Watching the iridescent light flow up from beyond the dew covered hills, I close my eyes and smell the frost, covered air surrounding the forest. It has a light feeling, yet weighs heavily on my hair as i feel the wind swift the cool chill blow across my ears. The air takes in the scent of the pine trees to my right and the coldness flowing rush of a small stream to my left. It gives me a sense of security as I feel the cold wind snatch my soul from my heart and into the heavins. Though I feel my body starting to drift, I know mother earth has her hold on my feet so I will not depart from her abundance. The grass tickles my feet while the rough bark of the evergreen tree embraces me with its amber branches. I hear a mocking jay saying sonnets to the tree that holds its nest of twigs and twine. Its hums of beauty are slightly tuned out by the near by bank that empties its flowing waves to my toes and sends a chill to my veins. The chill is alarming yet sweet, while it sends the waves away from my feet, leaving only small, lonely droplets. The river is cruel yet is strong and mighty, holding many families of creatures of all sizes. These surroundings are what give me hope and make me feel most pure and as I know that the day comes to an end, I know that it will be here tomorrow. I think this as I watch the iridescent light flow up from beyond the dew covered hills.