Angel's Sacrifice

Angel's Sacrifice

A Story by axishetalia

An angel burning on a stake, for the sake of her lover. Is it worth it in the end?


“Why did you bring her here?! No! Go! Get out of here! NOW!” Elisha hollered with panic in her eyes.

Now, imagine a nice cute small cottage with frills as hanging decorations and a rocking chair on the front porch. It is nice and quiet with the sound of nature surrounding that tiny little cottage. A small wooden fence circles the cottage, which is painted white and pink. Squirrels running around here and there, finding hiding places for their nuts. A fox stalking a rabbit, stilled, and poised to strike. Birds singing their sweet little lullabies from the pine trees lining the back of the cottage. A cute stone pathway, leading up to the cute cottage. A small well-maintained garden showing off all its beautiful flowers. The air is thick with the smell of freshly mowed grass. Ah, is it not sweet? Relaxing? Refreshing?

Now, imagine. Imagine the very same scene. Except this time, everything is on fire.

No animals, no sweet sounds of nature.

Everything is on fire, but nothing is burned down. Almost as if the fire is an illusion.

In the garden, the flowers are replaced by a large wooden stake, and tied to it, is an angel.

She’s burning hot, flames licking away at her skin little by little, getting faster every passing minute. The fire seems to burn only her, ignoring other obstacles. Below the burning angel, stood a black-winged figure with red glowing eyes that stood out even against the flames. His arms were folded, casually leaning on one leg, with a smirk pulled tight over his features. Clad in all white, he watched as two figures approached from beyond the flames, inching closer cautiously.

“Well, well, look who came to rescue her queen? A bit ironic, isn’t it? She was supposed to save you, not the other way around.” Glancing up at the angel, he continued, “You have been reduced to this much, huh? So much for being one of God’s best fighters. Hardly a match for me. Guess your weakness really is those puny humans you care so much about. See? This is what happens when you let feelings take over. Tsk, you angels were supposed to be stronger than us demons. Pathetic.”

He started strolling towards the two figures, stretching his neck, and ruffling his wings, as though preparing for a fight.

“NO! Don’t go near her! You will NOT hurt her! Or else- “Elisha panicked.

“Or else what? What can you do from there, other than acting like a helpless little lamb?! Flailing about on your death stake is all you can do right now. Don’t bother wasting your breath on harmless threats now. You’re going to die faster that way. Not that I mind!” He laughed, turned towards the intruders again.

“Now, I am going to have so much fun picking their flesh and bone apart.” He thought hard. “Or should I just call forward some monsters to rape them? Hmm, both sounds enticing and fun to watch, no? I want to hear their pretty little screams piercing the air. Ah, what music! You humans are so fun to kill. Let’s get started, shall we?”

“No... no... please don’t. Whatever you want to do to them…do it to me. Just don’t hurt her…please. I will tell you everything I can! Please! No... stop! No!!” Elisha cried out just as the demon vanished from sight for a split second before reappearing in front of the two still unknown figures.

It all happened in a blink of an eye. One person from the pair was pierced by a lance-like weapon, while the other disappeared.

“Wha-“the demon gasped.

Next second, a beautifully engraved silver blade went through his chest. Black blood spurted out from the wound.

“You will do no more damage, you will kill no more. This is the end for you, Black Night.” The voice came from the woman standing behind him.

She twisted the blade, making him cry out in pain.

“That…blade. It…belongs. To…the. Angel Raphael.” He choked out his words. “How did it…come into your…possession?!”

“He gave it to me. His exact words were,” Do not disappoint me. Bathe this blade in the blood of that filthy demon.” Or something along those lines.” The woman shrugged, twisting the blade the opposite way, resulting in the demon crying out in fury rather than pain.

“Hey, Tris, you okay back there?” The woman threw that question over her shoulder, to where her accomplice lay.

“Yeah, I’m good. It stings a bit but thanks to that serum that jaw-dropping angel gave, the wound is already closing.” The older-looking woman, named Trista, slowly got up on her feet and looked around, and caught sight of Elisha, who was at a loss for words.

“Want me to go get your beloved while you’re busy there, Violet? I believe that fire hurts a lot thought it does not seem to be affecting us.”

“Yeah that would help. I’ll take care of things here.”

“Don’t get cocky just because you got that bloody blade in me!” Black Night growled.

Taking a deep breath, in a blur, he pulled himself off the blade and jumped a few metres away. He tried to stand still, but dropped to one knee, blood flowing fast from the wound. He cursed; he should have known that b*****d Raphael was on their side. That a*****e. He growled deeply.

“Hmm, I should have started that spell he told me to. What was it again? I believe It was something like ‘vanquish the shadows to where they belong, return to them what was once light’ or something like that?” Violet muttered to herself, ignoring the pissed off demon nearby.

Meanwhile, Tris sprinted over to where Elisha was.

“Hey, what’s up, Els?” Tris whipped out her switchblade and began cutting the ropes.

“How did you-?” Elisha started, shook her head, and asked again. “Where did she get that lance? That belongs to Raphael! How did you girls get here? The only way here is through a portal. Did he open the portal for you too?”

“Woah there, enlightened one. Chill with the questions, will you? We got that lance thing from him, yes. Yes, he opened the portal for us too.  He does not like to show his emotions but I can tell he cares a lot about you. He was fidgety and keeps checking your location to make sure that a*****e didn’t move you around.” Tris explained while cutting the last of the ropes.

Elisha dropped down in a slump. Tris helped her up and brought her over to a spot where there was no fire.

“Damn, girl, you’re hurt really bad. These are worse than third-degree burns. Does it hurt?”

“Of course, it f*****g hurts.” Elisha snapped, summoning her regenerative abilities to heal her. “This will take some time.”

Elisha looked over to the battle going on nearby. Violet was actually on par, if not, better than Letrix. Before, she couldn’t even lift a sword. Raph must have trained her. Her reflexes were super-fast, almost inhumane.

“We need to go there. I need to help her. Letrix has a dirty trick up his sleeve that could kill even me. A small dagger once submerged in the depths of the black River Styx. We need to go. I’m not completely healed but I have to help her. We must go. Now.” Elisha hastily started limping over to where Violet and Letrix was.

“All right, all right.”

As they got nearer, Elisha could see that Violet was slowing down. Just as expected. That lance requires a lot of energy to wield, it is too much for a human to bear. It is a miracle she was able to stand this long.

“Vi! Vi! Stop! Don’t fight anymore! Using that lance will kill you if you continue! You’re barely standing now.” Elisha panicked from where she stood.

Violet whipped her head around to see her beloved angel. Surveying her body, she noticed she was covered in burns so bad, she might as well have been barbecued.

“Hey, love. You look good. Mind the sarcasm. I’ll get you out of here soon. Nah, this lance feels light.”

“That’s because it’s sucking your energy out. You have only like 10% left before you collapse!”

In that brief moment, Letrix smirked. He slid his Styx dagger. Now!




It was over in an instant.

Poised in front of Violet, was Elisha. Letrix was nose-to-nose with her, smirking and then jumped away, dagger nowhere in his hands. Trix was frozen, unable to process what just happened.

“Els?” Violet weakly whispered.

Elisha slowly turned, a small smile on her face, while a trail of silver blood escaped from the corner of her lips. A dark as night dagger stuck out from her chest, right over her heart. Silver blood flowed out cleanly.

“Elisha!! What did you do?!” Violet caught Elisha as her knees gave out.

“He was going to kill you. I just know it. I couldn’t let him kill you. Because forever is nothing if you’re not here. But I made a wrong move. I’m dying now. For sure. I wanted to spend forever with you. I was prepared to pay the price to make you immortal. I’m sorry I won’t be able to do that now. But at least, you will live.” Elisha struggled to get her words out, her consciousness already slipping away, her heart almost drained.

“You’re stupid, you know? You always put others before yourself. You say you love me, yet you do things that makes me think otherwise. Live, please. For me!”

“Raph will be here soon. I can feel him coming. He knows I’m dying. He’s extremely pissed. When he comes, allow him to take my body away. Here, take this. My ring. Every angel has one. It protects you. My dog, Give her food three times a day. She likes hotdogs. Give her one daily. There’s a picture of us in my bedside drawer. It’s yours now.” Elisha blurted out in a rush, knowing her time is now.

“Els? Elisha? No, stop sleeping! Wake up! Els..” Violet sobbed, holding Elisha’s pale body close, longing to hear that heart beat again.

Nearby, Trix’s knees had given out too and she was just sitting there, too shocked to react. Letrix, was laughing maniacally.

There was suddenly a flash of lightning. A look of fear replaced the victorious expression on Letrix’s face.

“You have killed an angel. One of God’s mightiest creations. Thus, a similar price must be paid. This is the end, Black Night.” A male voice boomed, putting all the fires out at once.

The whole area fell to darkness. There were only two beings that can be seen in the dark.

One of them was Letrix.

There was another angel present. Tall and broad, his pure white wings were so wide, it covered almost half the field. The look on his face was pure hatred, set on vengeance. His fists clenched, blood red steam rising through his white robes.

“My name is Raphael.”

“God’s Crimson Angel.”


© 2017 axishetalia

Author's Note

There is no religious references meant here. If there is, I apologise in advance.

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Added on February 7, 2017
Last Updated on February 7, 2017
Tags: supernatural, angel, demon, girlxgirl, gxg, lesbian, vengeance, sacrifice, surrender



Singapore, North, Singapore

Hey hey, I would state my full name but it is too long so just call me Axis or Fi. I live in Singapore, 20 years old, still studying. I have been writing my own stories for a while now and thought t.. more..

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A Story by axishetalia