I had been fighting for long, and I was tired. A part of me had started to believe that I was witnessing the last of my sunsets.
The storms had me trapped in for so long that I had forgotten that any calm ever existed in this world.
And then you came.
Almost like those blissful showers on the barren ground that barely knew how to pull itself together, you came. I wouldn't have known how cold and numb I was if you hadn't cared enough to pull the quilt over my rugged feet. For the first time in forever, I felt warm, I felt protected, I felt loved, inside and out. Help came, and with it- a home.
But what is life without the change of seasons?
The winds reversed direction, and so did I. I am grateful for I realised soon enough that I had given much more than I had taken. No, not love; but problems, sorrows, miseries. What else could this pauper know?
I remembered those times when I would lie by the side of the road- helpless, hopeless and a lot more dirty. I'd silently scream, not for pity, but for help, and then wait for a pair of ears to pick up those vibrations, wait for a head to turn towards whatever that was left of me. Yes, God takes different forms to help His children, but mine was a beautiful one.
I would not even try to express my gratitude for I know I would never be able to repay you; not in this life.
No more debts, please, no more debts.
For now, the vagrant must leave. Don't come looking. With all the strength you've given me, I can easily walk a mile or two. And then, I must rest.
I must willingly give away myself to the inevitable before it comes for me. But do not worry. I have now watched the sun rise a lot more times than I expected or deserved. Do not worry, for I will carry you in my heart until the very end.
I will carry you in my heart through death
and beyond.