![]() 13. Winds of ChangeA Chapter by Sarah![]() Song by Lifehouse. A change in Drew's brother sparks hope, but Drew can't catch a break when not all are as reciving when they find out who Drew really is.![]() I lay on my bed after just painting. My old cream-colored room was painted a darker shade of teal. I looked around at the small changes that just suited me more. I rolled over at the sound of my phone ringing. Picking up I saw Roxy’s photo on the screen and I smiled. “You dialed?” I asked, I stood looking my appearance over in the mirror. “Yeah, I wanted to know if you wanted to go swimming today.” She still didn’t know my secret. “I can’t. Got a doctors. How about I take you out tonight? Maybe some dinner?” I left out the reason for my doctor visit was for the T-shot. We weren’t officially dating, just hung out like friends. “Depends are you paying?” I noted the amusement in her voice. “Are you going to be a cheap date?” I teased. “Sure as long as you go for a walk with me in the moonlight.” I laughed she loved to do different things. “Sure.” I looked at my appearance and noticed that I needed a shower before I went to try to get the paint out of my hair. “Hey Rox, I got to do a few things still, see you tonight?” I heard a dramatic sigh but laughed at it. “Sure. Bye Drew.” I hung up the phone and went to go get changed. My parents hadn’t really known of Roxy yet and maybe soon they would meet her. The only one who knew was Declan. Lately I’ve been finding my self-visiting him more than often. I washed all of the paint off of my face and arm and towel dried my hair. I put on casual clothes and went to the kitchen. “Drew sit down.” I looked to my mother who looked ecstatic. “What’s going on?” I sat down at the table. “Well for one, I want to make sure that this is what you want to do. There is no going back once you start to take the shot.” I sighed I knew what I wanted and needed to do. “Yes I am sure.” “Good now I spoke with Declans doctors and they say you’ve been coming around more often.” I looked out the window. “Yeah so?” My mother sighed at my stubbornness. “Well the last time you visited him, supposedly his brain waves had a spike. Doctors think it may be beneficial if you talk to him more.” I didn’t want to down my mothers hope but I don’t think my brother would ever wake. “Sure.” My dad threw me the keys and said they would meet me there. They had lightened up on my house arrest a bit but they still held the keys. I drove to the big offices and waited for my parents to join me. I looked at my phone and signed on to twitter. I still hadn’t talked to Kate again and she had been colder then ever. FunDrew: such a big day;) Finally shedding all the old crap and going to have a nice dinner with a beautiful woman. I got a text from Kate. What up with the tweet? Didn’t know you still checked up on me. Whatever Drew Sorry, but you know what I am talking about. The only person to know out side my family. Really? Yeah. I didn’t answer her other text not wanting to hear how good it was for me, I didn’t want her pity. @FunDrew: WittyRoxy: You are a shameless flirt. I laughed at her tweet and saw my parents pull up; I sighed as a happy sigh and walked into the office the newest start to my life. Two hours after consultation we finally had a plan to align my body with who I was. “Drew come right home.” I looked to my mother I guess now was better than never to tell them about Roxy. “Actually, I’m meeting up with someone for dinner.” My father smiled knowingly. “This a lady Drew?” My father said in a teasing voice. “Yes dad. Her name is Roxy.” I said slipping into the car. “Be home before 11.” I drove off before my mother could question me. I drove up to the hospital figuring I had an hour to kill before I picked Roxy up. I walked the dimmed halls to Declan's room, his monitors showed the same. “Hey bro.” I said plopping down in a chair after I shut the door. “I have a date I think. Not to sure with that new girl Roxy. Man you would love her; she’s a total bombshell. I talked to Kate today to. I know I shouldn’t after everything we’ve gone through but I still find my self-thinking of her from time to time. She is the only one who knows of my secret. Man I wish you would wake up and come back to the land of the living. I could use your advice, guidance. I mean mom and dad are finally lightening up on the house arrest since I’ve been following all the rules for the stupid suicide watch. I don’t know. Come back Declan, soon.” I gave his arm one last quick squeeze before I walked out and drove off to Roxy’s house. I went to knock on the door and her father answered. He was a big man and had darker skin with dark coffee eyes. “Hello Drew, come in Rox is just getting ready.” I shook the older mans hand and he led me into the living room. “Hello Mrs. Mitts.” The slender woman with raven hair looked over to me and smiled. “Hello Drew.” I sat a bit anxious in the chair while I waited for Roxy to come down and when she did I was stunned. She wore a simple summer dress that came mid thigh. Her hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail and a few curls framed her face. I went over to her and smiled. “You look beautiful Rox.” She blushed a bit shyly and went to grab her purse. “See you guys later.” She took my hand and I being the gentleman I am opened her door before I drove back to the diner. I was attracted to her to say the least, but she had to know before we got serious. We sat down and flirted over food but I began to get increasingly nervous. I took her hand and drove her to the cliff, the same spot just a few short weeks ago I tried to end it. I got out of the car and took her hand as we began to walk. “You’ve grown quiet Drew. Did I do something wrong?” I looked to the beautiful woman and motioned to sit along the cliff. The moon was high. “Its nothing you’ve done wrong. I mean you have told me all about you but I haven’t exactly told you everything.” She turned to me. “Just know what I say Rox can’t get out.” I sighed before I faced her on the dew-covered lawn. “You notice how I never mention to much about my past. Well my past starts a few years ago. I am a female to male transgender. I’m technically still a girl but have started taking the steps to change my self into who I know I am. My name is really Jan Marie Dawson. I changed it when I came out to my family.” She looked away from me and I sighed. “There is another thing, remember how I told you my brother is in a coma? That is my fault. We were out late one night and he thought he could out run that car. Instead he got hit.” She stayed silent and I knew I scared her off. I sighed and stood. “Maybe I should just get you home.” She nodded and walked over to the car. The silence was deafening to my ears. I didn’t stick around after I let her off at her house. I drove home angry. I walked through the door and my parents looked up from the couch. “How did it go Drew?” I just shook my head. “S****y, I told her and the only thing she could do was nothing. She didn’t say a damn word.” I walked up to my room and signed on my computer. Ivy came in my room and sat on my bed. I finally got irritated with her silence too and snapped at her. “What do you freaking want?” She looked taken back. “Take it went like s**t?” I turned back to my computer screen. “Only Kate understood. She said not a damn word and I don’t know how to take it.” My sister laughed. “She didn’t say a thing on the date?” “No when I told her I’m not really a guy dumbass.” I stood from my chair and walked out. “Drew where are you going?” I stomped out the house. “To see Declan.” I tore out of the driveway and when I arrived at the hospital there were doctors in the room. I waited patiently till they left. I closed the door and sat in the chair for a second time. “I told her my secret Declan and she didn’t say a damn thing. I thought she had a thing for me. But nothing, I just chase all the girls away.” I looked at his vitals and they seemed to of improved a bit. “This is all your fault, you’re supposed to be here helping me. Telling me that I should of waited. But no you are stuck in this damn coma and wont come out. Time to come out Declan you can’t live in there forever. You need to come back what will it take for you to come back? Isn’t it enough I am on suicide watch, I was so guilty of your death for so long. Come back, get angry do something other than lay there like a lump.” I knew I was being stupid shouting at my brother but as I got ready to walk out I noticed I felt better. “Declan I love you, mom does. Come home.” I drove into the night and stopped a block from Kate’s house I knew this was a stupid thing to do but I climbed her tree and watched her sleep. I had missed her, no matter who I was with could make me miss her less. She was sleeping facing me and a small smile was on her lips. I sighed knowing that this would do me no good slipped back down to the ground and drove home. I just collapsed onto bed ignoring the missed calls from Roxy, and the guys wanting to hang. © 2011 Sarah |
Added on February 7, 2011 Last Updated on February 7, 2011 Author |