kaleidoscope  apocalypse

kaleidoscope apocalypse

A Poem by Cardinal Robin





kaleidoscope  apocalypse




Summer river overflowing

I’ve got a song to sing,

bring all your sisters

and your brothers,

and bring me

a strong drink


Take a look at what we’ve done

we’ve forgotten how to live our lives

by the cycles of the Moon and Sun


Follow happy forest trails

as far as the eye can see

Take a minute by the Oceans

hold her hand! It’s a sandy mystery


Take a look at what we’ve done

we’ve forgotten how to live our lives

by the cycles of the Moon and Sun


Hold an image of the wildlife in your heart

rail against insanity,

we gone too far how can this be

and the Mountains sleep like silent sages


The fire in your lies burned the memories

of the dreams of your future

with healthy children

not laying in political alleys

selling their flesh wares

to uncle sam’s treasury


Take a look at what we’ve done

we’ve forgotten how to live our lives

by the cycles of the Moon and Sun


I won’t wake up tomorrow

not if there will be so much

can this world support everyone in sorrow

after all, WHO has the Midas touch?


Brothers sisters you are golden

and I know I’d like to keep this LIGHT

This song for everyone, you and me ……eeeeeeeeeeeEEE


Stop the KILLING

Stop the BOMBING


Stop the HATING

Stop the RAPING


aaaaa       nnnn   yyyy   oooooooo   nnnnnnnnnnnnnn eee 

aaaaa       nnnn   yyyyyy  oooooooo   nnnnnnnnnnnnnn eee 

aaaaa       nnnnn    yyyyyy   oooooooo nnnnnnnnnnnnn eee 



We are the FIELDS Dry and Fallow

and I a simple Swallow…






© 2008 Cardinal Robin

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I am so happy to see this, the name of my bestie, also the name of a beautiful and wise work of art!


Love these lines:

"Take a look at what we've done
we've forgotten how to live our lives
by the cycles of the Moon and Sun"

So true! My life cycle is BACKWARDS... Or sometimes non-existent...
Still haven't gone to sleep... lol.
As always, LOVE YOUR WORK! ^.^

This poem gives me hope... ^.^

Posted 16 Years Ago

4 of 4 people found this review constructive.


You are such a Romantic Beatnik, Robin!! We all do weird stuff and say, "This is who I am; or this is not who I am"..... constantly wanting to identify or disidentify with something. What your poetry says is be at peace, live naturally -- by the cycles of the moon, be natural. The worst thing society has done is to say "natural" is "evil". I see you making a brave challenge to the world (yes, there is a difference between Earth and world), and your challenge asks "What is evil?" There is no evil. There is only destructive ignorance and our misperceptions. This is a brilliant piece once again, Robin! Much love to you.....

Posted 16 Years Ago

4 of 4 people found this review constructive.

Well first off, let me just say that I LOVE this piece.

I love the message behind it, the meaning. There is such power behind these words. I love the way it flows, and the repetition of,
"Take a look at what we've done

we've forgotten how to live our lives

by the cycles of the Moon and Sun"

It adds a lot, and it speaks volumes.

It is simply an amazing, and quite breathtaking piece. Thank you so much for sharing it!

Posted 16 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

I am so happy to see this, the name of my bestie, also the name of a beautiful and wise work of art!


Love these lines:

"Take a look at what we've done
we've forgotten how to live our lives
by the cycles of the Moon and Sun"

So true! My life cycle is BACKWARDS... Or sometimes non-existent...
Still haven't gone to sleep... lol.
As always, LOVE YOUR WORK! ^.^

This poem gives me hope... ^.^

Posted 16 Years Ago

4 of 4 people found this review constructive.

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23 Reviews
Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on July 12, 2008
Last Updated on August 3, 2008


Cardinal Robin
Cardinal Robin

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BEAT POET Period. more..


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