A fiery air of strength radiated from the core of her being
Her aura proceeded her
Tempered by a secretive depth
True face veiled behind an esoteric truth
Revelation of which " is solely at her discretion
All expressed in the lifetime of a singular moment
An amalgamation of wonder and allure
Beauty of spirit slunk around her meticulously cultivated armor " as a sweet mist
She smirked, ever so softly
The corners of her lips curling back down as quickly as they had up
She could not be possessed
Like a fawn " cautious and aware
Only to be viewed from afar
I was swept into the undertow of curiosity
Had Venus been upstaged?
Who was this Warrior Princess?
Duality encompassed in one
The heart of battle tested mettle
Her shield cast from the lessons past
Sword forged by the fires of combat
Unvarnished in her drive for victory
Her army ever on her shoulders and mind
Still, somehow, not invulnerable
Upon my conclusion " in an instant, she was gone
Beckoned back to the mist
All that stood in her void was a desire
To exchange just a word