M1AA Story by CasperRutaFor a number of years I noted that i tend to look at myself from a third person perspective rather often. I know my my strengths and weaknesses as well as what i like and dislike. One thing is obvious,I like to make my own decisions about things that concern of affect me and I find it insulting when someone feels more important than me, important to the point that they feel they’re in a position to make decisions that will affect not only themselves but myself as well. I dont drive therefore I take the bus every time i wish to travel around the city. More than not i take the seat at the back of the bus where the wind blows in your face through the small windows that people usually keep open during the summer months. I didn't decide to open them, someone else before me did. Nonetheless, I agreed with that decision so consequently I kept them the way they were. Mind you, I was one of the first people to be get on. As you’d expect as the bus traveled on, more and more people got on. I was in the middle of reading book when the bus stopped and this middle aged woman got on. The back of the bus was quite filled up at this point, however, there were a number of seats left for her to sit on. I imagine she wasn't satisfied with the habitat she found herself in. She seemed troubled with the cold breeze that kept blowing gently in her face through the opened window located to the right of her. That same window supplied me with a minimal dose of cold air that literally kept me going through this journey. She gathered that she, as a person who just walked to an almost full bus, should take it upon herself to close the window that me as well as the rest of the people there enjoyed having open. Shouldn't decisions like this be made by the group of people affected by this, arguably, mood affecting modification? Shouldn't she feel embarrassed about forcing other people into a change that they wouldn't make if it wasn't for her presence? What makes her feel more important than the rest of the people sitting in that crowded buss, each equipped with an ability to close the window that she closed? © 2014 CasperRutaAuthor's Note
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