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A Poem by (Super) Heroes Never Die

First peom in forever!! enjoy and review


Kiss my cold, pink lips

Watch the stars fall from the sky

Catch one in your palm


Hold your breath tonight

Put your arms around me and

Never let me go.


Look into my eyes

As I gaze right into yours

Can you see my soul?


We have lost the world

Now its only you and me

Wow, I love you so.

© 2009 (Super) Heroes Never Die

My Review

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It is as Destinee stated, it can be separated into numerous poems, and still hold the meaning in each stanza, as the whole poem stands. Overall nice comeback poem.

Posted 15 Years Ago

to me it seems as if each stanza could stand alone in it's own right and be perfect little poems but put together they create a deeper larger one. such a good write!

Posted 15 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on October 18, 2009


(Super) Heroes Never Die
(Super) Heroes Never Die

Gotham City(:, OR

My name is Chey, pronounced Shy, though Im anything but. I'm twenty-two I've been writing for some time now, off and on since I was eight. I don't care who you are, if it strikes your fancy, send m.. more..
