Chapter 20: Call of a Hero

Chapter 20: Call of a Hero

A Chapter by Sarah


Tomorrow came, and so did the day after. It had been a month since I had returned and I was going in for my senior year but I couldn't be unhappier. I looked like a train wreck, my eyes were hollow and I had dark bags under my eyes from lack of sleep. It was me and I during the day and night. I still hadn't talked to her, she had tried but has finally given up. I don't know whether to be mad she gave up or be happy she doesn't have to be weighed down by me. Now that she is finally gone I wanted to move, be on my own where they don't have to hear my screams yet can't help me. I had wounds from the trip there was a small permanent scar on my face and a huge one down the length of my forearm. I slipped on some shorts and a t shirt, not bothering to comb my hair. I walked down the stairs and out to my car fully intending not to give anyone a ride. But there in my car sat Caden and Gin. I slipped in and silently drove to school. I had heard Gin on the phone with some guy. I had lost her and full well deserved it. When we arrived I saw her reach out for me but she pulled back and I saw who was in front of our car. He was beach blonde and tall, no scars marred his face and by the looks of it could treat her right. I just gripped the steering wheel tighter. As she hugged him in front of me.

“Stings doesn't it bro... That should be you hugging her.” My sister got out of the car and I wasn't going to stick around. Once she shut the door, I floored it in reverse and sped out of the parking lot. I didn't know where I was going, nor did I really care

Gin Pov:

I had reached out to touch his face, he looked so frail and broken but I couldn't bring my self to do that. He looked like he was going to break when he saw me hugging Tom. But now I worried as he sped off. I sighed, it partly was my fault, maybe I had moved on to quickly and maybe I should of fought. But yet he gave up, he didn't even look me in the eye when he returned home. I walked into school knowing that he would be on my mind yet again. Tom tugged on my hand and pulled me along. I didn't feel safe with him like I did with Ethan. He didn't hug like him or even treat me the same. I guess I didn't realize how good I had it till it was gone. I saw him stumble into the house at six o' clock. He just sunk to the floor as he was bleeding. I didn't have to guess where he had been. I knew he wouldn't be happy but to fight? That wasn't him, or was it?

Ethan Pov:

I sunk to the floor, her perfect boyfriend found me and threatened me clearly. He fought me and I fought back. I looked to her and she just had pity and regret in her eyes. I gave a tired chuckle and looked straight into her eyes.

“He isn't who he says he is. You deserve better.” She stood and so did I.

“You think you have a right to decide who I date?” I shook my head.

“I'm just saying.” I turned to leave.

“You gave up that right when you left me!” She shouted, I rounded on her, my finger an inch from her face.

“I believe you left me. I merely left on my own accord. I have seen lost more than you will ever know. I loved you at one point, but as these days go on. I begin to wonder, Was I ever what you wanted? Was I ever good enough for you? I gave you my everything, trusted you and you threw it away. I know you better than any one else and I know your a b***h.” I shouted in her face.

“Yeah? Your an a*****e, I stayed up with you at nights because you can't control your own mind. You screamed out and I was there. I know your weakness and I know deep down you just a scared kid. One day your nightmares will eat you alive.” I slammed my fist inches from her face, effectively startling her.

“You want to know what it's like to be beaten? To watch your brother die? How about what the inside of a jail cell looks like. Or your sister in law telling you shes lost all faith. My brother died because of me. And the others were killed by my father. The twins are gone. Stone... I watched him die. But I didn't because I'm the god damned strong. You know what its like to just want to die? How easy it would be for me to leave and never be seen again. So you heart less b***h don't tell me what you think you know. My summer changed me. But your the same old.” I practically spat in her face, I just turned away not wanting to see the tears in her eyes. She ran past me and I heard her door slam. That is not how I wanted that conversation to go. I fell against the wall. How is it possible to be so incredibly angry with a person and still love them. Caden came over to me and just held me and I leaned my head on her shoulder.

“Is it true are they really gone?” I just held her tighter as the tears began to flow again.

“I watched him die, and watch him die every single night since then. We have a niece. Angelina has lost all faith in me and quite frankly I have to. I fought her boyfriend because he threatened me to stay away. But I can't.” I stood my voice rising in decibels with every word I spoke.

“I still love her. No matter how fucked up that may be. I miss her so damn much. You were right, it should have been me hugging her earlier but it won't be. When I came home, I couldn't look at her. I went out each night and got drunk, just so I would forget and hopefully one night I wouldn't remember. I wouldn't remember getting beaten or having my fear engulf my sub conscious. I am so afraid that if I forgive her, and she takes me back. She will die. Everything around me dies.” I stood and her parents sat there shocked.

“Son,..” I just shook my head, I was done running. I ran up to her room and banged on the door.

“Go away Ethan.” I banged again.

“Not until we talk civilly. I still love you Gin, I never stopped.” I shouted through the door.

“Well I don't love you any more!” She screamed back. My hand fell mid knock.

“I will always love you Gin.” I walked down the stairs and out to my car. I drove to a forested area where I knew her boyfriend would be. I got out and slammed my door shut. I walked over to him and pulled my hood back.

“I thought I got rid of you earlier.”

“Well I don't take kind to threats, and you won't get rid of me.” I slammed my fist into his face, not caring that people were video taping this whole thing.

“What the hell Ethan.” I stood there shocked. The crowd looked confused.

“What did you just call me?” I said.

“E.T.H.A.N” He said with a definite pronunciation.

“Who the hell are you?” I took a step back.

“Give you a hint, your girl, is now my girl again.” Again? Again? Amos... oh s**t.

“Amos, so long no see. What are you doing here?” He gave an evil laugh.

“Doesn't it seem obvious? Staking claim to what was yours.” He walked slowly around me.

“Did you think that after your little showing in California that your father wouldn't find you?” He stopped and faced me.

“He has a message, 'How does the blood on your hands feel?'” I lunged at him, but he side stepped me.

“Remember last time you fought me? I stabbed you?” I got low.

“What do you want from me Amos?” His leg tried to connect with my face but I rolled away.

“Well first, I want your lady... oh wait I already have her. Shes quite good in bed.” I saw red. I lunged and he side stepped me again, but this time anticipating it I threw my fist out colliding with his gut. I stood and had my foot connect with the side of his head.

“Think I only got drunk in Cali. Stone was a black belt.” He lunged for me and I shoved my shoulder into his face. We fell to the ground he tried to get a hit into my face but I blocked only connecting once with my eye.

“Your father will be here to kill you. He knows where you are. And I will be watching.” We heard the sirens in the distance and ran to our cars. I drove home and burst through the door, not caring of my bloody nose or that it was ten o' clock. I ran up the stairs and banged on Caden's door then Gin's then her parents. They came out into the hall in their robes obviously just getting done with getting ready for bed.

“Collect some things and get the hell out of here.” They didn't move but I turned to look at my sister and screamed.

“NOW!” She ran back into her room.

“You got to get out, my father is coming for me, and I won't have any one else die.” They realized what I was saying. I noticed Gin never came out and I banged on her door.

“Gin wake up, you need to leave. My father is coming with Amos. Amos is getting ready to stake claim. GIN” I screamed through the door. I noticed the door was locked. I took a step back before I slammed my foot into the lock. I pulled back and slammed again. The door sprung free. I was not ready for the sight that met me.

© 2010 Sarah

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Added on November 26, 2010
Last Updated on November 26, 2010




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