16. Savin Me

16. Savin Me

A Chapter by Sarah

Song by Nickleback. Kate is there for Drew when he needs her the most, in the only way she knows how.


Kate stood at my door looking worried. When I opened the door she immediately entered. She held my cheeks in her hands and began checking me over.

“Whats wrong you sounded distressed when you called.” I just held her to me and she held me back just as tight. That’s when I faced reality that my brother would most likely never be same and it was all my fault. The tears coursed down onto her shirt as she comforted me, unknowing of the reason. She just ran her fingers through my hair and I reeled in the contact, once the tears stopped flowing I felt tired.

“Are you ready to talk now?” I looked down at her beautiful face and I realized how much of a fool I looked like.

“Declan woke up today.” She gasped, and her hand reached up and wiped the tear tracks from my face.

“That’s great why were you crying though?” Her hand ran up and down my arm.

“He didn't remember me or anything. All he can remember is the white lights. I told him everything and he can't even remember me. He freaked out when he tried to move and his legs didn't move. He is paralyzed from the waist down and I just keep feeling like this is all my fault.” Her arm went around my shoulders and she held me close, I hated feeling weak letting the tears drop showing how I wasn't a man.

“Drew none of this is your fault, you can't blame your self.” I sat back and stared up at the ceiling.

“Cant I? The whole reason he got hit was because I wanted to come out. If he wasn't there that night or if I tried harder to hold him back. So much could of prevented it, all of it being my part.” She laid me down so my head was in her lap and she ran her fingers through my hair.

“You listen to me Drew, Declan ran into the road on his own. You cant change what you didn't do, you cant change that he went into the road.” I sighed starting to feel the tension that I feel when I need to cut ebb away.

“If I followed him, and he never turned around he would have been ok.” She kept up her ministrations and sighed.

“Yeah but you might not have been, you could of actually died. Then what your brother would have been the only one who knows your secret, we would never fallen in love and had it broken badly, most important I would of lost my best friend, Declan would have to live with the fact. To tell you the truth, I don't think he would have been able to. You are so much stronger than your brother.” I sighed starting to feel slightly tired.

“How am I stronger if I can't even deal with life to the point where I wanted to die.” It was her turn to fight.

“You are stronger because you made it through all that s**t and you are still going. You made friends with the person you always were. You keep going fighting to be here. Deep down you are the most caring person I know. Yet you hold your pain in, Drew you got to let it go. You have to stop blaming your self for what happened to Declan.”

“How? How do I make the pain go away?” The urge to hurt my self was strong, the only reason I resisted was because Kate was there, her threat rang through my mind.

“Time, he will regain his memory and it will be different yes but you will have another man on your side.” I sat up and held her close smelling her sweet scent of honeysuckle.

“What are you smelling me for?” I sighed hoping I wouldn't be caught.

“It makes the urge go away, holding you in my arms and knowing your right here.” She pulled back and her brown eyes searched mine.

“What urge?” I looked down at the long thin scar on my arm.

“The urge to..yah know...to my self.” I was shaking and I made the motion of cutting, I didn't want to admit it out loud.

“Drew.” Her voice sounded sad.

“I won't I swear, just something about you calms that part that threatens to take over when I let the pain go.” Her hand brushed my cheek and I leaned into it.

“That's why you bottle it up.” I just nodded. She stood and I sighed at the loss of her contact. She took my hand and led me to my room. I began to get nervous.

“What are you doing.” She turned to me.

“Get into night clothes, while I go find some.” I walked over to my closet and handed her one of my button ups.

“Wear this.” She nodded and went to go put it on. I stripped down to my boxers and a t-shirt and sat on the bed. She came out and the shirt went down mid thigh. She had the sleeves rolled up.

“Why did you have to be so tall?” I smiled, she was short at 5'4''.

“So you can wear my things.” She came over and laid next to me motioning me under the sheet. I laid down and she snuggled up close to me and I held her. How I missed just holding her.

“Relax Drew, I'm here for the night.” I kissed her forehead before I buried my head in my pillows with my chin on the top of her head. Her head lay on my chest over my heart as if she were listening to my heart beat. I reeled in the comfort from her, even if just for the night.

“Night Kate.” I closed my eyes as I drifted off to sleep with the faint smell of honeysuckle caressing my smells.

© 2011 Sarah

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This is the final chapter in this part of the story, for some reason I saw it fitting to end this book here. I am currently working on the second part. Please review I would love your thoughts on this Book.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 7, 2011
Last Updated on February 7, 2011




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