Chapter 13: Engagement

Chapter 13: Engagement

A Chapter by Sarah

 February 4th:

The sun fluttered through the window and I awoke. I carefully disentangled my self from Gin. I snuck into her room and grabbed her the roses. I placed them on the nightstand on her side. I went into the bathroom and jumped into the shower. I didn't think she was up when I walked out.

“Mmm that’s nice to wake up to on my birthday.” She said slightly groggy.

“What are you talking about?” I asked her, I had not clue what she was talking about.

“The roses.”

“Oh well your welcome.” I go over and kiss her.

“Ah get away from me your wet.” She said putting a hand on my chest and pushing me away.

“I just got out of the shower you could do with one to.”

“Are you telling me I smell on my birthday?” She said in a slightly offended tone.

“Yeah you totally reek I think you need to open your present from me.” I handed her, her gift.

“Thanks I was running low.” I saw her smile didn’t run her whole face. She looked disappointed almost.

“Anything for you babe.” It took her a minute before she snapped out of her stouper and back to a cheery tone.

“So what are you making me for breakfast?”

“What do you want?” I ask from the closet.


“Well you have me so food sense what do you want.” I ended up making her pancakes and we ate them in bed. She went to get ready for her party while I went and made sure everything for the engagement was set. Our friends arrive. The party got started and I moved my way out back to go sit on the tree branch.

“Hey bro.”

“Sis.” She didn't know I was going to propose today.

“What’s wrong?”

“Do you think she will say yes?”

“What do you mean?” I pulled the ring out of my pocket.

“Moms ring.”

“Yeah I'm going to ask her to marry me out here. You don’t mind me giving her moms ring I got another if you wanted it.”

“No its ok some day some man will place a ring upon my finger so go ahead give it to her.” I watched my sis walk off to the house.

“Hey sis it better not be to soon.” I shouted after her.

“It wont bro I haven’t found the one like you.” Then I saw my lady walk out the doors and over to where I was.

“Ethan come join the party.”

“In a minute.” I said acting like I was distracted.

“What’s wrong you seem a bit put off lately.”

“Well its your final present.” I hop off the tree. And get down on one knee pull out the ring and look up at her brown eyes and the way the moon is illuminating her hair.

“You see I love you very much and you complete me you’re my nightmare chaser my love and my second half. Ginevera Elizabeth Hughes will you marry me?” I stand to have her crying and kissing me.

“I take that as a yes?”

“Yes a thousand times yes I will marry you.” I pick her up, swing her around and place the ring on her finger it was a sapphire in the middle with two rubies to off set the sapphire. We walk back into the house and the party is dead silent. All of my bros came up to me.

“Do we need to beat a dude for breaking her heart on her birthday?” I couldn't wipe the grin off of my face.

“No man exact opposite you should be congratulating the dude.”

“Lily what is this fool trying to say.”

“Well by fool I hope you mean my fiancé.”

“Fiancé?” They all said shocked.

“Nathan asked me to marry him and I said yes.” There was a round of congratulations and pats on the back while my girl positively glowed, she was showing her ring to everyone. Then her dad came up to me.

“Boys lets go out back.” All of us guys go outback while the ladies look over the ring. All of a sudden her dad is breaking out the beer.

“Boys only drink one and make sure your girls drive you home. This is to the stud whom is whipped by my kid.” We all took a sip. Gin’s dad went back in the house.

“Nathan man you got quite the catch she’s got the whole package.”

“Yeah she does but none of better be touching it its all for me.”

“So have you?”

“Nah man didn’t want to knock her up before the wedding.”

“So your going to marry her and not see if she’s good in bed?”

“It’s a east coast thing.”

“I see cuz id tap that tonight. How long has it been since you got some?”

“man not before I got with her its been a while.” I lied, none of them knew of my true past, they all just assumed that by the lady on my arm that I was a stud, yet they never knew how beautiful she really looked, when she had straight hair with a brown color and auburn highlights naturally through out, or that I really was a dirty blonde and not a chestnut brown haired guy. They only knew our alias.

“Well than you broomstick will be more than willing to go.” They said jokingly

“Oh yeah.” I joke, trying to hide that I didn't really want to talk about this.

Gin mom pov:

I saw my husband with a beer in his hand and looked out back and saw the boys each had one.

“You gave them beer?” I said trying to keep my voice down, from screaming at him.

“Only one Ethan needed to loosen up.”

“So you try to get him drunk?”

“One wont get him drunk there men we can take a beer.”

“And how do you think your daughter will react to beer on her fiancés breath? Or their parents when they go home? Or the girlfriends having to drive? Did you not think at all it could get them into a lot of s**t.”

“First it’s a Friday so they all can stay the night with Nathan and our daughter will understand.” He said getting angry at me.

“Understand what dad?” My daughter questioned.

“Oh your father thought it ok to give the boys a beer.”

“Just one?” She said in a scary tone that must of scared him because he paled at the sight of an angry daughter.

“Yeah per person.”

“Father I swear if he’s sick for our flight tomorrow you wont ever walk again.” She screeched at him. With that my daughter stormed off.

Ginny pov:

Ugg its like my father to ruin the day I got engaged to get my fiance drunk. I walked out back. They were all sitting there drinking.

“Boys finish your drinks come in and eat and don’t bother any of the girls.” I watched the boys get up they were still sober just lightly buzzed but their breath reeked. We all sat down in a spot and ate. Ethan sat next to me with a plate of food. Before I noticed what he was eating.

“Mom what is in the salad?” Slightly panicky

“Shrimp why?”

“Is any one allergic to seafood?” I said.

“No I asked every one but… Nathan.” I saw him turn green and he put his plate down.

“I think I'm going to be sick.” I saw him sprint up the stairs and the bathroom door slam.

“Nice one mom.” I walk up stairs and rub Ethan’s back as he upchucks.

“Well at least you wont be drunk. Come down when your ready were just going to dance.” I walked down stairs and normally I would dance but I was full of mixed emotions I was getting married but my fiancé was a wreck one day in. Maybe we did need a vacation. Ethan came down ten minutes later.

“You know you should be happy my love.”

“I am its just you started a roller coaster ride and we wont be able to sleep together tonight cuz of my dad.”

“But come morning we are together for 4days.” He said as he dragged me to the floor during a slow song.

“I guess your right.” The party died down and by 1am everyone was out cold.

© 2010 Sarah

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Added on November 26, 2010
Last Updated on November 26, 2010




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