Chapter Fifty: Healing Wounds

Chapter Fifty: Healing Wounds

A Chapter by Fenix Flight



"HAN" Melina yells as she barrels into Han's room, the family right behind her. Han laughs as she comes to stand next to him, her hands on her hips a look of Angry relief on her face. Katie comes out of the small bathroom, towel drying her hair. She smiles at Her best friend. "You scared us half to death Sexy eyes don't you ever do that again OK? Its was not cool, Sooooo not cool." She scolds him. He ducks his head and mutters a sorry. The family pools in and gathers around him, he looks up and smiles at them all as they each in turn give him a gentle hug, Katie comes over and slips her hand into his, which doesn't go unnoticed by Melina and Mia.


"OH my Gundi Please Tell me that you two are FINALLY together!" Melina Squeal. Katie ducks her head, her face turning a bright Scarlett red. Han just smiles sheepishly at them. Katie lifts her head. Wait why was she hiding her feelings? She didn't have to anymore, she didn't have to hide the fact that she loved him with everything she had. She smirks at Melina.


"Does this answer your question?" She says and she leans down, taking Han's face in her hands and kissing him deeply on the mouth, a shiver runs down his spine, and he brings his free hand around to cup the back of her head, deepening the kiss. Whistles and quiet cheers from the family has them breaking apart, slightly out of breath with blushes on both their faces. Katie looks up and catches Bryan's eyes. He smiles at them, he had long ago given up Hating Han for loving his almost sister.


 "Oh my I see the Whole Family is here for the big event." says someone from the door way, It was Doctor Montgomery and the nurse Kathy. "Well excuse me can you guys please stand back so I can get to the patient, Ah there we go thank you." He says as everyone moves out of his way. He smiles at them and walks over to Han, stopping right beside his bed. "Good afternoon Han How we feeling today?" He says smiling at him. Han shrugs.


"Can't complain" he says. The Doctor nods and as Kathy goes to get some supplies from the medical cart he explains what was going to happen.


"Alright so what I am going to do now is cut away the bandages, clean up the wound and access its progress, If its healing the way it should be you should be out of here in a week or two. Ah thank you Kathy." He says as he takes the scissors from her. Han turns his head from the sharp tool and looks up at Katie, grabbing hold of her hand, she squeezes his back for support. His body tenses as he feels the cold metal of the scissors as Montgomery cuts the bandages away. "Oh sorry, should have warned you its a tad cold." The doctor apologizes. The family Holds their breath. When the bandage was cut away he gently removes it from his body and exams the wound. Han turns his head and looks down, nausea pooling in his stomach when he sees the ugly black stitches and raw looking wound, puckering at places as it started to heal, he knew he would have a scar. "Well I am happy to say that you are healing at a excellent pace, no signs of infection, no signs of further irritation, at this rate you will be able to get your stitches out sometime next week, and then," He looks at Han and then the rest of the family, "We can talk about you going home." The family lets out a cheer, as Han lets out a breath of relief. Katie squeezes his hand and smiles wide, Her heart bursting with joy. "Let me just clean this up, put a fresh bandage on it and then I'll leave you guys to some privacy." The doctor says with kindness. He takes the disinfectant from Kathy and cleans the blood that has seeped through the stitches, Han wincing at the sting and gripping Katie's hand harder. With some quick work He has a new bandage. "You are all set Han, now you must be starving, is there anything I can order you from he cafeteria, its Chicken noodle soup day." Montgomery says with a slight chuckle. Han thinks briefly how they had managed to get food to him while he was in a coma before something pops into his head. He gives Montgomery a sheepish smile.


"Do I have to Eat Cafeteria food?" He asks. "Because suddenly I am craving McDonald's."Everyone laughs making him blush. Montgomery just shakes his head, wiping away the laughing tears that were it the corner of his eyes. He pats His shoulder.


"Normally I wouldn't advise it, you're throat is still pretty raw from the breathing tube, and chewing solid food might hurt, But I can turn my head just this once." He says with a wink making Han smile wide. Just then his pager goes off  and Him and Kathy rush to the ER where an emergency needed his immediate attention. Han looks around and his eyes land on Melina, smiling at her with begging in his eyes. She takes one look at him and sighs.


"Fine, what do you want from Mcdy's?" She grumbles. Han Laughs, the slight strain scratching at his throat.


"Big mac and a Mocha Frappe please and thank you." He says making the others laugh. Melina just shakes her head, but gets up.


"You're lucky you're injured." She teases before heading out. While they wait for Melina the family lounges around the room, Dom and Lisa on the other bed, Brian in on chair with Mia on his lap and Shawn in the other, Katie giggles and blushes when she hears everyone snicker as she climbs onto the bed with him. Their snickers turn into chuckles as His heart monitor momentarily spikes as he wraps his arm around her pulling her close, not wanting her away from him for any length of time. Mia looks at her Niece, love shining in her eyes. She was so happy for them both for finally making it back to eachother. They reminded her so much of her and Bryan. The age difference and so much past trying to tear them apart but they fought and clawed their ways through it to finally be together. She looks at her Husband to see him slightly frowning, but a look of approval in his eyes. She reaches for his hand and brings it to her lips kissing his knuckles making him smile down at her. Dom looks at his daughter, at the look of pure happiness that was plastered on her face, her love for Han shining and smiles internally. He was still iffy on the Idea of his friend dating his daughter but he knew that Han was the only person right for her. Lisa just smiles up at her boyfriend and leans into him as he wraps his arm around her. She was happy for her daughter, and Friend. They both had had so much heartbreak in their lives they both deserved their happy ending, she was glad they found it in eachother. Shawn just shakes his head at his sister, knowing that if anyone deserved to be with her it was Han.


Han smiles around at his family, Grateful and blessed that he was apart of them, that he had Katie in his arms, hell that he had his life. At that moment everything in his life was perfect. He feels Katie slip her hand out of his and place it over his heart, he smiles and puts his over hers, knowing she was just reassuring herself of his heart beat. She smiles at him a beautiful dazzling smile and leans down to kiss him. He settles back and lifts his arms for her to snuggle against his side before dropping his arm, wrapping it around her body and holding her close. The family smiles and they chit chat, catching Han up on all he had missed while he was sleeping, which wasn't much. Han learns that After the shooting They had gotten their old cop buddy Luke Hobbs involved in the man hunt for Takashi, and he wasn't surprised to learn that the trail had unfortunately gone cold, Takashi seeming to vanish into thin air. He knew that he was too smart and cunning to get caught, he was probably already back in Tokyo hiding somewhere, pleased with himself for "Killing" Han. He shivers as a sliver of fear snakes through him. What if he found out that once again Han didn't die, He could only imagine the horror that would come around this time. The Feeling of Katie placing her head on his shoulder makes his fear slither back to the dark recesses of his mind and he mental shakes himself. knock it off Han, you're alive, with Family all around you, enjoy it. He thinks to himself. Just then Melina comes barging in, A McDonald's bag in one hand and a drink holder wobbling precariously in the other. Mia jumps up to help her and they pass around food for everyone, Cheeseburgers and Coke. Han practically drools as she hands him his food. Tearing off the paper he takes a huge bite, a moan of satisfaction escaping his lips, making everyone in the room burst into laughter. Dom almost chokes on his cheeseburger and shakes his head, clapping his friend on the shoulder.


"Now that was something I Never wanted to hear come out of your mouth." He says. Han just looks guilting up at him, swallowing the bite and wincing hard as the food scraps at his raw throat, making him taste a bit of blood. The family quiets down and munches on their food, Tossing jokes back and forward, laughing and hollering enjoying eachother's company. Han nibbles on his sandwhich, taking small bites and winces everytime. By the time he drank his Frappe his throat was screaming in pain, and the cool liquid of the frappe was a welcoming bliss, cooling down the pain. He takes small sips making it last. The family stays all throughout the day until Kathy comes in to sadly tell them that Visiting hours were over.


"But you are more then welcome to come back tomorrow." She says with a timid smile. The family sighs and taking turns say goodbye to Han. He was sad to see them go. Katie jumps down off the bed and stops Shawn before he can leave.


"Hey can you bring me home? I need to get a few things." She asks him.


"Sure I'll bring the car around." He says heading out with the others. She turns to Han and gives him a deep kiss.


"I'll be right back OK?" She says and he nods.


"Sure, and hey you can use my car if you want, so you don't have to keep getting rides." He says referring to His new Nissan GT-R, not as good as a skyline Bryan had said but close.  Katie Smiles and kisses him again before tearing herself away, finding Shawn sitting in his Rental Audi R8, She loved the car for the sheer fact that it was a sleek Black that when the sun hit looks like there was blue in the paint. Shawn was sitting in the drivers seat tapping his fingers on the steering wheel along to Kid Rock's song Bawitdaba His favorite song. She slides in and has to Scream over the music to be heard.


"SHAWN LETS GO! I WANT TO GET HOME AND BACK!" Shawn just nods his head showing he heard her and puts the car in gear. Katie settles into her seat and is pleasantly surprised when her brother tosses her the Ipod giving her control over the music. Flipping through his playlist she selects Wrong Side of Heaven from Five Finger Death Punch earning a smile from Shawn and the two sing along to it as he races through the dark streets. When they get to the house they get out and Shawn  sprawls out in the living room with the others, as she heads to her room, Grabbing a few clean clothes and other things, her pillow for one thing and her phone charger. When she was done she heads to Han's room and slips in, the smell of dust and the feeling of being empty for a while settles around her. She looks around, memories of them in here flashing through her mind. And the surprising thing was they no longer hurt her, they make her smile We did It Han, We made it. Going over to his Dresser she grabs Han's phone and charger and his keys. Running down the stairs she stops and gives her family a hug goodbye and heads to Han's car, racing back to the Hospital to her boyfriend.






Han wakes up in a cold sweat, a flash back of a gun in his face searing into his mind. His heart pounds, sounding like a herd of horses making his heart monitor Scream its piercing shrill, Debbie comes in with worry written all over her


"Mr. Chan are you alright?" She asks checking over his machines. Han tries to calm himself down and swallows a few times before answering.


"Ye-es I'm fine, just a nightmare." He says in a shaky breathless voice. Katie makes a sound in her sleep and snuggles against him closer, her hand gripping his tighter. The feel of her hand and her body near his makes the flashback vanish, her presence la soothing balm to his nerves. He rests his chin on her head and sighs closing his eyes and talking a few deep breaths.


"Let me guess, flashbacks?" Debbie says a small frown on her lips. He opens his eyes and looks at her with suprise.


"How did you know?" He asks. Debbie pats his arm.


"Its not uncommon for gunshot victims to have flashbacks or panic attacks about their ordeal. If you want I an give you a mild sleeping aid to help you sleep." She says. He looks at Katie and shakes his head.


"No its OK, just having her here will help. but thank you." He says noting the small frown and glare she gives Katie before leaving the room. Han shifts onto his right side, something The doctor said he could do,  and pulls Katie close to him her chest flush against his. She stirs and her eyes flutter open to look at him, a sleepy grin on her face. He looks down at her and kisses her forehead. "Hey angel. sorry if I woke you." He whispers. She sighs and snuggles closer to him, her nose burying into his chest. He slips his arms around her and runs his hand up and down her back making her sigh again in content. She kisses his chest making him shudder, a growl in his throat as it affects him in a way he didn't think he would ever feel again. "Stop," He whispers making her giggles and kiss him again, a moan escaping him. "Katie please, You heard the doctor earlier, No strenuous activities, keep that up and I might have to break that rule." He warns her. She just looks up at him with round puppy dog eyes.


"Can I kiss you at least?" She asks, her green eyes still giving him the puppy dog look. He chuckles and pulls her closer.


"You look so god damn sexy when you do that did you know that?" he says making her beam and blush at the same time. "And to answer your question" He dips his head and kisses her deeply, her small moan giving him access to slip his tongue in , tracing hers making her shiver before tearing away.


"Keep it up and I will demand you to break the rules." She warms him. He tightens his hold on her and shifts, trying to get comfortable. In a matter of minutes he was sleeping, holding her close as she watches him. His chest rising and falling evenly. She buries her face into his chest again and falls asleep to her favorite sound, the sound of his heart being strongly in his chest.

© 2015 Fenix Flight

Author's Note

Fenix Flight
Sorry Its so short, I orignially had it longer but something happened to my computer and I lost half my work.

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Added on April 27, 2015
Last Updated on April 27, 2015

Forbidden love


Fenix Flight
Fenix Flight

Kingdom Of Amythest, ME

Please Call me Fenix (Fen-nicks) (The FEN is pronouced the same way you would pronouce the FEN in Fenway) its more my name then the one I was given at birth. I wont put my life story here. You will se.. more..
