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I Dare You

I Dare You

A Poem by (Super) Heroes Never Die

Here we are

Guns raised

Standing eye to eye


Make a move

I dare ya, punk.

Try to pull the trigger.


Something in your face

Tells me you won't back down

I wonder what you see in mine


Spit in the dirt

Curl yor fist

Stare down the barrel


I dare you.

© 2009 (Super) Heroes Never Die

Author's Note

(Super) Heroes Never Die
Wrote this one at Buffalo Wild Wings, but the poem doesn't take place there. :D

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i love this!!! very daring

Posted 13 Years Ago

i like where you headed with this, but i think you need to finish it. let the reader know what should be seen in your face. and maybe hint at what the context of the duel is. by the flipside, leaving the context ambiguous isn't a bad option either, but if you do so, maybe write out the conclusion so as to hit the reader with the full force, the finallity of such a moment.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Its a really cool sounding poem. Complete badass back off type of poem. Very nice.

Posted 15 Years Ago

im speechless still i luv this peom short but strong willed

Posted 15 Years Ago

me likie and i like buffalo wild wings to its yummy but i luv the peom so much ezpression

Posted 15 Years Ago

haha this was rather to nice to read while trying to do spanish in school lol ;) yea, that's right i'm a serious badass :D PUNK!!!

Posted 15 Years Ago

I dare ya, punk.
Gotta love that line ^^
I like this, although if you didn't tell us that you wrote it at that place, it would be a bit confusing.

Well done!

Posted 15 Years Ago

i dare you too! hehe "GO AHEAD PUCK! MAKE MY DAY!" HAHA bad a*s!

Posted 15 Years Ago

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8 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on September 20, 2009
Last Updated on September 21, 2009


(Super) Heroes Never Die
(Super) Heroes Never Die

Gotham City(:, OR

My name is Chey, pronounced Shy, though Im anything but. I'm twenty-two I've been writing for some time now, off and on since I was eight. I don't care who you are, if it strikes your fancy, send m.. more..


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