![]() Chapter Fifty-Eight: Ride Or DieA Chapter by Fenix Flight![]() LOVE![]() "You ride I ride, You Die and I'll die right along with you. You are not alone in this world Dominic Terry. I love you" Lisa says, staring up at her husband to be, a small smirk on her lips as she sees his unshed tears. The Preist Clears his throat and his Voice rings out over the Wedding party. "I hearby pronounce you, Man and Wife, You may kiss the Bride." he says with a soft smile. Dom snakes his hands around her waist and brings her closer, a smirk of his own matching hers. "You're mind forever." He growls before leaning down to kiss her hard on the lips, picking her up when he feels her arms wrap around his neck. Cheers from the wedding party Erupt, Katie watches from the BridesMaid side her hands full with her boqet and Lisa's. She cheers for her mother and father Happyness flooding through her as they say their vows. Looking behind her she sees Melina trying to subtly wipe away tears, Mia who was right behind Katie was hoilding her swollen stomach a smile on her face as she watches her brother with pride. The Wedding party includes, Mia, Melina and Neela as bridesmaids, Katie the maid of Honor, Han and Shawn as groomsmen with Bryan being the bestman.Tej, Roman,Kennedy, and a picture of Twinkie that make tears form in Katie's eyes were out in the seats. When the newly weds finally break from their kiss they turn to everyone, each having a silly grin on their face. Everyone once again cheers for them as they start down the isle, the cool breeze from the ocean hitting Lisa's hair making it flutter around her beautifully. the party falls in behind them, Mia and Bryan, Shawn and Neela, and Katie and Han. Kennedy slipping in to be with Melina while tej and Roman brought up the rear with the Preist. The priest says goodbye to the family and parts with them, heading to his small Honda and driving off. the family each get into their respected cars and head back to the house where the reception will be seeing how the only people attentding were the ones from the wedding. Katie carefully slides into the Mazda's passenger side, Han instantly grabbing one of her hands with his free hand as they speed off to the house. She studies him as he drives through the twisted streets, his hair blowing in his dark eyes from the wind coming through the opened window. He looks over at her and catches her staring giving her a face. "What?" he asks. She shakes her head and leaning down gently she places her head in his lap making a stupid grin spread across his face. " I love it when you do that." He says to her with a sigh. She closes her eyes and enjoys the short ride home. "Angel we're almost there, you might want to sit up, before Roman sees you." he snickers making her blush red as she slowly lifts herself up. They pull into the driveway and Katie grins when she see's Twinkie's Green monster in front of them. It's been almost six months since he passed away and Shawn and Neela had been able to ship his truck to L.A 4 months ago, and she drove it every where, not caring when people stared. Leaning against the Mazda she waits for Han to come around to her side before heading to the backyard. As he walks over to her she checks him out. He isnt in a tuxedo but he was in the same suit as that night at the Hotel, her face reddening as she thinks of it, looking down at her own dress she smiles. Lisa had been easy on her bridesmans and let them wear simple red sundresses. Han reaches her and gently grabs her hand as they head ot the backyard, the sounds of music and cheering reachign their ears. "Looks everyone started without us come on." He says gripping her hand tighter as they quickly walk into the yard, the sight of Dom shoving Cake into Lisa's face greeting them. Katie drops Han's hand to hold her stomach becuase she is laughing to hard. Dom turns to her and grins widely. "Dom Look-" is all she manages to say before it was too late. Dom turns his head back to his bride just to geting an even bigger slice of cake plowed right into his own face, the family bursting into laughter. Bryan has to put down his tongs for the barbeque as tears of laughter stream down his face. Dom's ears turn a bright red and his silly grin streches wider. "You're going to pay for that." He mock growls to Lisa who only sticks her toungue out at him, an eyebrow arched. "I'm counting on it." she says to him wiping the cake off his face before kissing him gently. "Alright Love Birds lets eat! the food is ready!" Bryan shouts as he lifts some steaks and burgers off the grill. Melina catches Katie's eyes and they both shake their head, only Dom and Lisa would have steak and burgers off a grill at their wedding reception, that and all the Corona they could drink. Everyone gathers around the old table, a delicate light red table cloth covering it curtisey of Kennedy. Dom takes the head of the table, surprising everyone when he pulls Lisa onto his lap. Bryan takes Dom's left with Mia next to him while Katie takes his right Han next to her. Shawn sits next to Han followed by Melina and Roman, Neela, Kennedy and Tej sit on the other side next to Mia. Dom looks around the Table, everyone he lolved sitting beside him on the best day of his life. The family quickly says grace and starts digging into the mouth watering food, silence takes over for a few minutes while everyone savored the steak. After a while Katie stands up and clinks her fork against her beer bottle, everyone's eyes turning to her makign her blush. "Ok so I know how at receptions there are suppose to be speaches, and I also know how big on speaches this family is," Snickers from around the table greet her joke making her giggle. "So I will take the Honor of giving the first speach." She turns to look at Dom and Lisa. "Dom, Lisa, for the past twelve years you two have been there for me, Dom, you're my father in every way, and Lisa, you're an amazing mother. My life would have been hell if it wasnt for you guys and all of you. I'm so happy for you, you have found true love and you guys deserve it! I hope that in the years to come you guys fall even more in love. To your Furture!" She says her eyes tearing up as she lifts her bottle, everyone else echoing her last words. There isnt a singel dry eye, even Roman was trying to hide his tears with the typical 'something in my eye'. Dom stares up at his Daughter his eyes wet with the tears he really didnt care are falling. Lisa gets up and pulls her daughter into a hug, Dom quickly following her lead and pulling them both into a hug. "two of my favorite girls." he whispers into Katies hair as she gives him a kiss on the cheek, her love for her father shining in her eyes. Once they are all seated again Mia struggles to her feet, her swollen belly hindering her and Bryan quickly helps her up. she smiles at her neice then to her brother and sister-in-law. "Well I don't know if I can top that speach but I will try." She teases makign them laugh. "As you know Bryan and I decided to wait to find out if we are having a boy or girl." She says putting an arm protectivly around her belly. "We have two more months to go before he or she comes and we couldnt wait any longer, we found out the gender yesterday and I wanted to share it with his Uncle and new Aunt today." She tells them smiling at her brother who just beams proudly at her, Lisa matching his expression. "Well Tell us, Will the girls outnumber the boys or vise versa?" Lisa asks her eyebrow arching. " In two months you will be the proud uncle of young," She looks at Bryan and takes his hand, " Jack Dominic Freeman." She says. Dom and the guys whoop with joy at the new male addition to the family, while Lisa jokingly calls out Traitor. Mia laughs and waves her hands for everyone to quiet down. "We are not done yet, be quiet, Dom Lisa we have something to ask you." She says as Bryan stands up next to her, putting an arm around her. "Wil you two honor us by being our son's godparents?" Bryan asks. Everyone falls silent and watch as Dom and Lisa's eyes grow wide. Recovering first Dom shakes himself before looking at Bryan, sticking his hand out. "It would be an Honor." he says Lisa nodding her head in agreement. Mia beams at them and struggles back into her seat. No one could match the two speaches so no one else tries. the family mills around the yard listening to music and talking, throwing joking insults at the Newly weds until finally Melina convines Lisa to throw her boquet. "Alright Alright stop the begging, gather up the girls, not You Mia you're already married." Lisa says to Melina, shooting a look at Mia making her laugh and put up her hands. "I wasnt going to participate anyway, I cant move fast enough." She says between her laughs. Lisa shakes her head as Melina presses the flower bundle into her hands. While she waits for the one Gothic queen to round up the girls she puts her nose to the flowers and inhales their intoxicating scent, Tiger lillies and Irises, a strange mixture but beautiful all the same. Finalyl Melina gathers up Neela, Kennedy, herself and Katie and drags them over to a small patch of hard ground that was perfect for catching the flowers. Lisa laughs as she spies Shawn and Han following their girls, watching them closely. "You guys ready?" Lisa asks as she turns around. She bends her knees and as she lifts back up she tosses the boquet, letting it sail through the air. Katie opens her arms but knows she isnt going to catch it, a gasp escaping her when it lands neatly in her open arms. She stares down at it in shock. Did she realyl just catch that? She looks up to see her brother Winking at her, elbowing Han and saying something she couldnt quite hear from where she was standing. Melina walks over to her with a smile wide on her lips. "You know what that means right?" She asks slinging an arm around her shoulders. Katie looks at her and blinks, confusion clear in her eyes. Melina just throws her head back and laughs. "It means that you are the next one of us to get married!" Katie Gasps and turns bright red, her head whiping ot look at Han who has mysteriously vanished, and so has Dom. Catching Shawn's eye he just shurgs and shakes his head. Melina follows her gaze and laughs. "ut oh, Dom's got a hold of him, I wonder what that means." She teases. Katie shoots her best friend a glare before placing the flowers on the table. She heads over to find Lisa but she too has disappeared, looking around she spies a flash of white satin and heads over to talk to her, stopppign short when she hears Han's smooth voice. "I'm asking for your permission and blessing Dom." Han says looking at him then at Lisa. "Well I'm asking both of you." He adds. Lisa looks at Dom and Han can see their minds working to process his request. Suddenly Dom breaks out in a smile and claps Han on the back hard, making him slightly flinch. "Well I dont like you're timing bbeing this is my wedding but My Answer is Yes Han." He says with amusment in his voice. Lisa gives him a hug. "If you hurt her in any way I dont care if your her husband or not I will kill you." She whispers in his ear before letting go. Han's face flushes red. He mutters a Yes Ma'am and heads back to the party. Scanning the back yard he sees Tej and Roman fighting over something as usual, Kennedy was sitting in Melina's lap talking to Mia and Neela, and Bryan and Shawn were cleaning up the grill, argueing over just how to do it. When his eyes finally land on Katie he sees her sitting on the old Swingset. He wanders over to her and plops down on the other swing, gripping the rusty handles as he sways. "Hey angel, what are you doing sitting here by yourself?" He asks. She looks up at him her bright green eyes popping from the red in her dress, it takes his breath away. "I'm just thinking about that day seven years ago." She says. "The day you finally admitted you liked me." She smiles a small smile that he matches. "Was that really seven years ago?" He asks as the memory hits him, she nods. "Yeah Angel I remember that day, You made breakfast and it was the best thing I had ever eaten, I remember your hair was still bed tossed and that hot pink strip," He laughs, leaning forward he takes a few strands of her hair and runs them through his fingers. " I use to think that they made you seem like a little rebel or something." he mutters making her laugh and bat his hand away. "It was my way of rebelling. Oh Gosh and those clothes." She shudders, " I use to dress like such a s**t." Her cheeks redden and Han laughs shakign his head. "No you were trying to show bravery." her eyes widen and he flashes her a smile. " Dont look so shocked, I told you Katie, I know you inside and out. I knew what you were doing, and I remember once you found Melina your wardrobe kind of changed becuase she helpped you find your courage." She looks down letting her flip flop drag in the dirt as she pushes herself to swing slightly. When she looks back at Han the love in her eyes makes his heart skip a few beats. Katie stares at Han, the man she loved and knew it was shining in her eyes by the way he sucks in his breath. Her heart starts beating rapidly in her chest. "I love you Han, and It wasnt Melina who gave me courage, it was you. Even when we were fighting and hating eachother I wanted to be a better person for you, someone you could be proud of. though I know I fucked that up with my habbitt." She says to him. He leans forward and grabs her hand, bringing it to his lips places feather light kisses on her knuckles before speaking. "I was always proud of you, disappointed and scared for you at times yes, But never did my pride in you vanish. It never could." He says to her looking her deep in the eyes, his so dark she can see her reflection in them. She smiles and opens her mouth to say something but Lisa's voice stops her. "OUI! You Two love Birds get over here. This is my party rememebr, Oh and Dom's" Lisa calls to them. Han stands up and turns, stickign his hand out to help her off the swing. She stumbles and sags agaisnt him as he catches her, his arms wrapping tightly around her waist. She looks up at him and sucks in her breath at the raw emotions swirling in his eyes. He leans down and kisses her hard on the lips, stealing her breath from her "I cant wait to get you all to myself tonight." He whispers against her lips before letting her go. She gives him a evil little smile, shimmies against him before heading back to the others. The prospect of later that night filling her head with wild thoughts. Since race wars Katie has slowly but surely moved herself into Han's room, so that now it was their room. Her old room is being converted into a nursery for baby Jack. She slips her hand into his and smiles when he squeezes it tightly. Life couldnt possibly get better then this, she thinks as the couple head back to their family. © 2015 Fenix Flight |
Added on July 20, 2015 Last Updated on July 20, 2015 Author![]() Fenix FlightKingdom Of Amythest, MEAboutPlease Call me Fenix (Fen-nicks) (The FEN is pronouced the same way you would pronouce the FEN in Fenway) its more my name then the one I was given at birth. I wont put my life story here. You will se.. more..Writing