Chapter Forty-Nine: Fresh Starts

Chapter Forty-Nine: Fresh Starts

A Chapter by Fenix Flight



The Loud shrill of Han's Heart monitor finally tears them apart from eachother. Han looks up at her, his eyes weary.


" I shouldn't have done that, Twinkie." He breaks off his words as a coughing fit hits him, pain burning his throat as the couching strains his lung. Taking away his hand he sees speck of blood on his fingers. "Well f**k," He croaks out. Katie shifts on the bed and grabs the pitcher of water and glass that was on the bedside table, bringing it to his lips for him. He smiles and takes a small sip, wincing as the cool water hits and stings his throat. Resting his head back down he feels Katie curl back up to him as he closes his eyes,  her head resting on his chest and he moves his head so his chin was resting on the top of her head, slowly brings his arm around to hold her.


Just then a night nurse comes in, stopping in her tracks at the sight of Katie curled up next to him.


"Miss You can't be up there, please get down." She says sternly. Han Opens his eyes and moves his head toward the nurse, Her eyes widen. "Oh Oh You're awake! I'll get Dr Montgomery!" She stammers and rushes out of the room. Katie chuckles and looks at him.


"I think you just startled your nurse, that's not very nice." She teases, bringing her face to his and gently kissing him. Before she can deepen it he tears his mouth away, pushing her up with weak strength.


"No, we can't, I wont do this to Twink." He says. Katie just shakes her head, her hair tickling his chest. She looks down and runs her fingers across the bandage, shudders running through her as she remembers that night.


" Twink and I were the ones that found you, You were slumped against your bed, blood everywhere, You woke up for a few seconds and then-" She blinks hard trying to keep from crying, "And then you stopped breathing. I rode in the ambulance with you and Han you flatlined twice, Twice." She looks at him then, tears streaming down her face as raw emotions shone in her bright eyes.  The pain of almost losing him etched deeply on her face. He looks at her and putting his hand over hers he lifts it and places it on the smooth skin of his chest, right above his heart, its soft strong beats thumping under her hand.


"Do you feel that?" He whispers, she looks down at their hands and sucks in a shaky breath nodding. "I'm not flat lining now, I'm right here." He says


"I thought I was going to lose you." She whispers in a small voice.


"You wont ever lose me Katie, ever." She looks up at him and laces their hands together squeezing his strongly a silly grin spreading across her face when Finally he returns the pressure. "You and Twinkie?" She frowns and shakes her head.


"He said that he realized we would never work out, because my heart already belonged to someone else." She says, he tilts his head  a question in his eyes and hope in his heart. "IT belongs to You Han, It always has." He smirks up at her and tugging on their connected hands he doesn't stop or push her away when she kisses his lips again, the salt from her tears mixing in.


"Oh My, I see you're feeling much better." a voice says, a chuckle sounding. Katie pulls away and blushes, looking up at the doctor .Han turns around to see the doctor whose voice had filtered through the fog time and time again. "Hello Han, Its wonderful to see you awake. My name is Dr Montgomery, but as my patient you can call me Geoff." He says walking over to him. Katie moves to get off the bed but Han grips her with his little strength, refusing to let her go. Dr Montgomery sees the gesture and laughs. "Its quite alright Katie, you can stay there, as long as you do not pull any of his IV's, I'll let the nurses know." He says his eyes kind, making Han like him already.


"Are you the one who operated on me?" He says. Montgomery nods his head and taking out a small light he steps over to him, asking it it was OK that he checked his vitals and what not. Han nods, Trying hard not to blink when he flashes a little light in his eyes.


"Do you know your name?"


" Han Quinten Chan"


"DO you know what year it is?"


"I hope it's still 2015." He breaths a sigh of relief when he says yes.


"Alright, do you remember what happened?" Han stares at him as flashes of that night rear up in his memory making him wince, his body shaking and his heart monitor screams at them as his heart rate leaps with fear. Montgomery frowns and Katie just grips his hand harder pressing herself closer to him, and like that his nerves are soothed, the monitor slows it rapid beeping and goes back to the soft quiet beeps of a steady heart beat.


"Yes I remember,  I remember everything until I blacked out." He says through clenched teeth, he looks at Katie then up at his doctor. " Dr Montgomery, I mean Geoff, How long have I been out?" He feels Katie's body go rigid and alarm bells go off in his head. " How long?"


"Well we had to put you in an induced coma after your surgery, your heart was working overtime and your lung had collapsed, leaving it to weak to work on its own so we had to put a breathing tube in, that's why your throat is most likely raw and painful right now and" Han cuts him off


"Doc, Just tell me." He says.


"Han you were out for two and a half months," Katie whispers. His eyes widen as he sucks in a deep breath wincing at the stinging pain. Two and a half months?


"Well that's not as bad as I imagined, I was afraid years had gone by." He says trying to lighten the mood. "When can I go home?" He asks. Montgomery smiles a thin tight smile.


"That all depends on how well you're wound is healing, I was going to remove the bandages tomorrow to check, once that happens I can make a better assessment on when you should be discharged." He informs him.  Han Tries to sit up but gasps as pain slices into him, making his arm give out beneath him. Katie makes a squeak noise and helps him ease back down. Montgomery reaches under the bed for a remote. "I do not advise that you try to lift your body, you are still too weak for that, But here." He says handing him the remote. "This blue button with raise the bed so you can be in a sitting position and the red one will lower it back down." He explains, Han takes the remote and gently pushes the button, wincing in pain as the bed slowly lifts him into a semi sitting position, Katie scrambles to rearrange herself against him. "I'll inform Debbie your night nurse to put a mild sedative in your I.V to help with the pain, I'll be back to check you in the morning and remove the bandages." He says and goes to leave. Katie slips off the bed and runs out into the hall


"Wait Dr Montgomery." She says watching as the doctor stops and turns, waiting for her to catch up with him. When she does she smile at him and hugs him hard, startling him. "Thank you,  Thank you for everything," She says and quickly lets him go, rushing back to Han before the Doctor could say anything. He just stands there stunned before chuckling a happy smile on his face. He turns to head back to his office on the second floor, as the elevator doors close around him he smiles. It was Cases like that, family like that that made being an ER doctor worth it.


Katie slips back into the room and looks over at Han, who had discovered the TV remote and was now fiddling with it, trying to find something to watch on the small TV hanging on the wall. When he sees her though he drops the remote and opens his arms wide for her. She goes over and gently curls back up in his arms, sighing happily when he wraps them around her, kissing her forehead. She would never get tired of his, Of feeling his arms hugging her close. She shivers and curls up tighter, trying to keep out the chill that the Air conditioning created. Han senses her shiver and removes his arms, lifting his thin hospital blanket for her. She smiles and shimmies under it, giggling when he moans as she tangles her legs with his. She lifts her face and doesn't even had to lean to kiss him for he was already leaning down to places a long passionate kiss on her lips. She was just settling back down when Debbie, The nurse who had scolded her earlier comes back in, a needle in one hand making Han tense.


"You really shouldn't be up there." She mutters to Katie but doesn't make her get down before turning to his IV "Alright Mr Chan, I am going to place the mild sedative in the IV now, you might get the sensation of warmth flooding through you, don't panic its just a side affect of the sedative, nothing to worry about," She informs him as she carefully lifts the IV tube and slowly, so not to create an Air bubble, Injects the contents of the Needle into the tube. Han sucks in his breath as a few seconds later he feels that rush of warmth. Katie giggles and places a kiss on his cheek. Debbie frowns but doesn't say anything other then to Point to the wire that was attached to the bed with a black button on the end. "If you need anything, or" She flicks her gaze to Katie, "Anything goes wrong, press that and Myself or another nurse Kathy will come OK? Goodnight Mr Chan." She says and stiffly leaves the room. Katie laughing as she shuts the door.


"I don't think she likes it that you are allowed to bend the rules." Han teases her. he blinks rapidly as the sedative takes hold, "Woah that s**t works fast." He says as the affect make him loopy. He grabs hold of Katie and looks at her, wanting to tell her something before the drug hit him completely. "Katie there is something I want to ask you? Its going to sound very juvenile but I can't help it." He says looking at her seeing her frown.


"What? Whats wrong?" She asks. He takes her hand and places it once again over his heart, capturing it there as he looks her deep in the eyes.


"Kathrine Theresa Hendricks, Will you Finally Go out with me? and I mean really go out with me, no more sneaking around, no more hiding our feelings from everyone. I mean a real honest to god Relationship where you are Finally mine." He says, Tears of happiness spill down her cheeks and he watches her beautiful Green eyes widen, love true and real shining in her eyes. She bring her face close to his, her lips just barely touching his and he feels her breath against them as she gives him her answer.


"Yes Han, I will go out with you, I will be yours gladly." And she crushes her lips to his, making him moan in desire, his heart machine screaming angrily at him making him break the kiss in a breathless laugh. Katie stares at it giving it a death glare, "Stupid machine shut up, you'll bring Debbie the scowler back." She mutters, her won heart crashing in her chest.  Han laughs as he tries to calm his heart, Katie settles against him under the blankets and picks up the remote he had forgotten all about. Flipping through the channels they settle on an old Black and white movie. Katie looks at him with an amused Look.






"Shush you."  The drugs kick in fully and soon sleep is dragging him under.


He falls asleep to the sounds of the movie Young Frankenstein and the feeling of the girl of his dreams curled in his arms.








Shawn enters the Waiting room and heads to the Front desk, The man who was there smiles and goes back to his paper work. Shawn slips past the double doors and heads to the Elevator, just in time for them it to open and Doctor Montgomery steps off almost colliding into him. Shawn stretches out his arms and steadies the doctor so he doesn't fall, a laugh falling off his lips.


"That could have been bad, Ah Shawn are you going back up to check on Han?" He says, a happy note in his voice making him frown as he nods.


"Yeah I'm just coming by to bring more clothes for Katie, Figured she wouldn't want to be wearing the same clothes over and over." He says fixing the strap of a small duffel back that wasplaced on his shoulder. The Doctor smiles.


"Well then I shall get out of your way, See you tomorrow." He says and heads down the hall to his office, whistling some random tune. Shawn frowns as he watches the doctor close his door and shakes his head. Pressing the up button for the elevator the doors slide open and he steps in, His stomach dropping slightly as it shoots up three floors. He quickly exits and heads to room C12, stopping when he hears the mummer of the TV. He eases in and spots Katie curled up beside Han under the blanket. But that's not what makes his breath stop. It was the fact that Han's bed was raised slightly into a sitting position and his arm was wrapped firmly around his sisters body. he drops the bag and rushes over to his friend, not caring as he shakes him slightly.


"Han?" He hisses, wanting to see for himself that he was truly awake. Han Groans and his head lolls toward Shawn, his dark eyes blinking sleepily open to stare at him. Shawn whistles, putting his hands behind his head in shock. "S**t you really are awake." The twang in his voice making Han smile.


"Shh don't wake her." He slurs nudging Katie who makes a sleepy noise and shifts slightly. Shawn frowns at his speech. Han points to the IV. "Sedative, tired. talk tomorrow?" He says in halted speech, the meds kicking his a*s. Shawn laughs quietly and nods.


"Sure, I'll talk to you tomorrow." Han smiles and rests his head against Katie's again, making her smile in her sleep and reach out her hand, seeking his which he laces through  her fingers, within seconds he was asleep again. Shawn looks at them with a happy smile on his face. He slips out , taking his phone out of his pocket and dials Dom's Number. "Dom, yeah it's Shawn, Good news, Han's awake." he says heading down the hall to head back to the house.

© 2015 Fenix Flight

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Added on April 25, 2015
Last Updated on April 25, 2015

Forbidden love


Fenix Flight
Fenix Flight

Kingdom Of Amythest, ME

Please Call me Fenix (Fen-nicks) (The FEN is pronouced the same way you would pronouce the FEN in Fenway) its more my name then the one I was given at birth. I wont put my life story here. You will se.. more..
