Chapter 23 The Rising Tide

Chapter 23 The Rising Tide

A Chapter by Sarah


It had been days and I had no word from my father, or Amos. I began to wonder if this whole thing was a set up. Get the family away and I alone. For some reason I sat uneasy. I called Tyler to check in on the family and see how they were making out.

“Hello?” Spoke his voice, it sounded scratchy like he hadn't slept in days.

“Hey its Ethan.” He heard the man shift to sit up right in a chair.

“How are you my boy? Are you still standing? Any sightings?” He fired in rapid succession.

“Woah, slow down. I was wondering the same thing, I haven't heard from the trouble duo.” He just imagined Tyler walking over to the window and rubbing his short auburn hair.

“We haven't seen anything. I have a constant look out. Every one is asleep right now.” I slid my clammy hand over my face.

“Who is going to switch off with you??”

“No one I stay up the whole night.” I shook my head.

“That is no good. If your going to do that, have some one else stay up with you. Or switch off.” He sighed.

“I can't trust them not to fall asleep. I have to protect my daughter, wife... Your sister. I can't have one of them falling asleep.”

“You are no good protecting them if you are dead on your feet. Go wake up Gin.” He sighed and I listened to him grumble till he walked up the stairs. I heard a door open and Gin want five more minutes.

“She just won't budge.” That one was a heavy sleeper, must have been all those nights when we were together.

“Put the phone to her ear.” I heard her soft snores on my side of the line.

“Babe... Wake up, its me Ethan.” I waited.

“Ginevera wake up. I'm going to die!” I waited and heard a loud snore. This wasn't working.

“Turn the speaker on.” I heard my voice echo.

“Hey, Gin babe wake up.” I heard her breath hitch.

“Ginny, I need to talk to you.” I heard her roll over.

“Shake her a bit.” I heard a loud crack as I assume the phone fell to the floor.

“Damn.” I shouted. I heard some one scramble for the phone.

“Ethan! Is that really you?” I yanked the phone away as some one screamed into my ear.

“Turn the speaker off and yes.” I sighed as I heard her soft smooth voice.

“It's the middle of the night why are you calling?”

“It's morning in Oregon. And I need you to take watch with your dad. You can switch off with Caden.”

“Why do we need to do that?”

“So your dad is not dead on his feet. And can protect you properly.”

“Do you think I need protection. That is so typical of you Ethan James. I can fight for my self if I need to.”

“That’s why you were bound and gagged. I don't doubt you can fight, but what I am fighting is not natural. They could easily rip you to shreds, I need you safe.”

“Ever think that I need you safe Ethan? Ever think that I want you here?” I sighed, she was never one to think when she just woke up.

“I know you want me there babe, but I have to fight. I can't risk your life, I have done that now for five years.” I heard her sigh.

“Do you know what your putting me through?” I was getting a bit angry. But I bit it back knowing if I acted on it then I would say something stupid I would regret. I needed to think of a smooth line..

“Babe, you know I would be there, holding you in my arms if you would let me. But I just got to fight my fight. As soon as I can I will call for you or come get you. But since I know you still love me and you know I love you, then I can't have a distraction. I have to know your completely safe so I can fight.” I heard her sigh, I took that as I good sign. She began to shuffle around.

“Nice try at being smooth, it worked but to noticeable.” I laughed she knew me to well.

“Eh. Had to try.” I heard her close the door.

“Really, how are you Ethan?” I sighed.

“I am worried, I haven't heard from them and its beginning to make me think that some how I am missing something. Like its under my nose but I just can't place it.” I sat down on the porch with my coffee.

“Stop thinking for a minute Ethan, look around. Use your senses what is out of place?” I sat down n closed my eyes slowly opening them. I heard the birds chirping, and the leaves rustling... There was no wind. I stood up and the coffee cup slipped from my hands.

“S**t.” I looked down at the stained deck.

“You see it now?” She asked softly.

“Can't talk, or have this traced. Lo amavo sempre. Anche se muoio sappia che era per voi.” (I always did love you. Even if i die know it was for you.) I hung up the phone and slipped into the house up to her room. I peeked out the curtain and perched on a branch, three hundred yards out was Amos. He must of seen me because he jumped from the branch and into the woods. The battle was on my horizon, they would go down. I picked up the phone and called my sister.


“Ethan whats going on.” She spoke in a hushed whisper.

“The battle is here. Soon.” I sat down on Gin's bed.

“Is that why you said that to her? She has been asking me what it means but I can't tell her that.” I sighed.

“So don't. Tell her after I am gone.” I heard a strangled sob.

“Don't talk like that Ethan, You promised me.” I stood.

“I can't be naive Caden, Dad is experienced. I am fool for fighting him.”

“So run, come to Gin and I.”

“I can't keep running, my whole life. I can't put you or Gin in that position any more.”

“So that’s it? Your going to go get your self killed? That solves everything. Right?” She was angry. She didn't see reason.

“No, but he has been after my blood for twelve years. Started out as a beating but now its for the kill. He wont stop, he will keep tracking me till I die. Gin deserves someone who can be there for her. I never was. I love you sis.” I hung up the phone, knowing that if I talked any longer then my resolve would crumble. I walked into my room and to Alex.

“Don't fight.” His head snapped up to mine and he looked startled.


“Don't fight. This is my fight, it always has been and your only in danger. All I ask is to bring my body back. Tell her I loved her. Marry Sam and help Gin move on.” He sighed.

“I knew you would tell me this. I will help you in any way bro.” He stood and hugged me then ruffled my hair. He took my hand and stuck my phone into it.

“Call her, tell her you love her.” I shook my head.

“She will be devastated, if you run off and get killed and she never knew. It would hurt more to not know then know.” I nodded and raised the phone to my ear.

“Ethan James! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?”

“Gin listen, I love you. I never stopped and never will. Move on.” I hung up the phone.

“Smooth dude.” Alex looked at me sarcastically.

“What!” He sighed and I laced up some sneakers.

“Kill him.” I looked at my friend.

“You know what that will do to me right?” He shook his head and grabbed my shoulder.

“Stop living in the fear of turning into one of them. You are a Young, not a Power. You prove that by loving Gin. As long as you remember that love then you will be just fine.”

“No, I cant have the blood on my hands! I can't kill my father.” He slapped me across the face and I grabbed him by the collar and shoved him into the wall.

“Take all that pent up anger you store, and kill him. Think of Gin, marrying her, watching her hold your child one day. Take the anger, of being beaten as a child, take the anger of your dead mother and brothers. Take that anger, and your desire to live and put the monster to rest.” He ran out of steam and I shoved him away. I picked up my knife and stored it in the back of my jeans. I nodded one last time before I went out the door and took off running into the woods.

© 2010 Sarah

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Added on December 27, 2010
Last Updated on December 27, 2010




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