![]() Chapter Forty-Five: In Plain SightA Chapter by Fenix Flight![]() Hiding in Plain SIght![]() Katie knocks sharply on Han's door, wiping her hands on her jeans as she waits for him to answer. His answer comes from the quiet sound of his door unlocking. Taking a deep breath she opens the door to find him Sitting back down at his desk, his feet propping up on it. She snickers when she spies the empty chip bag on the floor and the one that he currently had his hand in. He regards her with a quiet stillness that made her already shaken nerves jump to attention, her mouth going dry as she closes the door behind her and leans against it grateful for it supporting her weight. "What did you have to talk to me about?" He asks, tossing a chip in the air and catching it in his mouth with expertise.
" The same guy I told you about from the store came back in today, I managed to take a picture of him without him knowing." She says her voice sounding loud in the otherwise quiet room. Han drops his feet and pushes out of the chair, walking over to her as she takes her IPhone out, hitting the photo app and scrolling past pictures until she found the right one. "Ah here this is him." She says clicking on the picture. The picture was at an angle and she only caught a side view of his face. But it was enough. Han stares at the picture, as all color in his face drains away, from the corner of his eye he sees Katie look at him. "Do you know him?" She asks. He takes her phone from her and zooms in on the face, letting a shaky breath out, the phone dropping to the ground. "S**t Han! this thing was expensive." She says as she bents down to scoop it up. But Han doesn't take notice, his mind halting as a slow terror seeps into his bones. Without a word he spins on his heels and yanks open his door, heading to Shawn and Twinkie's shared room, barely hearing Katie calling after him. He pounds on the door. "Shawn open up! I need to talk to you." he says barely recognizing his own voice, it was shaking and showed his fear. A hand on his shoulder makes him jump to see Katie behind him with concern on her face. Before she has time to ask him what was wrong the door opens up to reveal Twinkie, rumpled , sleep still swimming in his eyes. He rubs an eye and looks at Han, his eyes sliding over to see Katie behind him, a frown turning his lips. "What's going on, babe is everything OK?" He says look between the two. Han tenses for only a moment at him calling her Babe but he pushes it aside. He pushes past Twinkie much to his surprise and flips on the light, spying Shawn sprawled on his bed, snoring soundly. He goes over and rips the blanket off of him making him yelp and shoot up in bed. "What the F**k Man?" He yells, "S**t." He says grabbing a pair of sweatpants when he sees Katie, Twinkie doesn't bother putting on anything and goes over to her, putting hishands around her waist and giving her a kiss on the cheek.
"Mind telling us what the hell is going on?" He says turning his attention to Han who was staring at them. Shawn collapses back on his bed and Twinkie tugs Katie over to his, letting her sit on his lap, all three training their eyes on Han. Katie Frowns and gets up going over to him. "Han what's wrong? You're shaking." She says putting her hand on his arm, making him realize just how badly he was shaking. He shakes his head and gives her a grim smile.
"Show them." Was all he needed to say for her to know what was scaring him. Without hesitation she takes her phone back out of her pocket and quickly finds the picture, showing it to her brother and boyfriend. Just like Han as soon as the face becomes clear theirs turn white as a ghost. "Now you know." Han whispers. Katie looks up at him and sees the terror he was trying to hide. "Guys who is this?" She asks looking between the three. They were giving eachother looks, conversing with only their eyes. Han stares at the other guys, pleading with them with his eyes to NOT get Katie involved, but he could see that The others want to, he hangs his head in submition making Katie look over to the others. "Guys?" "It's Takashi," Shawn says, anger flaring inside him, Katie just looks at him in confusion, but he falls silent, rage building in his eyes. Twinkie just sat motionless on the bed, staring at the floor, a look like he had tasted something too sour crossing his face. She looks back at Han to find him Staring at the picture, a look of undisguised Fear written all over his face. Putting two and two together she feels like her stomach drops from under her. As Han turns his dark eyes, shining in the light she sees he knew she knew, shaking his head slightly. "The Old D.K" She whispers, seeing Han shudder. Panic was in his eyes and almost without thinking she reaches out and hugs him Hard, "That man is D.K Isn't it?" She asks, raising her voice so the others can hear her. Han stands stock still, even when Katie hugs him, the shaking in his body only increasing when Katie realizes who it was. "Han?" She says, making him focus his eyes on her, from her intake of breath she could see the panic and terror he was trying so hard to hide. She takes a step back and turns to Twinkie who was watching the scene quietly, Han watches as both he and Shawn were trying to think of why he was there "Guy's why would he be here?" Katie asks in frustration. "He's here for me." Han says finally finding his voice, His knees almost giving out and he moves to lean against the window, grateful for its support. Three pair of eyes turn toward him and he gives them a small grimace. "Come on we all know it, He's here for me. I wounded his pride, he tried to kill me now almost six years later he finds out I survived, that's the biggest blow to his ego yet. besides you beating him in front of his uncle." He says, his fingers twitching making him wish he had brought his Doritos. He brushes his hair out of his eyes and turns to look out the window he was leaning against. Shawn lets out a shaky breath.
"Katie I don't think you should be working at that store anymore, I know it's Dom's and all but if Takashi knows you then he has to know Han is alive, we can't risk you getting hurt." He says turning to his sister to see a stubborn determination setting in her bright green eyes. "Katie what you planning." He asks in a weary voice making Han shoot a glance at her. She was sitting there on the bed so still an image of an angel statue flares in his mind. She flicks her eyes to him and because he knew her all to well he instantly knows what she is about to do. He pushes off the window at the same time she jumps off the bed and high tails it out of the room. "S**t Katie NO!" He yells. Twinkie springs off the bed.
"Whats going on?" He says and Han pushes past him. "She's going to Dom." Was all he says as he bolts out of the room, right behind her. He was close enough to her that he was able to snake an arm around her waist and pull her too him, making her wiggle against him as he presses her flush to his front. "Stop moving, you know what that does to me." He whispers in her ear knowing it would make her freeze, which it does. She lets him drag her back to the room, Shawn slams the door shut and stands in front of it. "If I let go will you try to bolt again?" He asks. she shakes her head, her hair soft against his neck. he drops her arms and she flops on the bed, Twinkie goes over to sit next to her, putting a comforting arm around her shoulders as she leans against him, giving Han a death glare. "Why?" She asks, crossing her arms. Han just looks at her. He sees her fear for him shining brightly in her eyes. She was afraid for him, afraid of what Takashi might do, not that he blamed her, he was terrified himself. Terrified that if he were to go up against him he might not make it out alive a second time. He opens his mouth to answer her but Shawn cuts in.
"If we get Dom involved than Bryan will get involved too then Lisa then Mia, and that's too many people at risk, its bad enough that you are involved. " He explains, looking at Han for confirmation. Han and Katie stare at eachother, both with a fierce determination in them. Han nods his head showing his support for Shawn's explanation. He watches as the fight dims from her eyes and she sags back against Twinkie who takes his arms away from her shoulders to put them around her waist in a comforting embrace. Han looks away, catching Shawn's raised eyebrow look. He just blinks at him and rakes a hand through his hair. Shawn Yawns and stretches.
"Look we are all tired, Why don't we talk about this tomorrow, or well later today." Twinkie suggests shooting a glance at the alarm clock that read three AM. Katie nods and gets up, going over to Shawn she wraps her arms him and gives him a sisterly hug, kissing him on the cheek making him chuckle. She gives Han one more look which conveys a message he instantly knows and he tilts his head, showing he understands. Then she was gone, letting Twinkie walk her to her room. Han goes to leave but Shawn shoots his arm out, blocking the doorway. He sighs and leans against the frame looking at his former friend. "We wont let him hurt you Han." Shawn says looking at him. Han gives him a weak smile.
"When Takashi wants something bad enough he always gets it, Its just a matter of When." was all he says as Shawn drops his arm back to his side letting him leave. He passes Twinkie muttering goodnight to him as he slinks back too his room. Inside he sees his chips laying abandoned on his computer desk, his appetite gone, the sight of them making him queasy. He walks over to them and tosses them in small wastebin under the desk before going to his dresser where his phone was quietly charging. He snatches it up and unlocking it he scrolls through his contacts until a name Leaps at him. Without hesitation he calls the number, putting the phone to his ear as it rings, waiting for it to be answered.
"I was wondering when you would call." A smooth confident voice says, Han could practically hear his smirk.
"Leave her Alone do you hear me."He growls, his rage boiling just under the surface. Takashi laughs. "Or what?" He taunts. "Or I will Make you Regret ever meeting me."
"You don't scare me Han, But if you are so worried about the b***h there is a way to keep her safe, too keep them all safe." Han paces his room, his free hand raking through his hair, fingers shaking with rage and terror. "I'm at the Holiday Inn, 6 miles from where you are." The phone call ends, the dial tone ringing menacingly in his ear. He makes a noise of frustration and throws his phone onto his bed. Putting his hands behind his head he paces from one end of the room to the other, his mind reeling. What should he do, he knows what Takashi wants, he wants him to go meet him, to give himself over. Dropping his hands he goes over to his closet and opens it, digging on the top shelf for his small duffel bag.
************** Katie pushes open Han's door, it was six in the morning and the sun was already glaring ,the heat blasting, she was grateful that Lisa and installed the Air conditioners the day before. She steps inside and spies Han sprawled on his bed, sound asleep. His sheet was strewn halfway on him showing his bare chest, one leg sticking out from it., a duffel bag was laying half empty and open on the floor next to him. Anger wells inside of her making her march over to his sleeping form and punch him in the chest. He shouts and shoots up, grabbing her wrist and yanking her across the bed. his eyes springing open. Katie scrambles off of him and back onto the floor, crossing her arms. She waits for him to sit up and swing his legs over the side of the bed, blushing , his toned stomach stretches in a way she had always loved. He drops his hands and gets up, going to his dresser for a shirt to throw on.
"What do I owe the pleasure of you smacking me for?" He asks his voice muffled as he pulls the shirt over his head. She glares at him.
"The list is long." She says making him laugh. He laughs, it dying quickly when he sees her anger. She points to the bag.
"oh" Was all he says "Oh? OH?" She fumes. "You're planning on turning yourself to him, without so much as a goodbye to anyone!" He goes over and grabs the bag, slinging the strap over his shoulder and chest.
"Yes I-" Katie smacks him in the face. He touches his cheek, and whirls on her. " As I was saying. Yes I WAS, as in pretense, as in NOT anymore." He says through gritted teeth. " I realized it was stupid. Takashi isn't going to get me, if he wants a fight he has to come to me." He says giving her a leveled look before going back to his dresser and putting away the clothing in the bag, tossing it under his desk when it was empty. " Why are you even here Katie?" He asks turning back around to find his room empty, he hadn't heard her sneaking away. He shakes his head and leaves his room, bounding down the stairs and heading to the living room, Lisa already there watching TV. "Mind if I join?" He says plopping on the couch. "What you watching?" He looks at the screen to see what looked like a Boxing ring, a big WE in the center. "Raw or Smackdown?" He asks leaning against the couch. "Smackdown" She says idly, not taking her eyes off the screen as two men, muscles bulging, enter the ring. Han wasn't a fan so he didn't know who the guys were. He sits and watches without really watching. Feet running down the stairs has them both looking over to see Katie and Twinkie running down. "Oui where are you two going in such a rush?" Lisa says a frown on her face. Katie stops short and gives her mother a smile.
"Well, Today is my twenty first birthday and Twinkie wants to take me on a full day date." She says smiling up at him, slipping her hand in his, their fingers lacing together.
"Just make sure you are back by five or Mia will throw a fit, she has your party all planned out." Lisa says going back to the wrestling match "Don't worry we'll be back for the party, I wouldn't miss Mia's cooking for the world, its so much better then Neela's" Twinkie says just as Shawn comes out of the kitchen with a breakfast hot pocket.
"She would kill you if she heard that." He says around a huge mouth full, "But I agree." Katie wrinkles her nose before going over to Lisa. She drapes her arms around her neck and hugs her, kissing the top of her head, before going back over to Twinkie and the two leave the house. "Katie wait up." Han says leaping off the couch. He grabs a set of keys out of the key dish and runs outside, the morning heat already uncomfortably hot. Katie turns and waits for him to catch up. He tosses the keys to her which she catches with ease. Looking down at them she looks up with a huge smile, to which he returns. " Those, are yours its a spare, take it for a ride when ever you want, I trust you." He says as her smile widens, with a squeal she gives him a huge hug making him laugh, his heart constricting when the disire to kiss her flares inside him. she lets go, "Happy birthday Katie." He says and heads back up to the house, the sounds of Lisa cursing in Spanish filtering to him. "What car are those to?" Twinkie asks. Katie turns to him and takes his keys from him, dropping into the driver seat and waits for him to get in. "It's Han's Drifting car, I think I told you about it once." She says starting the car and soon they were zooming off to the Garage, Her excitement pounding inside her.
"Wait the Mazda? He gave you the keys to his Mazda?" Twinkie says, jealousy in his voice as Katie yanks the sheet off the car. Her eyes caress the car, In the three years since she left she had missed driving this baby. "You know he still loves you right?" her eyes fly up to Twinkie's a blush on her face.
"Yeah, but it doesn't matter, he had his chance and he blew it, I'm tired of being pushed away." She says going over to his side and wrapping her arms around his waist smiling up at him, "Plus I've got you, so much better." She says kissing him gently on the lips, "Now are we going to jump on this perfect opportunity to Drift in a kick a*s car or what?" she says against his lips making him smile and kiss her back with sudden passion.
"Lets go birthday girl." He says. She breaks away from him and jumps in the driver side as he slides into the passengers. "You know I never got to ride in his other one, this thing is sweet." He says checking it out, admiration in his voice. she laughs.
"Not better then your monster though right?" She teases He looks at her and shakes his head. "Nothing is better then my Monster." He says making her laugh harder. She steps on the gas, the engine revving, the steering wheel vibrating under her hands as they shoot out of the garage, heading to the Base and the runway. What they didn't notice was the black 2006 Nissan 350z tailing them from a safe distance, watching them like a hawk. © 2015 Fenix Flight |
Added on April 21, 2015 Last Updated on April 21, 2015 Author![]() Fenix FlightKingdom Of Amythest, MEAboutPlease Call me Fenix (Fen-nicks) (The FEN is pronouced the same way you would pronouce the FEN in Fenway) its more my name then the one I was given at birth. I wont put my life story here. You will se.. more..Writing