile; aught but enduring!" XIX Then in a moment's waste, Down lunged the faceless wretch, And truth were her intestines that in haste, Miles of apt an outstretch'd convolution; rac'd. And thus sped this hapless girl's embowel'd retch 'Pon the host whom could succor naught! For he himself, through years and years; grew pomp and haught XX Thro' the soil's contamination Of the anti-altruism Deep indued in roots of her plantation. Thus became the schism, Thus the dissolution Our mother employ'd with her ultraism. And she wish'd not to taint her blouse With streaks; the sanctified sanguine, that came pour'ng down.
"In this richly estate a pastoral scene Before thine eyes laid, of fledglings warbling Thro' dewy air and briskly morn. Then the Creakings of those among them no longer Stretch the eager wake, but revel their newly Shapen buds in twilight baskings. Of all the Featured hosts suppos'd of a natural Order, the fowl's domestic boisterings Resound, in wont haunts; the invitation of The Day, the prosecution of the Night. And to their virgin vista, a mansion of Lofty a stature and high repute wherein Calmly reside the proprietors known by Names of renown and of noble decent. Alberich Brignhem, common patrician and Father to a one Brignhem family. His wife Lucida Duvan, daughter to the Wealthy Belmont Of Cantra. Of them were Engendered a: Letimo, Rigurde, Edmonde, Rosalyn, Menos and Galen. All born to The Brignhem name and each to them a thrall was Installed for personal whim and lived they all Inmates unto this household. Here was seen Roslyn Brignhem. Twelve were the seasons She'd seen, twelve were the years of her fairness Waylaid thenceforth. Unsightly a semblance She, with commensurate soul that ill sought On those that virtue had. Behind thence, followed Vian the servant, aged in similitude; Whom shadows a sorrow long since kept within. Must it be known? Must I needs tell? Gorgeous Indeed was Vian, a tragic beauty Ineffable. Resplendent hair shimmering A gloss fairer than beryl of translucent Cognac. So pure a child like a primrose in The barren expanse of contiguous Waste fields she was. Lurida, Vain in all Societal standings; oft immured this Young thrall in the mansion's darksome cellar Lest her beauty outweighed that of her unkept Kin. The Cellar Of Repentance knew Vian's Years well, but knew her woes far better, for In it dwelled she that gloomy childhood. And could No good arbitor; judge and weigh then the Twain in evenings of pomp, should untimely Guests of the far off Cantra visit this Household. Withal, the eldest of brothers Rigurde, would oft times lust after the thrall. They; father and sons would all try force to their Barbarisms and wanton cravings. To Those crucial nights the struggle she'd persist Merited but fiercer whips of contempt and Only spurred lust further, but to feverish Nights of theirs, her innocence was paid, and She all loth in throes of anguish; pleaded to The heavens time and again. "Far into the Eyes of devils I lo" she cried one such time "To what avail, all this? To what avail this Life of mine if naught but pain and servitude Must be of me? But in some nook or plain, High or low; mayst i've yet to find thee god; Amercing injustice among me, my race. And they, thy chosen, thy loved; brood evil Among us and force us to resort with Evil. We know not their surreptitious Workings, that we are slaves of theirs is enow, And unjustly born into such by thy Decree. Why then, is it so? Thy chosen.. Doth law repeal perchance to them who are Loved by thee? For here I am to thee a Daughter, deprived of all her infancies (Infinities), toiling thro' days evermore, Yet repose ne'er eases the weary shoulders Of my race. And once again they take from us; My precious spirit!" Such were the pains of this Child, but heaped still the ados, for Jealousy Governed Roslyn's execrable views. Rosa' whom since enamored with Rigurd, Her elder brother; suppressed a baser Rancor that oft surfac'd in public scolds of Condescension. "Here" she'd declare among a Throng "Is the culmination of all servile Progeny! Well within this obsequious Slave can there be found riveting tales of Humility meek and bore. And with one Look can I presage result to this public Chide. Run! run and cry! for she's void of other Prospects! And well could some say, this foresight Falter; had not coy diffidence fraught her Mortified face now. And lo! Have all the Gods no mercy still? They deem fit vouchsafe Me worser hindrance, for blindness smote that Timid eye of hers and thus hath she the Deficiency only to witness the half Of her slights." All those lax in morality Tittered and scoffed, but few pitied the slave then. Thus, oft would they wither the soul of the child And oft would the men try restless the win of Her affection, long lived she under this Hostile manner. The slave would spurt frightening Tantrums of tears through many a grim night, Whereof notions grim; tantalized her wrought Fancy. Imaginings ghast of beauteous Ends and wan erasure, to and fro all Memory, all opprobrium lurked she the Vast amount of stern pondering; the rue of Existence. Like Elektra whom in dwellings Of incessant self-torture, bemoans a Mother's betrayal and finds the industry Of life; a prolonged and tedious one, So too was this lowly thrall bereaved of Prospects in the circuit of saddened thought and Continuance. One such night of daunting grief, A like pang of overwhelming tide despaired Her mind within The Cellar Of Repentance. Thence of darkling shadows and dwindling Hope; anon appeared an apparition Pure and grand, donned with sable rags chenille and Pelts, dissembling much the frame and visage of This ghostly boy. This incorporeal Figure who would outreach to absolve the Gaining tears from ruddy gone cheeks and remit Perchance a temporal suffering, made her Submit to his aura effulging here thus Far; of chivalrous grace and magnanimous Deed. Hope had paved there enow, millions of Promenades and millions of thresholds ere since Not dared fathomed by fancies intimid like Hers. With fascination, some inopportune Interview and open disclosure sought She thence. "Who art thou?" She inquired "Whence Hast thou come?" But he hearkened not and knelt Instead, ne'er deigning to lave her foot's wound and Gird a herb medicinal round so that a Respite should befall her execrable pain. Then from the conscience within; sprung a shame that Held her ablush. A coexistence she Repelled of inequality from lowly Standards she'd been inured to of bounty Subservience. Hence, this unknown affection Of tenderness affrighted a concealed Core of emotions unfamiliar Within her, But still he impelled submission To the succor of his, and fell she fathoms Deep in the pleasur'd ecstasy of care. Then offer'd he some sustenance for vigor And subsistence, whereof she fed in a Most impetuous way of his divine Ambrosia. Grapes, bread and of honey she Feasted and of red wine she drunk to color The palate, to broaden the mind. Then came Thereafter, the speech of the boy much austere And exhorted. "The longest while, you must be Of fortitude!" Said he. "Strong and unyielding, For that beauty within that you kindle; I should fear it lastly to extinguish. Though by the unguarded flank of yours stand I Poised to adversities dire; the matter Of endurement is solely yours. Then when Much of toil has cumbered you and much of this Age has seen you wise and cunning, shall there You find me once more; shall there you see me Reunite with your Fire." Thus spake the Sapient boy of promises when he Kissed the chapped and irresolute lips of the Slave. Speechlessly rendered and dumbstruck; the Thrall oped her circumfused lids with spangled Eyes eager to meet that of his, whom in the Dark had vanished and left her with vivid Memories wont to recur the impact that He of his conference left. Exhaustion ruled Over the limbs and feeble attempts to crawl Intermitted when she, forlorn, wept herself Into some belated slumber. Thence, bestirred Of the Dawn; had she surprise within five Digits some forgotten emblem, dexterously Emblazoned with hieroglyphics unseen, Unapprehensive and foreign to her Faculties. "And of a day I sing!" she said "Oh! of a day indeed! That from thy arms, Perchance the blanket from my sorrows, may I with hap; urge them to environ one Undeserving creature such as I. That of Thy hands, the mitigatiors of cruel wounds, may I mere sip; libations of Vitae from thy Bounty soul. That of thy legs, thy stalwarts of My weighty woe; may I try incentivize; A lengthened stay to see of my eternal Obeisance. That of thy feet, thy deigning Sojourners of foul concrete, may I belike Inspire: an unsheathing, to know that these Servile lips; upon them willingly reside. Yea! of this very second in time and All that thenceforth, I am thine. So of thy Affairs, there is my permanent lot and Of thy strict command, there is my ceaseless Obedience. Oh! bounteous master! Hear me now, and mark of these words a solemn Truth. To thee I am devout and to thee I shall aspire featly agencies. Hence shall I pursue thee now in e'ry Enterprise wherewith enow hap shall see Me at thy side, and so my thoughts until the End of them, shall never stray from thee. To And fro, long and short, all excursions and Wanderings to find thee." She ended thus in Silent zeal, clinging to the emblem. Time In it's passing witnessed five seasons and Among them, Rosalyn grew into interests Of warfare. She had become brawny and Officious all round, that a glance could daunt Men even of healthy a stature. In all Her had desires she wished of it most to Levy for service in Cantra, and so Did it pass, but through those seasons she of Jealousies; grew bitter and began with Intrigues. Vian, whom with seemliest blithe and Indifference had he Rigurd, entranced in the Years of her blossom; would not surmise of The events to take place erelong. And sailed Thence they, Rosalyn and Vian across the Encircling Gulf Of Rumeda that Took on course of threefold a dusk and dawn. Now, there were hidden woods by the coast of Cantra that Rosalyn knew too well. They were called The Woods Of Bhar (wherein that lowly Descendant long ago lost his cherished life) And the Night poured her heavenly gleams upon Those shadowy depths, chequering an umbrage With mighty teal and paleness. Calmly sowing Sorts of pleasantries or heaps of delight For some want creature to enjoy. But oh! the Antithetic Scene withal of bitter and Sweet, how Death sung her grisly sonnets in Adverse concert with Nature's beauteous Overtures to foil some placidity here. And so it turned to be, that they along The glistened ford eastward came, to ominous Coverts. Wherein pilfering knaves sit wont To behoof of unassuming lasses And wanderers, albeit a greater Peril even, ensued. But in some reverie Of love, was she transfixed; that like a dream held Her captive and entranc'd of some gawking Wonderment of he in growing fantasies Of these. And long ere the senses gathered, She'd been smote and confounded laying amid The profluent ford. Time and again her Master smote in frenzied ire with each Tear nearing forever an absolution Of pent indignancies, with each moan; the Avenged integrity sings paeans of glee. Anon this glut for harm had sated, and thus Complacency usurped. Whence reveled she For minutes in that presumed circumvention; That belated death, but erelong egressed. Then, prone on the ford; a slave in piteous Weeping recounting what of Nature's descry, And those beads of woe glitter'd like the selfsame Ford on her grievous countenance, then find Themselves riding amid the straggling hair, Or coalescing with a voluminous Family of theirs. Oh the ignominy Placed here In lonesome scenes! the memories Flashing like deafening shrills of the old Clarion! like dazzling exposure to the Day. And so began the brooding of a Torpid soul in conjecture immutable, All the impious sins trying another Mouldering of the heart. Vain, Miser, Rue, Discord, Ire, Guile, Vengeance.. Oh cruel Vengeance! How was it thou entered the tattered fancy Of the child? And Ire, thy subsidiary; To blossom thy wiles? In thy gloom for hours Gazing into darken'd depths, unflinching And compos'd of purpose. From that desolate Source birthed survival; a long subconscious Fabrication of alternate being. The Doctrine of a childhood chang'd; forsaken There in the ford and out emerged a monster. Unrelenting, inclement, to man and Woman; unforgiving. One sole hope of Re-encounter, one sole loyalty, one sole Love retained; that precious boy! Whence urged her Motive and life's enterprise. Yea! here began The impostur'd emprise! There stood she on the Gather'd sanguine, poised with an insensate Adrenaline, then darted toward Vengeance. Mire after mire, through mist and murk apace, All creatures paled in frigid fright at the Rage of hers! From the hind was smote one jaunty Rosalyn, whom in the mud amid now lay All tremulously. The slave doffed herself, Doffed the master and began with horrid Designs. Severing limb and base with all Empassion'd care; thro' the flesh, thro' the muscle, Thro' the bone, thro' the marrow. Rosalyn Beseeching the slave, and Vian undisturbed In the harm-inflicting agency. Thence Into delirium thrown; the mind of Rosalyn, fading into nothingness. The vociferous groans; curtail'd and quelled, The moonbeams englistening a gorgeous Scarlet all the while, indulging in that Bloodied euphoria. Frolicking amid, Delighting in the artful scenes of Rosa's Erasure. Long after the demise came a Contemplative repose in the nearby Brook wherein impurities were scoured and Absolved. Her body like a nymph laved in the Pleasanter regions of these woods; clasping the Aforementioned emblem. But now erelong, Donned she the raiments of Rosa and egressed The condemned Woods Of Bhar, arriving upon, Thro' short excursion; the citadel of Cantra, wherefrom the fortified walls an Inquiring voice; spoke thus. "Who art thou?" And To this; the resourceful thrall answered succinct.. My Name Is Rosalyn." -Francis V © 2019 Francis VReviews
5 Reviews Added on February 13, 2013 Last Updated on December 13, 2019 |