'Twas a journey of souls
Thru a shadowy glen
Near a deep, darkened wood
On a path with no end.
Souls, alone starving, together so dead
Walking in weary comport to the damp, musty bed.
On the edge of a river of dreams and of life
Corpses float before the hopeful eyes of a man and his wife.
With full fervor and joy they had rushed to the scene-
Nervous thoughts, frightening sights begin to darken the dream.
Can they survive thru life with hands held,
Hearts joined, souls matched when others had failed.
With slight hesitation they slowly step in
To the flow of their future, wondering what will begin.
Corpses slowly bob by like it's there they belong
As a chorus of banshees sings a quaint wedding song.
As they drift down the river, she holding him,
Too quickly they realize that together they can't swim.
Fighting thru the current they dunk and they rise.
He wrestling her strokes. She poking his eyes.
Holding hands they can't make it. Together they'll drown.
See the sad, solemn truth as he tears at her gown.
Fighting for survival in the river of life
No man can hope make it if he carry a wife.
And the woman she too will be burdened down sure
If a man on her shoulders takes her down even more.
The corpses are many, the pain is so deep.
Please don't go swimming at "life-long-love beach".