![]() Chapter Fifty- One: Coming HomeA Chapter by Fenix Flight![]() I'm Coming Home![]() "Well Han, You are all set to go home." Doctor Montgomery says smiling at him. Han was sitting up on his own, his feet over the edge of the Hospital bed, A big silly smile on his face "Here is a prescription for Some pain meds, take as needed. As for activities, No running, jumping, climbing up stairs to much, no lifting objects that are more then ten pounds and-" He looks from Han to Katie then back to Han, a small smirk on his face. " No extra curricular activities, if you get what I mean." Katie instantly blushes and looks down, knowing exactly what he meant. Han just laughs and puts his arm around her shoulders pulling her to his good side.
"We'll behave." He says to the doctor making him laugh. "Oh I have a question, Can I drive or should I wait?" He asks hoping the answer was Yes he could drive. Montgomery thinks for a moment before nodding.
" I don't see why you can't just make sure you have someone with you in case you start to feel dizzy or light headed. and no Racing, Katie here tells me you like to drive fast, It could irritate your wound." He says sternly as Katie sticks her tongue out at Han. Han thanks the doctor for everything and lets Katie help him down, wincing in slight pain as his feet hit the ground his full weight straining the healing wound. Doctor Montgomery offers him a wheelchair but he stubbornly says no, wanting to walk out the doors on his own, with his own strength, only leaning on Katie when he felt unbalanced. Once in the front hall he smiles when he sees his two nurses, Kathy and Debbie standing there clapping, happy for him to be going home. He gives each one a small hug before turning towards the exit. Katie slips her hand in his and he looks at her.
"You ready to go home?" She says smiling at him. He nods.
"More ready then you could possibly imagine." He says and the two head outside. The Mazda is sitting right outside the door making him beam. He looks at Katie to see her dangling the keys just within his reach and he snatches them out of her hand, walking as quickly as his side would let him to the driverside. "Why'd you bring the Mazda?" He asks as Katie slips into the passenger side.
" I knew you were probably missing it, though don't drive too fast, doctors orders." She says sternly making him laugh.
"No Promises." And with that he puts the key into the ignition and revs the engine, peeling out of the hospital parking lot with a jolt that throws her against the seat with a laugh. The Hospital fading in his rerview mirror. "If I never have to see that place again I will be more then happy." He mutters.
Katie looks at Han, watching as he relaxed in his seat, the window open making the wind blow his hair in his face. It was longer then he normally wore it and she was dying to run her fingers through it. He takes one of his hands off the steering wheel and swipes his hair out of his face before bringing it down to lace through hers. Absentmindedly without really realizing it he lifts her hands and burshes his lips across her knuckles, making her arm and body tingle. She was grateful his right side was toward her as she lays her head down in his lap, startling him for a few, the car swerving before he gets it under control. He looks down at her with on eyebrow raised before turning his dark eyes back onto the road, flicking on a signal light he eases the car into a parking lot of a CVS pharmacy. Leaving the car idling he looks back down at her, his eyebrow still raised, his breathing had picked up a notch much like hers. She just stares at him, her head in his lap, her green eyes trained onto him. He leans down and she lifts herself up on her elbows, her arms circling around his neck as their lips connect, Electricity sparking below her waist. He sifts and the seat slowly slides back, giving her access to get up and straddle his lap. His hands wrap around her back, splaying out, pressing firm against it as she wiggled over him making him moan, his head lolling back and she doesn't hesitate. she leans down and kisses his neck, nibbling it here and there until her lips finally connect with his.
The feeling of her body against his drives him wild and moans erupt from him as he feels her kiss and teeth against his throat. Her lips finally find his and he kisses her with urgency. Desire claws its way through his stomach and into the kiss. He didn't want to hold back, He wanted to show her his love, show her the love he had been hiding away for years. The soft moan that falls from her lips sends him over the edge and he grips the hem of her shirt, wanting to lift it, tear it, do anything to it to take it off her. But surprisingly she tears her lips from his, stilling his hands as he opens his eyes and looks a her through heavylids. Her eyes showed her desire for him, it was swirling around in her eyes like a storm, but she puts her hands on his chest and shakes her head firmly.
"WE cant- I don't want you to hurt yourself." She half whispers, not believing her own words. For once it was HER rejecting HIM instead of the other way around. He struggles to calm his breathing down, only then noticing the slight pain throbbing dully at his left side, making him wince as he takes each breath. She notices and scrambles off of him, fixing herself as she sits in her seat. "We should probably get this prescription filled. We're already at a pharmacy." She says waving at the store in front of them. He numbly nods his head and goes to get out, sucking in a breath at just how bad the pain really was, it feels like he was breathing in shards of glass. Noticing his wince and sharp intake of breath Katie leans over him and plucks the prescription out of the visor and gets out of the car, flashing a guy her best smile as she spies him ogling the car. She walks into the store and heads right to the pharmacy, giving the lady the prescription and milling around while she waited for it to be filled. When they are she quickly pays and heads out, noticing the guy who was ogling the car before was now leaning against the driver side talking to Han. When she gets closer she can hear him telling Han how great the car was and if he ever raced it. She smirks and slides into the passenger seat, feeling the guy's eyes raking up and down her body giving a low whistle.
"a sexy girl and a sexy car, man you've got the life." The guy sneers making goosebumps spread up and down her arms. Han frowns at the guy and grabs hold of Katie's hand.
"Please don't refer to my girlfriend like that as you can see you are making her uncomfortable, anyway we better be off. nice talking to you." He says stiffly and revs the engine, making the guy jump back. Han smirks as he drives off, when they were far enough away Katie laughs and leans over to kiss his cheek. His words still dancing in her heart. My Girlfriend. She smiles at him and sees his lips curling around the edges with a hint of a smug smile. "Lets go home." He says and steps on the gas, the car shooting down the street.
"Guys hurry up they're here" Lisa hisses, quickly turning all the lights off in the house as she sees the Mazda pulling up in the driveway. The others quickly gather in the livingroom, a huge banner spread out in front of them, Dom holding on end, Bryan the other. They hear Han and Katie talking as she unlocks the door, everyone holds in their breath until the lights flicker on.
"WELCOME HOME!" They all shout making Han jump, wincing as he jerks his side, curses flying from his mouth. He stares at his family, happiness shining in his eyes as a smile stretches his face. Katie giggles and slips away from him to join the others as he read the banner. Welcome Home Han, we love you. No Doubt the banner had been Katie and Mia's idea.
"Ah jeez thanks guys." He says walking into the livingroom to give everyone a hug. He was Hugging Mia when he feels someone tapping him on the shoulder.
"Do I get a hug?" a familiar accented voice says with a smile in the tone. He turns around and Stares in shock. Neela, Shawn's girlfriend stood before him, a huge smile on her beautiful face.
"Neela? Holy s**t how have you been?" He says and gives her a huge hug, chuckling she gives him one back. Twinkie comes from out of the kitchen a smirk on his face as he gives Katie a hug hello. "Twink? you're here too?" He says in disbelief. He nods and laughs as Han steps away from Neela to give his other friend a hug. "What are you guys doing here?" He says letting go to turn back to Neela who had already slipped away to stand next to Shawn, his arm slug around her shoulders.
"We figured the whole gang should be here to see you home, Roman and Tej should be coming in later tonight, though were they're gunna crash I have no Idea." Dom says, frowning as he realizes the sleeping arrangements, too many people not enough beds or rooms. Han laughs and eases himself onto his favorite chair, sighing when he settles into it, oh how he missed being home. He smirks when Katie comes and sits on his lap, his arms going around her to hold her close. A timer from the kitchen dings softly and Mia jumps to go fetch the food she had been cooking for the party. Lisa jumps onto the couch with Bryan and the two quickly set up a Video game that Twinkie soon joins, Leaving Dom, Neela and Shawn to sit with Han and Katie, Neela goes over everything that had been happening in Tokyo while Shawn's been away. Apparently there were alot of people dying to Race the Drift King and take his title, Shawn just laughs and says how they are welcome to it if they can beat him, making them all laugh, knowing no one but possibly Han could beat him. That gives Han an idea.
"There's an old Air force base outside of the city, it has the perfect air strip and twisting roads for drifting, When I've been given a clean bill of health me and you should race." He says looking over at Shawn who was smirking.
"Are you sure old Man? aren't you a little rusty." He teases making Han throw his head back and laugh. Before he can rebut Mia comes in and announces lunch was served. Everyone gets up and heads outside, the front door opening as Melina and Kennedy come in. Katie throws her arms around her best friends neck and hugs her close, giving Keneddy a smile ans ushering the two girls outside with the rest of the family. Dom steps aside from the head of the table much to everyone's surprise
"Today is in honor of Han, he gets to sit here, but only for today." He says grabbing a Corona and sitting on the left side of Han, Katie on Han's right. Katie stands up, her own Corona in her hand and clears her throat for a toast.
"This is a great day, My family around me, my boyfriend is alive and well. I am truly blessed to be apart of this, But this isn't about me, Its about Han." She says turning to look at him as he looks up at her, his eyes full of love. "Welcome Home Han, May you're health get better in time, To HAN!" she says as the others hold up their beers, mirroring her To Han as she bends down and brushes her lips across his. " I hope you know that I love you." She whispers against his lips, feeling his smile.
"And I hope you know I love you right back." He says as she sits down. Keneddy takes a bite of the pasta Mia had made and everyone erupts into laughter, making her face turn bright red. Melina leans over to her girlfriend and explains how now that she took the first bite she had to say grace. Kennedy swallows her food and smiles guiltily. Everyone holds hands and bows their head as she starts the grace.
Han looks up and looks around the table, his heart swelling as he looks over his family. After everything that had happened in his life he was truly grateful and honored to be able to call this rag tag family his own. He notices Katie from the corner of his eye smiling wide at him. In spite of all the hardships in his life, how did he end up so lucky?
Katie closes the door behind her and walks across the dark bedroom to the bed, Han's sleeping form huddled under his covers, sleeping on his right side, his back to the door. Going over to the other side of the bed she picks up the blankets and slides under them, the material cool against her skin as she wiggles over to him, her face burying into the crook of his neck. She inhales his scent, the smell of his Irish spring body wash still fresh, his hair slightly damp from his recent shower. She kisses his chest making him stir, sighing in his sleep, her name falling off his lips as his arms reach out to hold her, pulling her to him with reflex. She smiles and gently turns over so her back was to him. Within minutes she was fast asleep, the feel of his chest rising and falling against her back lulling her to sleep like a lullaby.
Han stirs, his eyes fluttering open as he feels someone pressed against him. When his eyes adjust to the darkness of his room he can just make out Katie curled up in the circle of his arms, her back to him, her shoulders moving up and down with her deep breathing. Burying his face into her soft hair he inhales the scent of her Strawberrie and cream shampoo, the smell tickling his nose as he smiles into her hair. Lifting it from her neck he places a soft kiss on the back of her neck, a soft whimper leaving her as a small tremble runs through her. Smiling again he drops her hair back into place and tightens his arms around her, drawing her closer as he falls asleep again, a smile still on his lips. © 2015 Fenix Flight |
Added on April 30, 2015 Last Updated on April 30, 2015 Author![]() Fenix FlightKingdom Of Amythest, MEAboutPlease Call me Fenix (Fen-nicks) (The FEN is pronouced the same way you would pronouce the FEN in Fenway) its more my name then the one I was given at birth. I wont put my life story here. You will se.. more..Writing